Chapter 10: Final Words to Sweetie.

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In what almost seemed like seconds, the scenery now-destroyed castle faded into a hospital. Sweetie was severely damaged - one look at her from Marshall's x-ray almost made him burst in tears. Almost every bone in her body was broken, smashed by the pillar. They all realized that Marshall's supplies would not be enough - they needed some professional help. They all piled into the Air Patroller and took off for Adventure Bay to get Sweetie to the hospital. All the pups were crowding around their fallen friend, hoping that she would get through this. It was not a good feeling. Not at all.

But what felt even WORSE was sitting in the waiting room.

The PAW Patrol, the princess, and Earl all took their seats in the waiting room, anxious to hear what the doctors had to say about Sweetie's condition. It wasn't good at all, but she would pull through it. She had to. The pups were definitely scared. Some, like Chase, tried not to show it, however hard it was, but others like Skye and the princess were openly sobbing about it. The anxiety was eating everyone alive; would Sweetie pull through this? They had to know. And they had to know NOW.

As if on cue, a doctor came through the doors. Complete silence fell the room. Weather he had good or bad news, everyone stayed quiet to listen.

"I am sorry to say this," the doctor began. "But... we tried everything we could. This is beyond what we could do."

Everyone gave the doctor blank stares. This had to be a nightmare. It just HAD to be!

"We think it would be best for all of you to..." the doctor said. MAN he hated being the bearer of bad news. "Say your final goodbyes before we take her off life support. I'm very sorry."

Everyone still remained silent. No sobs, no whimpers, just silence.

"Let's go, pups," Ryder commanded. "Let's... say goodbye to Sweetie."

"Alright, come now your majesty," Earl said as he helped the princess to her feet. "I know this will be hard for you but..." his words trailed off.

It took a while, but everyone had reached Sweetie's room. There lied the Westie Terrier in her bed. Tubes were going through her body, a breathing mask was placed on her, and she was covered in bandages. The room itself was fairly organized - a blue wall with a table and sink. However, the pups had no time to admire the hospital room. They had gone through vigorous training to get where they were, but now it was time for their biggest, hardest challenge of all.

Saying goodbye.

Everyone gathered around Sweetie's bed. It wasn't a pretty sight. They still couldn't believe it - their helper and friend was not going to make it. It pained them all to realize this was the last time they would ever see Sweetie. Not even stoic Chase could hide his tears anymore.

The princess was the first to speak.

"Sweetie," she said through her sobs. "Though you may have done things un-unfitting for a p-p-princess, you were still the b-best pet anyone could ever h-h-h-have..." she couldn't hold back the tears anymore. She sobbed into The Earl's coat.

"I should probably take her o-outside," Earl said, holding back tears himself. "I'll leave the rest of you to..." his words trailed off again as he took the princess out of the room.

Now it was just the PAW Patrol and Sweetie. They all stared at each other, tears in their eyes, but they all could agree that Sweetie was a changed pup. Though she had committed actions such as stealing the royal throne, it was somewhat good to know that deep down Sweetie had a heart of gold.

"Sweetie," Chase began. "We know that we've had our differences, but today you showed that you were a brave pup."

"Y-yeah," Marshall said through teary eyes. "Y-you helped us stop D-Dr. Klaw from t-t-taking over the world."

Everest sniffled. "And y-you sacrificed yourself f-for the princess. I-I know I would do the same for J-J-Jake if I was in that castle with him."

"M-me too," Tracker said between sobs. "If I was th-there with Carlos, I would have pushed him out l-like she did."

It was now clear that the pups were far too sad to go on, so Ryder continued.

"Sweetie," he began. "I don't know what you would call all of this, but out here... we call it being a hero. You may have done things that you weren't supposed to do, but today you have shown yourself to be better than that. That under that fur is a big heart that cares."

Ryder slid his arm across his nose, choking back his tears. He needed to be strong to say his last words to her.

"I... I would be proud to call you a PAW Patrol member."

Silence filled the room. All the pups just stared at their now-fallen friend. This was really it. Sweetie was going to die, and nothing could be done about it. If there was anything that could be said, it's that she at least showed her good side before her time came.

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