18. "what a great actor she is."

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The tiny brunette spoke to herself hanging up the apron that hung around her waist. She stood still admiring the cafe she had just finished cleaning.

Camila hesitated to leave the shop, Emmy had told her Shawn would be waiting for her. She hasn't seen him all day though or even heard the sound of a motorcycle.

"Maybe he came in Luke's car?" The Cuban thought to herself, she was totally in the ear to leave if that was the case.

Her legs began to move towards the back of the shop until she stopped overcoming with more thoughts. "No! Luke picked up Emmy after her shift today" she spoke to herself shaking her head slowly while turning back around.

Back to square one.

To go out the back door or the front door?

The Canadian had always waited for her at the back of the shop. If that is the case then she should leave through the front door.

"Of course! Front door it is" Camila concluded giving herself a small smile. Just as she began to walk towards the front door she stopped in her tracks.

"But what if he knew I would be trying to avoid him and park in the front?" She asked herself, she let out a small scream in frustration.

"Oh my god, let me just check the windows!"

With that the tiny brunette ran to the front of the cafe looking out the huge window. No boy riding a motorcycle in sight. "The front is clear, now let me check the bag" she mumbled.

She heard towards the back looking out the small window in the door. "Also clear!"

A big smile had spears across her face while locking up all the doors in the cafe. She quickly grabbed her belongings and headed towards the back door.


The Cuban froze in her place as soon as she opened the door.

"When did he get here! I didn't see him" she thought to herself.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, turning around to face him, the smile on her face clearly gone.

The way the girl had looked at the Canadian had him taken back. Did she really not want to see him? What had he done wrong?

"Did I do something wrong for you to avoid me like this?" Shawn asked, calming leaning against his bike.

"No, why would you even think that?" Camila answered with a nervous laugh, anyone could tell she was lying right now.

"I mean there are many reasons. Every time I come here somehow you have already left, you and Emmy are attached at the hip, but when she is with Luke and I. You're nowhere to be seen?"

The Cuban stood still turning her head away from Shawn, maybe she had been caught. "I just haven't been feeling well," she answered, avoiding his glaze while playing with the hair tie on her wrist.

"You haven't been feeling well?" He repeated "I'm not pregnant if that's what you're wondering!" She shouted, finally looking up at him.

"That's not what I was thinking, Camila."

"I was just worried about you, that's all" Shawn said, turning his head, now he felt embarrassed. "Could I not be worried about her?" He thought to himself.

"Classes are starting up again, that's all, I've been busy. Are we done here?" The tiny brunette asked, starting to walk past him. "Hold on" Shawn said grabbing on to her head, she quickly shook him off.

"What is it?" She asked, turning back around, the boy stood there in shock. He hadn't seen her like this before, the expression of anger written all over her face. Instead of the usual smile she wore on her face, her lips were pressed into a thin line. Her cold eyes just staring right back into his, what had gotten into her?

"I-" the Canadian stuttered, not even knowing what to say "what has gotten into you?" He spoke looking down at her.

"What are you talking about? Just because I don't want to share every detail about myself with you doesn't mean there's something wrong with me!"

Shawn's eyes had widened at the words she spoke to him, he was in complete shock. "I was just worried about you," he said again.

"Well, there's no need to be, you're not my boyfriend! This thing we have doesn't give you the right. It's just a fling, nothing more nothing less." She spit out glaring at him, but she wasn't finished yet.

"Shouldn't you be heading back home? Didn't your parents buy your way back into college? Shouldn't the rich boy be going back to his life instead of being in poor Miami?"

"Just because you can buy yourself out of trouble doesn't mean you can get whatever you want."

The soft look that was on Shawn's face was gone. "I didn't know you could be so mean, Camila," he said, not wanting to face her any longer.

"I don't know  you would use something I told you against me."

"The things I could have said to you when you told me about your past, but I didn't" he told her.

"And why didn't you? I bet you were thinking it just like everyone else."

"How could she get pregnant in high school?"

"What a slut."

"If she wasn't ready to handle a baby she should have kept her legs closed."

"I didn't say those stupid things because I wasn't thinking them. Why would I judge on something you didn't mean for it to happen? What the fuck give you that idea that I was like that?" Shawn asked , in disbelief, that those words came out of her mouth.

"You beat someone up, why wouldn't I judge you?"

That was the last straw, the boy shook his head at her. "You're definitely not the person I thought you were. If you wanted me to leave you alone you could have just said that, but if that's the person you want to be, Camila, then go ahead."

With those last words he said he got back on to his bike taking one last look at the Cuban. Did she even mean those words? The straight expression on her face, she did look like she meant every word that came out of her mouth.

He closed his mouth before trying to say something to her again. "What a great actor she is," he thought to himself.

After the Canadian had driven off, the Cuban had left out a breath that she felt like she was holding in forever.

She fell down to her feet pulling her hair in frustration. She rubbed her face feeling hot tears streaming down her face.

"Great, I'm crying" she spoke out, those words she knew were awful, but she said them anyways. It was so much easier to push someone away than to let them in.

She let out a sob "why the fuck did I say that?" Camila cried. Why was it easier to tell someone you hate them then to say that you love them?

Love and hate just felt like the same thing, all you do is think about a person with a burning passion.

Love and hate just felt like the same thing, all you do is think about a person with a burning passion

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Lol surprise

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