10."ay, ella trajo a casa un gringo!"

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Title translation: oh, she brought home a white boy!

If this bothers anyone I'll change it, idk is this bad? Anyways, enjoy the story!


"Did you make your schedule yet?" Emmy asked "yeah, I officially signed up for the trip to Argentina!" Camila shouted as she wiped down a few tables.

"Oh really?"

"So it's official, you're leaving me for a semester?" The Puerto Rican asked "hey, don't say that, I'll be back before Christmas break!"

"How will I be able to work all by myself!" Emmy said dramatically "*qué dramático" Camila said rolling her eyes.

"So how are you gonna tell your little lover boy this?" Emmy asked as they both leaned over the counter looking at Shawn and his cousin.

"I just won't tell him" Camila confessed "so you're just gonna leave him?" The Puerto Rican asked "it's just for fun anyways, it doesn't matter. He'll be fine."

"I think."

"You know, Luke is kinda cute" Emmy told Camila. "Go out with him then" she said with a giggle "what you think those two are talking about?"

"I don't know, boy things."


"So you're going back to school soon" Luke said "unfortunately" Shawn replied shaking his head. "Why don't you just transfer to University of Miami?" His cousin asked

"Because my parents want to control my life and the closer I am to them the better."

"So what you gonna tell your little girlfriend?" Luka asked "she's not my girlfriend" the Canadian answered "seems like it, you guys have grown really close in a few weeks" his cousin said.

"It's just some fun, I just won't tell her. It's not like she's grown attached" Shawn said looking over at the girl giving her a small smile. "I think Emmy is looking at you."

"Really? She's cute" Luke said turning his head to look at the two girls.

"Anyways, I think she's be fine if I don't tell her. Plus she's leaving to do some study aboard thing. She'll find someone else and someone better."

Shawn couldn't help, but stare at the girl. She was beautiful, was it going to hurt when he would leave her? No, this was no strings attached, but why did he want all the strings attached?

"You're a good guy, Shawn" Luke said "I'm talking about a guy who hasn't been basically kick out of college."

"Hey, you're going back!"

"Yeah, after my parents basically shoved money down the board of admissions throats."

"It's not like you did anything super wrong" Luke told him. "Yeah, just basically beat someone's ass until they could barely breathe." Shawn said struggling his shoulders "you were just helping someone out."

"Can we just stop talking about it now?" The Canadian asked.

"You guys need anything else?" Camila asked walking up to the boys "no, but when do you get off work and Luke thinks you're friend is hot." Shawn told the girl.

"I get off at five and lucky for Luke, she thinks he's hot" the Cuban said with a laugh.

"Why don't you go talk to her, she's on break" she said to Luke "well, wish me luck then!" Luke said getting up from the booth.

"So, what do you want to do after you get out of work?" Shawn asked the girl as she sat down across from him. "Actually, my parents want me to spend more time with them because I have been out a lot."

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