5. oh my god, did you kiss?

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The Canadian boy walked into his home with a big smile on his face. "Where did you go?" Luke asked sitting in the living room with one leg crossed over the other and his hands pressed together.

"What the hell man! Were you sitting in the dark this whole time?" Shawn asked concerned for his cousin.

"Nah, I just heard your bike and thought it would be funny" Luke said laughing making Shawn roll his eyes at him. "Why the fuck are you wet" he asked staring at the Canadian.

"Doesn't matter" Shawn replied trying to walk away from the conversation. "Come on, what did you do, fall into the ocean?"

Shawn raised his eyebrow at him, he wasn't really wrong, he thought to himself. "You disappeared at the party, you left me with Tony, I fucking can't stand him."

"Neither can I" The Canadian replied "he's always going on about some girl, just shut the hell up and find someone else!" Luke shouted making his cousin laugh.

Shawn left the room as Luke continued to talk about the conversation he had with Tony.


"Where did you go during the party?" Emmy asked once Camila walked into the cafe. "I went home" The Cuban replied putting on her apron "estúpida, that's not what I meant!" Emmy shouted as Camila laughed.

"I went to the beach to cool off" she said trialing off "and what about the boy?" The Puerto Rico girl asked curiously. "You mean Shawn, well he joined me" Camila answered.

"Wait, What! What did you guys do?" Emmy asked becoming excited "nothing much, we just talked on the beach."

We also danced stupidly, went into the water fully clothed, he took me home on his motorcycle and kissed.

Camila thought to herself, but she didn't need to know everything. "I know you're holding back on me! Just tell me!" Emmy said "I don't kiss and tell" The Cuban said before walking away.

"Oh my god, did you kiss!"

"You sure you don't need help?" Emmy asked Camila before grabbing all of her things. "Yeah, I got this" The Cuban replied referring to her closing shift.

Usually Emmy would help her, but Camila has other plans. "Okay, if you're sure, I'll see you tomorrow" The Puerto Rican said before walking out of the cafe.

"Bye!" Camila called after her. After her friend had left, she heard the sound of a motorcycle engine. She quickly ran to the front of the cafe to see the Canadian boy getting off his bike.

She smiled at him opening the door letting him into the cafe. "I was starting to think you wouldn't show up" Camila spoke. "Well, I was thinking about it, would I rather hang out with a cute girl or by myself?"

"You think I'm cute?" The Cuban questioned making him laugh "more than that" He responded.

She let out a giggle before speaking again "you can sit and I'll clean up the place real quick and then we can leave."

The girl began to wipe down tables and place chairs on to the tables. "Do you need help?" Shawn asked "no, I'm almost done anyways" she said placing the last chair down.

The Cuban locked the cash register and pushed the stools under the counter. "Okay, I'm done now, what do you want to do now?" She asked walking over to the booth he was sitting in.

"Whatever you want to do" Shawn answered "I have a few ideas.." she said trialing off getting into the booth.

She placed her hand on his shoulder bringing her self up to his level. "And what are those ideas?" He asked "wouldn't you like to know" she replied pressing her lips against his.

He placed his hands on her hips trying to pull her closer to him as she pushed him against the wall running her fingers through his hair.

The kiss became more intense and passionate, they both pulled away trying to catch their breaths. Soon after Shawn began to kiss her neck, the tiny brunette bit her lip trying to keep quite.

"D-do you wanna go back to your place?" She managed to say.

She hadn't been with a boy in a while, especially one she had just met. When she was younger she learned don't hook up with a boy that you like right away.

Right now Camila didn't care at all, she would even be happy if he didn't want to see her again after this.

"We can't, my cousin is there, yours?" The Canadian asked pulling away "my family's home" she replied looking down at him.

"Wanna go for a ride?" Shawn asked the tiny brunette nodded her head getting up from the booth.

"What are we still doing here?"

"What are we still doing here?"

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What's up! I'm back!

Guess who's gonna see Spider-Man Far From Home again!! Me, cause we love Tom Holland in this home. I should write a fanfic about Spider-Man lmaoo

Anyways enjoy this chapter!

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