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Night is here. The stars are in the sky, shining brightly as ever. I count six stars that are brighter. My sacrifices. I smile. Everything is coming in place.

With my trusty duffle bag on my shoulder I walk up to the house and knock twice. I wait awhile before hearing footsteps approach and the door opens, revealing Dr. Peter Rogers. RSA's resident councilor.

His brown hair is unkempt, he's dressed in a grey pajama top and pants to match. His expression is one of confusion and annoyance.
"Yes?" He asks, obviously irritated with the situation.

I smile sheepishly and scratch the back of my neck. "Sorry but my jackass of a friend ditched me a block back and ever since I've been knocking on doors to use their phone to call a taxi. So far you're the only person that's answered my knock. Can I use your phone to call my taxi?" I smile sheepishly again.

He looks me over, barely recognizing me in my all black attire with my duffle bag. He rolls his eyes, let's out a sigh and opens the door further.

I enter and shut the door behind me. Inside the doorway still I look around. The entire place is like green. Carpet, walls, hell picture frames. All green.

I turn my head into the living room where he went. The couch is-what do you know-green. I watch as he goes to the table to grab his phone charging on top of it.

As he's doing that, I walk close to the fireplace. Close to the poker. With my eye still on him, I lift out the poker and wield it in both hands. When he turns around, I swing and catch him in the side of the head. He stumbles before grabbing the poker, trying to wield it away from me.

I let one hand go of the poker and punch him in the side of his face. He let's out a yell and let's go of the poker. I kick him in the stomach. I begin hitting him with the poker all over. Ignoring his begging, ignoring his pleas and cries. I beat him until he's unconscious.

Breathing heavily, I let the poker drop to the floor with a thud. I set my duffle bag down on the couch before bending down and grabbing him by the ankles, pulling him to the closet.

I open it and then drag him by the armpits into it. I walk out, leaving the door open. I go over to my duffle bag and pull out a can of gasoline. I start dousing the entire place. I go back over to the closet and douse Dr. Rogers until the can is empty.

I drop the can with a thump before reaching into my pocket and pulling out a pair of matches. I go back into the living room to grab my duffle bag. I reach the porch, and standing in the open doorway I strike a match.

I watch the reddish orange of the flame flicker in the air before dropping it onto the floor. The flame quickly covers the floor and in a whoosh! The entire house is in flames.

I hike my duffle bag on my shoulder and walk down the block four houses down to my next victim. I head over to the bushes and pull out a small black remote with a button on it.

I look at the house riddled with explosives that I set up in advance a week before. I know Brandon is alone in the house. That his parents are at a dinner party.

I stand on the sidewalk, hearing the sirens in the distance. Out of the corner of my eye I see a firetruck pull up to Peter's house and that's when I push the button.


The house explodes and I'm already running down the block and around the corner to my car. As I drive away I see firefighters standing  in front of Brandon's and Peter's house with a look of shock and horror etched onto their faces. Police sirens wail into the night. Neighbors come out of their houses and onto the sidewalks desperate to see the commotion.

Proud of myself and my handiwork, I pull my gaze away from the review mirror and onto the road, driving into the darkness of the night.

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