9. "That obviously I want to hook up with you."

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"We're getting out of here!" The Canadian shouted over the loud music to his cousin.

"What?" Luke shouted not knowing what Shawn had said "we are leaving!"

"Oh, well have fun then" Luke said patting Shawn's back.

"Hey, Cami, leaving so soon?" Tony said drunkenly walking up to the pair. "Yeah" the tiny brunette spoke not wanting to be around him.

"Why? You're not having fun?" He asked the girl "no, I'm not, see you around Anthony" Camila said.

Even in his drunken state, Tony knew he had fucked up. The amount of times he had messed, she had still called him Tony.

"Wait, Camila."

"She doesn't want to talk to you, you fucked up, leave her alone" Shawn said to the boy. 

"No one is even talking to you, this is between Camila and I" Tony said. "Well, I'm talking to you now" the Canadian told him "guys, stop it" Camila spoke.

"No, this asshole thinks he knows you, he doesn't" Tony replied. "I've known her longer then you have and we shared more things then you two will ever have."

"Just because you have known her longer doesn't mean you're right for her."

"Hey, just remember I'll always be the first, she's always gonna have feelings for me and you'll just be second place." Tony said walking up to the Canadian.

"Fuck you."

"Guys, stop it!" Camila said as everyone watched the two argue.

"Oh, that hurt my feelings" Tony said sarcastically.

"You know what else is going to hurt?" Shawn asked "don't hit him" the Cuban said to him. "If he won't hit me, then I'll hit him."

"Tony!" Camila shouted as he swung at Shawn.

"Stop it!" Camila yelled at the two began to fight "Luke stop him!"

"Before someone calls the police or before Shawn kills him!"

"Come on Shawn! Stop it, you don't want a repeat of what happened last time!" Luke said to his cousin grabbing him as someone held back Tony.

"Get out of here before I call the police" Tony said "go ahead, I don't care" Shawn spoke. "No, come on, let's go" Camila said grabbing the boy's arm.


"Camila, I'm fine" Shawn said pushing the girl's hand away from his face. "No you're not, you have a black and your knuckles are bleeding!"

"That's nothing" he spoke pushing the ice away again.



"What did Luke mean when he said we didn't want a repeat of last time?" The Cuban asked "he didn't mean anything.." the boy answered before walking away from her.

"Shawn" she said again "it doesn't matter" he said taking a seat on the couch. "Come here" he added.

The tiny brunette wrapped her arm around his neck taking a seat on his lap. "So when is Luke coming home?" She asked "probably found someone to spend the night with."

"Shawn, did you bust your lip open?" Camila asked looking at his mouth "you really know how to ruin a moment" Shawn said laughing.

"But I'm serious, why isn't this a big deal to you?" She questioned "it doesn't matter, I'm fine and I've been in a fight before."

"Shawn! Why?" She asked

"It's nothing"

"Does this have something to do with why you're here in Miami?" Camila asked him, he sat silently not wanting to say anything.

"So is that a yes?" She asked

"Shawn, I know you don't want to tell me now and we only known each other for a few weeks."

"It does have something to do with that, but you haven't told me what happened yet, so I won't tell you." Shawn told the girl moving her hair out of her face. "I'll tell you when I'm ready."

"And I'll tell you when I'm ready."

The girl gave him a smile. Maybe they didn't need to tell each other these secrets.

Sharing deep secrets meant they were getting closer to each other. Becoming closer meant it would eventually hurt when more then the two would inevitably leave each other.

Being hurt was something Camila didn't want, not again. She was going to keep her heart under lock and key, hoping no one could get in.

But slowly she could feel shawn trying to unlock it. But it was all fun and games, no strings attached.

"So, Luke, isn't going to be home for awhile.." the Canadian said "and what are you applying?" The Cuban asked him.

"That obviously I want to hook up with you" Shawn said making the girl hit him on his shoulder and laugh. "What? You asked!" He shouted holding his shoulder.

"Well, let's go, come on" Camila said standing up "wait really?" He asked "hurry up, before I change my mind!"

"Shawn!" The Cuban shouted as the boy picked her up and began to run up the stairs. "Don't drop me!"

"I don't plan on it."

"Nice bedroom" Camila said giggling "hey, less talking more kissing" the boy said beginning to kiss her lips.

"Alright" the girl said giggling.

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