Chapter 13 (Edited)

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"So wait, you turned insane?" Ellen asked, looking at the grandmother, curious. She had interrupted the older female, but Ella didn't mind. "Why?"

The grandmother shrugged her shoulder and sighed a little. "I didn't turn that insane," she said. "I'm not in a mental hospital. Nor, was I ever placed in one." She gave her granddaughter a slight grin. "But, at that minute, I did turn slightly insane. I had broken her nose, and boy did that feel good."

"But you got beaten," Devon said. "Was it worth it?"

"After all the pain she had caused me? Yes," the grandmother replied, nodding her head. "I was a strong girl, even back then. I could handle myself."

"What happened next?" Ellen asked excitedly, bouncing around. "Come on, please tell us. I wanna know."

The grandmother chuckled, slightly nodding her head. "Then, I'll continue with my story." She took a deep breath and begun again.


I woke up, feeling a hard sting of pain in my ribs, as someone dabbed at my forehead. I bit back a groan, as I tried to open my eyes even though they felt like they were stuck.

"Don't move, Lass," someone said, as I struggled to sit up. A male's hand kept me still, until I stopped moving.

"Where am I?" I croaked out, lifting up my right arm to rub at my eyes. "Uh," I groaned out in pain, as my ribs screamed in protest.

"Told you," the same voice said, chuckling a bit. "Wipe her eyes for her Anne, so that she can see."

There was a scoff and then warm water was dabbed at my eyes, clearing away the crustiness of sleep and probably dirt. "I know what I'm doing, Red. This ain't the first time I have had to do this for her."

I opened them to see the faces of the people I care about, looking at me with worry filled eyes. "I'm fine," I said as I struggled to sit up again.

Red, again, held me down. "No, not until tomorrow morning," he scowled. "We have everything taken care of."


"Sorry, El, but I agree with Red. You're staying in bed until you have to go to school tomorrow," Ree said. "Don't worry about my father, we'll take care of him." There was this hardness in his voice, that I could pick up on.

I knew that he hated him, but I didn't want him to. They were family. They had to stick together.

I sighed, not really wanting to just stay here, in bed. "So, what do I do?"

"Sleep and heal," Colt said, jumping into the conversation. "You need it." He grinned. "You broke her nose. I would give you a high five, but you're injured in bed. So, I'll wait until you're well."

I grunted and nodded my head, a small smile appearing on my lips. My eyelids had grown heavy with sleep, so I let myself fall into complete and utter darkness.

"We need to find that document," I heard someone say. "However, I don't know where he would've placed it."

After that, I heard nothing but silence.


The next morning, I woke up early. I was still hurting, but I was feeling a little better than I did yesterday. Silently, I got out of bed and went to go start feeding the animals, wanting to get that done before I took my shower.

Every step hurt like hell. Each muscle pulled tight, since I was sore, sorer than I would be if I had ridden for 5 hours straight, like Delilah had me do once.

"You're up early," a female voice said behind me.

I turned around quickly to see that it was Anna, dressed in old, work clothes. She also had some hay in her hair, making me wonder what she's been doing. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" I asked. "I have to feed the animals, so I have to wake up early."

Anna shrugged her shoulder, as she started to walk towards the barn with me. "We've been doing the food for them. I'm surprised that Anne didn't stop you from leaving."

I bit back a snort and shook my head. "She's all ready up and getting breakfast started. I used a different way, that you don't need to know about." I glanced at her attire, frowning slightly. I knew that Delilah wouldn't like her be dressed like this. "You sure you want to wear that?" I gestured to her outfit. "Delilah won't like the way that you are dressed."

Anna shrugged her shoulder. "She doesn't have to for all I care," she replied. "But, I do need to make sure that they don't expect anything different of me, so I guess I do got to change." She groaned a bit. "But I'm sure that she is up."

I studied her, kind of not trusting her. However, I knew that she was going to have to get dressed. If she keeps up this "nice" attitude with me, then I guess we can bury the hatchet. "All right, I think I can help with that. Follow me." With that, I started to walk towards the barn.

"Where are we going?" Anna asked with a small complain in her voice. "This isn't the way to the house. It's the other way."

I turned around, smiling a bit. I could feel a small bit of excitement coming off of me, because I loved sneaking around. "Well, my advice, is to study your history on the Contre family. I'm just going to say this once, we had slaves and this house, way back in the early 1800s."

She gave me a 'huh?' look that I just laughed at and turned around. Oh, she has a lot to learn about my family.

Hopefully, she wouldn't tell her sister about the secret passageywas. I didn't need her finding out about the secret passageways. Nor, did I need Delilah to find out about them. That would be really bad.

Chasing Cinderella (Book one of the Cinderella Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now