[Undertale] Blood and Dust - 2

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Sans had no idea what was going on anymore. It was a terrible feeling that he wasn't used to. At least, not anymore. Because of the RESET's, Sans had gotten used to knowing close to everything that was going on in the Underground. And while at first he hated it, Sans ended up practically using it as a security blanket, a safety net.

However, a couple of RESET's ago, someone started pranking the human. At first, Sans didn't really mind it, even having a good laugh at some of the things that started happening. But then the 'pranks' started being less and less fun, and more and more harmful to the human, sometimes even outright killing them. It had to be someone who knew and remembered the RESETs, because the... trap was different with every RESET. Sans tried to figure out who was doing it, wanting whoever it was to stop. He doubted Flowey was the one doing it. Flowey liked LV and all that, but he wasn't that fond of torture. Not to mention that Flowey is a lot more straightforward, he wouldn't use traps.

As Sans was attempting to figure out who was the one doing it, Flowey popped up before him, stopping him in his tracks.

"what do you want flowey? i'm busy right now." Sans drawled, moving around the flower.

"Huh~ then I guess that you don't want to know who the one making all those traps is!" Flowey smirked at him. Sans wasn't in the mood for Flowey's mind games and went to yeet it away with a bone attack, however he stopped before even summoning the bone. Flowey looked... terrified, for the lack of a better word. The usual smug smirk was nowhere to be seen. But the only person, or thing, that Sans knew that made Flowey afraid, was a Genocidal Frisk.

"you know who's causing them?" Sans questioned Flowey.

"Of course I know who's causing them! I wouldn't have sought you out otherwise!" Flowey snarled at him.

"well then?" Sans asked impatiently, "who is it? i'm supposed to meet with papyrus in a moment, so hurry up."

Sans immediately noticed that Flowey seemed to pale when he mentioned his brother. Flowey took a deep breath, and then told him: "It's Papyrus."

"what? what did you just say?" Sans asked in disbelief "did you just say that my brother is behind the constant murder and torture of the human? my brother doesn't even know about the RESET's, it's impossible for him to do this."

"I'm telling you, it's Papyrus! He always remembered my RESET's, and he remembers all of Frisk's too!" Flowey scowled at him "If you don't believe me, then CHECK your brother! He has been dusting Monsters a lot too, so he should have LV."

Sans shook his skull and walked behind a tree to shortcut to Waterfall.


Sans and Papyrus had agreed to meet at the bench in Waterfall, the one where Sans had hidden a quiche underneath. Sans walked towards it and sat on the bench, waiting for Papyrus. He had arrived a bit early to take a nap. But for once, he had a hard time falling asleep, Sans was thinking about Flowey's words. He doubted that he was telling the truth, but... a simple CHECK wouldn't hurt, would it? Sans hadn't CHECK'ed his brother since the fifth RESET...

Sans' CHECK was different from other Monsters, which was the reason that he was the Judge. When a Monster CHECK'ed someone, they used general white magic, HOPE magic. That made one's Name, HP, ATK, DEF, and some general INFO. The INFO part could be edited by the Monster being CHECK'ed... sometimes. Very few Monster could manipulate their own INFO. Healers used green magic, KINDNESS magic, and were able to see EFFECTS. EFFECTS showed positive and negative things that were influencing the one being CHECK'ed, things like depression, illness etc. show up in that CHECK, some Monsters call it a SCAN.

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