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It was easy for the Council to plan an Ambush.

A little too easy, but they weren't gonna be complaining! Less work was fantastic for the many Sans type skeleton's, especially since even the work that WAS put in, wasn't by them but by the skeletons in charge. Dream, Ink and Stretch. Blue had been pushed aside and it had been discussed to not tell the swap Sans about the Ambush.

The plan itself was very easy too. Ink would create an empty AU, nothing in it, and they would wait within it for the Destroyer to appear since it seemed that the glitching skeleton went after newer AU's first.

Ink, of course, was very opposed to this plain.

He absolutely refused to create an empty AU. Thus, a compromise was reached among the trio and he would create a basic AU, the bare minimum, and without any Monsters in it.

They didn't seem to realize that Humans weren't covered within the compromise, so the AU would certainly have many humans, and even animals, roaming around. But they only cared about the Monsters.

Anyway, you Readers aren't here to listen to me ramble about Ink'sdeviousness, but about the plan of the Council

The plan went off without any problems at first, like most plans, the middle or the end was most of the times the problem. Surprisingly enough, however, the plan didn't even fail during the middle.

They had gotten the Destroyer right where they wanted, and even managed to rush him fast enough and with enough numbers that he was overwhelmed and was quickly pushed down to his knee.

What they didn't know was that the only reason their plan had worked was because the Destroyer had a hard time seeing which of those that attacked him were from the Original AU's and which were from the numerous copies that existed, and not wanted to kill any of the OG's, he had been forced to attempt to put them all out of commission, which was easier said than done with how many Sans' had appeared.

Error had been forced down to one knee by the attacks, he was trying to find a way to get out of this situation, however the AU appeared to have locked itself behind him, not allowing anyone to portal out and escape, bar those that had put the barrier there to begin with. Error, of course, would've been able to crack it, however it would've taken some time and that was time he didn't have.

He resigned himself to the pain that would surely follow, his inability to die allowing him to feel every bit of it, and his glitches making it more painful than it should. The Council had managed to kill him plenty of times, though he always respawned back in the Anti-Void.

Right before anyone could move towards him to start attempting the final bit of their plan to kill him, a shockwave went through the AU.

Many Council members promptly lost their balance and fell to the ground, those that didn't fall flat on their face managed to land somewhat on their knees or hands, Dream fell down to one knee while Ink managed to remain standing by leaning onto Broomy. He immediately tried to locate where the shockwave came from, since he had been staring at Error and saw that he hadn't anything to do with it.

He wasn't able to see anything and after looking in all directions, Ink turned to Dream, his right eyelight having been turned into an upside-down question mark.

Dream stood up with a sigh and rolled his shoulders before trying to feel for what might have caused it. He frowned as he felt an angry force slamming its way against the barrier Sci had put up. Just as he turns to Ink to tell him his findings, the angry force seemed to... faze through the barrier and heading directly towards them.

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