7. "You know, short and tight is the way to go."

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"What do you think of this?"

The tiny brunette held up a short red dress against her body trying to picture it on herself. Her best friend looked at it shaking her head.

"Mila, you always wear red, try something else" Emmy says.

"I look amazing in red, you know it's my color!" Camila shouted throwing the dress on to her bed. "Here, try this one on" The Puerto Rican girl said handing her friend the black, white and grey checkered dress.

"You know, short and tight is the way to go" Emmy said with a laugh making Camila laugh along with her.

"Now, how do I look?" Camila asked showing off the dress "I have good taste" Emmy spoke as the cuban rolled her eyes at her. "I can't believe I'm willingly going to a party again" Camila said sitting down on her bed.

What was she thinking? She had promised herself she would stop going to all these parties, looks like she's has been to one almost every week. What was this boy doing to her? She was trying so hard to be a good girl, but recently it was becoming very hard.

"What do your parents think about this" Her best friend asked "oh, they definitely don't trust him."

"If he's anything like Tony, they will flip their shit." Camila explained, So far she could tell Shawn wasn't anything like this boy, but who knew?


"Mama, papa, I'm leaving!" The tiny brunette shouted rushing out of her bedroom, she didn't want them to question her. "and where do you think you're going?" Her mother asked looking at her daughter up and down "and where are you going dressed like that, mija?"

"I'm going out with a friend" Camila replied beginning to pull her dress down a bit. "Come look at what your daughter is wear!" Her mom shouted for her father.

"Camila, I think you're missing some pants" Her dad said with a laugh. "haha, how funny, can you just let me go now?" She begged "tell me where you are going."

"I don't know, somewhere I'm just going out with some friends" She tried to explain "and who are these friends" her father asked. "It doesn't really matter, we are just gonna hangout like friends do."

"I'm watching you, mija."


The cuban left her house with a smug look on her face, her parents didn't even need to know what she was up to.

"oh, there you are, didn't think you would leave your house."

Camila let out a small laugh before walking over to the Canadian boy, he leaned against his motorcycle checking the girl out. "hm, you look good" he told her "is that all you want to say?" She asked raising her eyebrow at him.

"No, there's more, but it wouldn't be appropriate to say out loud" Shawn spoke as the girl began to wrap her arms around his neck. "oh, really?" She questioned "hm" he hummed looking down at her.

He quickly pressed his lips against her's, pulling her closer to him. "We better get going" Camila spoke nervously "we can take our time" he spoke.

"My parents are watching" the Cuban whisper "huh?" The boy said slightly turning around seeing two shadows in the window.

"I'm guessing they don't approve?" The Canadian asked "no" Camila replied shaking her head. "Then, let's get going."



"What took you so long?" Luke asked looking at his younger cousin.

"Hey, this is Camila" Shawn said introducing the girl next to him. "I'm Shawn's older cousin, Luke" Camila gave the tall brown haired boy a smile.

"So are you from around here then?" She asked him "yeah, born and raised" he replied.

"Hablas español?" The Cuban asked "claro que si" Luke replied nodding his head. "Usted debe enseñar Shawn" She said making the two of them laugh.

"What are you talking about?" Shawn asked as they began to walk inside the house. "Nothing you need to worry about" Camila answered as Luke laughed.

"You only known each other for like two seconds and you're already plotting against me?" The Canadian questioned "maybe we are, what are you gonna do about it?" Camila asked giving him a small smile.

"Wouldn't you like to know" he whispered in her ear before walking in to the house.

Once they entered the home, music was playing loudly and people were already wasted. "I'm gonna need like ten shots of tequila to deal with these people" Camila mumbled.

"Didn't know you would be here tonight?"

"Tony" the Cuban said turning around facing the boy giving him a fake smile. "You know him?" Luke asked confused.

"We went to the same high school" Camila responded. She somewhat knew that Luke knew who Tony was, they do go to the same university.

"We go way back, right Cami?" The Hispanic boy said throwing his arm around her shoulder. It felt strange hearing him call her that again, and his touch felt foreign.

Camila quickly shook his hand off standing closer to shawn. "Let's get a drink, see you later Tony." She said before taking the Canadian's hand.

"Didn't know you were so close with Tony" Shawn said "I'm not" the tiny brunette replied grabbing a bottle of anything and chugging it down.

"Slow down" the boy said grabbing the bottle from him "sorry, old habits die hard."

"You're an interesting girl, Camila. Why won't you tell me more about yourself?" Shawn asked "what are you talking about?" She questioned trying to find something else to drink.

"It's like I know one part of you, but not the other."

The girl stared at him, it's not like they knew each other for that long. She also wanted that part of her life to be a secret, maybe some people knew, but Shawn didn't have to.

If Luke knew who Tony was maybe stories about her had already have been split. "We should go find Luke" Camila said before leaving the room.

"Hey Camila" Tony said obviously drunk out of his mind. "What are you doing?" She asked him "just telling stories about you" he said with a laugh.

"What kind of stories?" Shawn asked walking over to the group. "Nothing you need to know" the tiny brunette quickly spoke. "What? Don't what him to know about how close we were?" Tony questioned.

"How close?" The Canadian asked "Shawn, it's really nothing. Tony shut the fuck up!" Camila said glaring at him "you know we used to mess around together" the Hispanic boy said with a laugh.

"You know, we hooked up a bunch of times."

"Basically we fucked a lot" the boy said laughing even more.

The Cuban's face turned red as she turned to face Shawn, he stood there looking between the two.

"I need some air."

New chapter yay!!! It's been awhile lol but we back!!

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New chapter yay!!! It's been awhile lol but we back!!

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Also I wanted the title to be "basically we fucked a lot" but I don't think that's appropriate for a chapter title lol

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