6. "What's so great about Latino guys?"

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"Where are we going?" The Cuban shouted over the loud wind. "It's a surprise!" Shawn replied making her shake her head at him. "What if I said I hated surprises?" She asked him "then I would say to suck it up."

Camila rolled her eyes letting out a sarcastic laugh.

The ride had come to a stop, the pair stood in front of a lake. "Wow, where did you find this place?" The tiny brunette asked getting off the motorcycle.

"I don't know, I just found it one day" The Canadian spoke shrugging his shoulders. "I've lived in Miami for most of my life and never found this."

"Where are you originally from?" Shawn asked still sitting on his bike. "Cuba" she replied resting her elbows on the handles of the bike. "So you're Cuban?" He asked "also Mexican and you, Canada?"

The boy laughed at the nickname Camila had given him. "You don't remember? I'm English and Portuguese"

"Basically all European or just white."

The girl let out a laugh smiling at the boy "have you ever been to Europe?" She asked "a few times actually" he replied. "I'm dying to go, I wanna go to Spain. Ugh, imagine living in Barcelona"

Camila closed her eyes, thinking about the beautiful place. The big building, amazing art museums, the fantastic food. All the wonderful cultural, she could just picture herself living there.

"I'm supposed to take a semester abroad to Spain" she spoke "you're leaving to Spain?" Shawn asked the girl "if I save enough by the end of the summer, yes."

The boy nodded his head, this little thing that they had going on wasn't going to last long. He was slightly relieved, he had to be gone by the end of the summer.

"I'll be gone only for a couple of months" the tiny brunette added noticing the Canadians silence. "Would you stay there?" Shawn asked "if I fall in love with the city, or maybe find a cute Spanish guy there" Camila replies giving him a small smirk.

"What's so great about Spanish guys?" He asked "well, they can speak Spanish, which is pretty hot." The tiny brunette told him "and what if I learned Spanish?"

The girl let out a smile "that would be great, you could talk to people in a different language. I mean you are in Miami, but it would be very attractive if you did."

The boy nodded his head at her, "take Spanish classes when you go back to college." He thought to himself.

"Enough about me, what about you? Any place that you would love to live?" Camila asked him "I mean, I really do love living in Canada" Shawn said with a chuckle.

"But maybe New York" he replied. "So, you're a city person aren't you?" The tiny brunette questioned "you could say that" he answered.

The girl wondered off into the glass in front of the lake sitting down. She patted a spot next to her wanting Shawn to sit next to her.

They both sat in silence staring out into the lake and the beautiful sky. Camila rested her head on his shoulder trying to make out why she was here with him?

It had been only a few days and now she was alone with him again? Her parents had warned her about his, but she was doing it anyways. Sometime about being told what not to do made you want to do it more.

The Cuban checked the time, it was around ten. Her family was most likely becoming worried, she had to get home soon.

She looked up at the boy and began to press small kisses against his jawline. She pressed her lip against his before asking him a question. "I have to go soon, do you mind bringing me home?"

The boy hummed against her lips as she kissed him again. "Of course I will" Shawn replied pulling the tiny brunette closer to him. "But I need you to do something for me" he added "what?" Camila asked with a small smile "I need you to come to a party with me, my cousin is forcing me to go."

"So you're going to force me go?" She asked raising an eyebrow. The Canadian let out a laugh beginning to play with the girls her. "You'll be with me at least" Shawn answered "hm, that sounds good" she said.

"So, I'll pick you up tomorrow?"

"Yes, come on let's go" the Cuban said trying to stand up "a few more minutes" the boy replied beginning to kiss her cheek. The girl let out a small giggle "if my parents yell at me I blame you."

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