Chapter 6: Deja Vu

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What's that noise?  What's wrong with my head? I try to bring my hand up to rub my temple but I only manage to lift it an inch off the bed before lowering it back down.

I pry my eyelids open, only to close them immediately once I'm hit with bright lights. Extremely bright lights. A smell hits me, a chemical sort of smell. It smells like....disinfectant. I take a good sniff. Yeah, definitely disinfectant.

My first thought is: Oh hell no, I'm in a fucking hospital! After I TOLD them no. My second thought is: I hope Tress is okay.

"Huntress? Sweetie can you hear me?" Dad?  "Open your eyes if you can okay?". I turn my head to the left,  towards the sounds to his voice. I feel a warm hand grip mine.  " Hey sis." Hunter. His voice sounds thick with emotion, we both know what its like to be on the other side of the bed, hoping, praying. I open my eyes to see his face.  He has dark circles under his eyes and worry lines. As does my Dad. 

I sit up with my brother's help. "I'll go get the doctor" he jogs out the room, leaving me and Dad alone. I get a good look at him. His clothes are rumpled and he seems tense. "How long have I been here?" my voice sounds hoarse. I wish I had some water. " A couple of hours. Its 9 pm. We got you here at 2. What happened? Your brother and that boy said you fainted".

My eyes go wide as I remember Maddox. "Was he here?" I ask. My dad nods his head. "Yes. He stayed until around 7:30 when visiting hours ended". I'm about to speak with Hunter returns back with a female doctor.

"Huntress, glad to see you're finally awake. Gave us quite a scare there. My name is Dr. Baird. How are you feeling?" she crosses her arms, a determined and concerned expression on her face.

" I'm okay. The back of my head hurts a little but I guess that's what happens when you faint on concrete. How long am I gonna be here?" I ask her.

A smile adorns her face. " Well, your vitals seem fine and there doesn't seem to be any head not too long. Just overnight. You'll be able to go home sometime tomorrow". She turns her attention on my dad and brother. "As for you two, you both should return home. Don't worry, she'll be in good hands here" she smiles.

Dad wrings his hands together and glances at me worriedly. Hunter places his hand on Dad's shoulder. "Don't worry dad, she'll be fine. Come on, lets go home". But he looks even more worried than Dad. Dad relents and they both hug me goodbye and leave. After checking that again, everything is all right the doctor leaves too.

"Tress?" I whisper in the now silent room. My shadow appears on the wall. I can feel the worry coming off of her. Or is it mine?. "Are you okay?".

My shadow begins to do cartwheels and back flips on the wall, showing that she is indeed okay. I laugh softly which soon turns into a yarn. "I'm glad you're okay" I whisper and settle down onto my bed and fall asleep.

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