Chapter 21 (Edited)

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The next day, I had to wake up earlier than usual, because Her Majesty wanted me to get the stuff done as soon as possible, since there was a lot of stuff to do. The bad thing was, I did get to bed around midnight, because I had to wash all the floors and counters 'until I can see my reflection', and Delilah literally stood right in the middle of the way to see if I did a good job or not.

I yawned and shook my head, trying to wake myself up and not fall asleep like I wanted to do. I was on the lawn mower and was cutting the grass, since she did want it short and to look taken care of. I had almost fallen asleep twice on it, but it didn't show. And the good thing was, Delilah had to leave for most of the day, so basically the gang and I were left alone.

"Hey, Ella," someone called out, yelling over the lawn mower.

I turned to look at who had called my name and grinned when I saw that it was Reece. "Hey, Reece," I called over the lawn mower's loudness while I got it towards him and turned it off when I got close. "What can I do for ya?" I leaned my arms on the steering wheel and cocked my head, wondering what he wanted.

"You can get off the lawn mower," he replied. "And do you need to text someone?" He raised an eyebrow, knowing that I did tell a teacher why I wasn't at school that day.

I huffed, knowing that he was right. "Yes, I do need to text her, but why do I need to get off the lawn mower?"

"You are about to fall asleep, and I do not want to look at any mess that you do." He reached into his pocket and and pulled out his phone. He tossed it to me, making me catch it while jumping. He smirked when I yelped. "I'll do this. You do something else."

I huffed, again and pouted. "Fine," I muttered before I looked at the phone and texted the teacher. I never said her name, because some students did want to know why I did get a good grade in the classes, even though I wasn't there half the time. It sometimes was dangerous, because sometimes students would threaten me or the said teacher. However, I kept my mouth shut, even when they threatened to beat me.

The only person that knew about the teacher was Reece, and that was because I usually used his phone to contact her. No one knew that Reece knew who it was, because no one thought he would know, because he didn't go to our school.

Reece smirked and caught his phone when I threw it at his head. "Go and start cleaning the sheets. I know that won't take you that long. Oh, one more thing, stay away from him. I don't know what he will do, since Delilah is gone." The look in his eyes told me that he was talking about his father, and I couldn't help but feel guilty that their relationship was so rocky.

I nodded my head before hopping off of the lawn mower. "Will do." And with that, I walked into the house and started to get everything ready for whomever was coming at 5.


Five o'clock came quickly that day, and the good thing was, I had finished exactly at 4:59 and changed into the clothing that Delilah had wanted me to wear to these types of events. What I wore was, black slacks, white shirt, and black flats. My hair was tied into a braided bun, which I had done myself.

I finished setting up the plates, making sure that everything was neat and spotless, like Delilah liked it. I knew that if I didn't, then she would beat me, even though only one thing was wrong.

"Eller?" a male voice asked from behind me. "I need help."

I turned around to see that my younger brother was struggling on tying a tie. A smile played on my lips to see that he actually looked handsome underneath all that Devil inside him. "Well, don't you look handsome," I teased, kneeling down to his level. I glanced at him, seriously. "If I hear that you are playing with other girls when you are my age, then I'm gonna cut off your balls. Do you understand me?"

Derek rolled his eyes. "Yes, I know." He went over to me and watched how I did his tie. "How did you learn that?" he asked, awed.

"Well, I had a father growing up, and I've been surrounded by men all my life, so you pick up on a couple of things," I replied, fixing a piece of his hair.

Derek scoffed and swatted my hand away from his hair. "You need to teach me."

I nodded my head before standing up. "I will when we are alone. Now, get goin', Delilah will be comin' soon, and she will be doing spot check."

Derek nodded his head. "Do you know who is coming?"

"Somebody important," I replied, grabbing the tray that I had used to put the plates and water out. "She told me to use the fine china and to get the freshest wine."

Derek nodded his head. He messed with his hair before he walked away.

"And that boy is going to be a heartthrob," I muttered under my breath before I went into the kitchen. "And he better not have sex with anyone until he is 30. If he does, then his butt is mine."


A/N: Song on top describes Derek so much. xD I just placed it up because I was listening to it while I was uploading it.



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