Chapter 8: The Deal.

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Using Sally, he popped the buoy and with a swift swing of his shovel fiancée knocked the machine back into place. From behind them, Gorge and Scratch entered the doorway to the throne room, carrying the other pups. Chase, Rocky, and Tracker were tied to a chair with rope, and Everest was somehow stuck in a knight's helmet. They all had their gear missing as well; Everest even lost her Christmas hat, exposing her rather white forehead.

"So you must be the fabled PAW Patrol I heard about," Dr. Klaw greeted. "I must say, this little plan you had was impressive - sending half your troops to distract us while the other half put a stop to our operation. A cunning plan, and I know cunning. But you must know, Dr. Klaw is the KING of cunning."

"We won't let you get away with this," Ryder protested.

"Oh I already have," the cat said as he continued to hold Skye. Chase noticed that not only was her gear missing, she also had scratches all over her body, as well as a tear-stained face. It was clear she was hurt.

"What did you do to her!?" Chase demanded, concerned about his Cockapoo friend.

"Oh, her?" Klaw asked as he dangled Skye around. "Oh, just gave her the old-fashioned one-two. To think that her weak little wings could keep up with my knowledge."

"You monster..." Marshall muttered in shock. He didn't know Klaw was THIS evil.

"Now then," Klaw began. "We all have had our little fun here, so I would like to escort all of you out. Go on, shoo."

Ryder was about to say something, but the princess beat him to the punch. "Barkingburg and the rest of the world shall NEVER surrender to the likes of you!"

"Listen to what you're saying your majesty," Klaw replied. "Me and my cronies have bested your PAW Patrol heroes. If THEY couldn't defeat us, then who can?"

"We don't give up!" Ryder protested.

"Yes," Zuma agreed. "We are the PAW Patrol. And the PAW Patrol NEVER gives up!"

"Are you so sure about that?" Klaw asked. "How about a little wager?"

"What wager?" Ryder asked.

"THIS wager," Klaw said. Pushing another button on Sally, it converted his shovel companion into a knife. He then held it against Skye's throat, who screamed in terror through the tape on her mouth. The others also gasped in terror; Scratch and Gorge were somewhat shocked that their leader would go this far as well.

"Here's the deal," the doctor explained. "You surrender and become our prisoners and let us rule the world, this pup - Skye was it? - goes Scott free. If you still wanna stop us from world domination, well, let's say this pup will need to retire early.

"You wouldn't dare!" the princess said in shock.

"You, PAW Patrol, must make a choice;" Klaw said again. "Either let me be your ruler, or it's lights-out for your friend!"

Ryder sighed in defeat - he knew he lost. Yes, he and the pups could still try to stop Klaw, but it was too risky. If one of them made a move to attack, he'd slit Skye's throat and she'd almost certainly die. Marshall's medic kit wasn't equipped to fix damages like that. The doctor was right, he really did have to make a choice. It was a lose-lose situation, but he eventually found an answer.

"Let her go," Ryder sighed in defeat. This shocked the other pups, even Skye.

"I'm glad you see it my way," Klaw said as he tossed the Cockapoo towards Ryder. She was scrambling to get to her friends, regardless of how much it hurt. It left a sour taste in everyone's mouth Klaw went to such lengths, especially Chase.

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