Chapter 6: The Plan to stop DR.Klaw.

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It was pretty surprising to see Barkingburg castle in its current state. The normally beautiful and vibrant palace was now reduced to a glum, dull fortress built in Dr. Klaw's image. Banners of Klaw were placed around the walls, the windows now had stained-glass images of Klaw and his shovel Sally, and there was even a statue of Klaw in the fountain in front of the castle. Exactly how a flip of Klaw's machine was able to do this was anyone's guess, but it made one thing certain - Klaw must be stopped.

And that's exactly what the PAW Patrol was doing. The group's first line of offense - Tracker, Everest, Skye, Chase, and Rocky - were standing outside the entrance to the throne room. Peeking inside, they could see Klaw and his cronies marching around the machine, guarding it and preparing for the pups.

"I don't know but I've been told," Dr. Klaw sang.

"I don't know but I've been told," Scratch repeated.

"GUH-UH-UH, GUH-UH-UH-UUUUH!" Gorge followed.

"Pesky pups are gonna be old!" Klaw followed.

"Ssssire," Scratch said. "What ssssensssse doessss 'pessssky pupssss are gonna be old' make?"

"Shut up," Klaw barked. "I'm the leader, so I make the song. Besides, it had to rhyme."

The pups then huddled up, coming up with a plan for their distraction.

"Man those cats are stupid," Rocky commented.

"So how are we gonna do this?" Skye asked.

"We're gonna need to get those cats away from the throne room," Chase explained. "One of us is gonna need to get their attention, and then they're gonna run after us. Then, we spit."

He then looked at Everest. "You'll run down that hallway over there," Chase said as he pointed to the large hallway at the end of the hall. The German Shepherd turned to Tracker and Rocky. "The three of us will be going down the other hallway."

"What about me?" Skye asked.

"You're gonna use your wings to fly out the window," Chase answered.

"Gotcha," the Cockapoo responded. "So... who's gonna get them to chase us?"

"Rock Paper Scissors?" Rocky suggested.

"But we have paws," Everest responded. "We can only do paper."

"How about Eenie Meenie Miney Mo?" Skye asked.

"I've got it amigos," Tracker said. "I'll use my cables to get up to the ceiling and get the cats over here. Then we move."

"OK," Chase said. "Just give us the signal when we should get to chasing."

"Si," the Chihuahua yipped. Being the smallest of the group, and thanks to his new Mission PAW camouflage feature that allowed him to blend with his surroundings, Tracker was unseen by Klaw and his minions. It was a little strange, standing right in front of the enemy, but he didn't back down. Using his cables, he grabbed onto a nearby chandelier on the ceiling and hung up there for some time. He turned back, as his four teammates watched from the side of the doorway nodded. Now was time to make some noise, something Chihuahuas were rather known for!

So Tracker barked. He barked loud enough for the cats to get his attention, and he didn't stop barking for awhile. Klaw turned around to see the commotion behind him, and saw a pup hanging from the ceiling. Knowing he got the cats' attention, he got down and darted for the throne room's entry.

"That's a PAW Patrol pup!" Klaw exclaimed.

"And he'ssss brought friendssss," Scratch added.

"AFTER THEM!" the doctor commanded as he, Scratch, and Gorge chased Tracker. The pup darted through the hallway with the other PAW Patrol pups as they took their assigned directions; Everest went one way, Chase, Rocky, and Tracker went the other, and Skye flew out the window.

"They ssssplit," Scratch said.

"I know that!" Klaw angrily yelled as he grabbed Sally. "You two take the pups that went through the hallways - I've got the flying one!"

"GUH!" Gorge saluted as he darted left.

"Yessss ssssire," Scratch said as he darted right.

Now alone, Klaw looked at Sally's face (that he definitely did not draw with permanent marker). Oh how beautiful she was. He didn't think he could find himself a more beautiful mate. And just as soon as this "PAW Patrol" issue was resolved, they'd rule over the world as king and queen.

"Alright my love," Klaw said as he pushed a button on Sally. "It's showtime!"

Sally's top opened up, revealing a propeller. It began to spin, taking Klaw into the air. That Cockapoo may have thought she was safe, but little did she know Klaw could fly too. Using Sally, he propelled himself out the window and charged at Skye, who was flying as fast as her turbo thrusters could take her.

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