Chapter 7: The PAW Patrol Defeated?

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Not even a few seconds after the whole chase began, Marshall creaked open the castle doors. The Dalmatian sighed in relief once he noticed that the coast was clear. He opened the doors fully, allowing Rubble, Zuma, Sweetie, and Ryder in. Phase 1 was complete, now it was time for Phase 2; rescuing the princess and Earl, as well as disabling Klaw's machine.

Once all three made their way to the throne room, Marshall and Rubble raced to the cell the Princess and Earl were in. The English Bulldog began looking through his tools to find something to break the bars with, while the Dalmatian got out his medic pack.

"Oh, thank heavens, we're being rescued," Earl sighed in relief.

"I cannot thank you enough," the princess followed.

"No thanks is needed," Marshall said. "Lemme just see if you guys are damaged." He pulled out his x-ray to examine the princess and Earl, happy to see they weren't damaged.

"You two are OK," Marshall happily cheered. "Now Rubble, we just need to get you out of here and-"

The Dalmatian was interrupted by Rubble trying to cut open the bars with his buzzsaw. It was rather dangerous, so it was only given to him on Mission PAW rescues. Even so, Rubble almost never used it. It was for this reason everyone was so startled by the screeching sound of the blade cutting through metal bars.

"RUBBLE," Marshall called while covering his ears. "CAN'T YOU USE A QUIETER TOOL?"

"WHAT!?" Rubble asked, unable to hear Marshall over the sound of his buzzsaw.


"I CAN'T HEAR YOU," Rubble replied. "IT'S TOO LOUD!"

In no time at all, Rubble's buzzsaw managed to cut through the cell's bars, freeing the princess and Earl. Rubble then put his buzzsaw away, happy with his work.

"What were you asking?" The English Bulldog asked.

"Never mind," Marshall replied.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the throne room, Zuma was getting into position to use his buoy launcher and drag Klaw's machine off the throne room. No one knew if the machine was safe to touch, so Ryder decided to take extra precautions. Sweetie was right beside Zuma, waiting for the machine to reach her so she could use Busby to disable it.

"Remember Zuma," Ryder said. "Try to get this on the first try. The rest of the pups can't stall the cats forever."

"Got it, dude!" Zuma saluted. Carefully aiming, he shot his buoy towards the machine. It was pretty far back, but it managed to latch onto it perfectly.

"Bull's eye!" the Chocolate Labrador cheered.

"OK," Sweetie said. "Now pull it over. Once Busby disables it, Klaw and his cronies will be no more."

Zuma then began reeling the buoy, carrying the machine with it. It fell off the throne and hit the steps below, but it didn't seem too damaged. This was it! Once Sweetie got Busby into that machine, Klaw would be defenseless. He would have no way of ruling the world, and he'd definitely be brought to justice. All Zuma needed to do was reel the machine to Sweetie. They all thought this was easy!

Oh, but how wrong they were...

From above, Dr. Klaw crashed through the ceiling and landed square on the machine, with Sally in one hand and a Skye, with duct tape on her mouth, in the other. Her helmet and Pup-Pack were also missing. The pups, Ryder, princess, and Earl all gasped.

"You lost, pups!"

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