Chapter 6

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July 8,2020

Previously on chapter 5...

Then realization dawned on Annabeth, Claire,Y/S/N, Mal, Spirit, Scorpius, Zendaya, Lily, Albus, Percy, Santana, and Brittany. Y/N won't be here till tomorrow due to her meeting and that means one thing James will be a living nightmare without Y/N, considering she's the only one who can control him and make him listen more than Ginny and that's saying something. All golden girls and marauders like to call it Y/N fever. James will bug everyone and annoy them by pranking them cause he's bored and everyone knows James Sirius Potter being bored is trouble. Zendaya spoke up when James sat next to her. "I knew you were trouble when you walked in this hotel."

Meanwhile at Y/L/N Enterprises in the muggle world ...
Y/N Y/L/N just finished up a meeting. It was known all over the wizarding and the muggle world that Y/N was very protective of her 2 year younger sister and 1 year younger brother while her 1 year older brother protects all of them. Press weren't allowed to take any pictures of Y/N's family, unless her family were willingly taking photos. Otherwise she would sue them so badly they would become jobless, believe it, it happened once. At Hogwarts before Albus and Y/S/N started dating no boy was ever allowed to even talked to or look at her unless they were a family friend. Anyone who made a snide comment had to deal with her older siblings. Whenever it's the start of the school year they meet up with their cousin Y/C/N who was 1 year older than Y/N. The formation was always.

            Y/N   Y/C/N. Front
           Y/O/B/N Y/Y/B/N. Back

Everyone always looked at them in awe except for the few prejudiced pure bloods who looked at them in disgust. Y/S/N was the most spoiled out of the four children but was always nice and she listened. Y/N spoils Y/S/N like there's no tomorrow, it's quite obvious Y/S/N is Y/N favorite sibling considering they're the only girls in the family.


When it was Y/N's third year she and her brothers were showing her little sister the ropes and told her about Hogwarts but, unfortunately for the prejudiced Slytherin purebloods they did not see Y/S/N due to her shortness. So during the middle of the train ride the prejudiced Slytherins  went looking for a first year to scare and bully, little did they know they were dead the moment they said a word to Y/S/N. Y/N was in the Golden Girl compartment which used to be the Slytherin side of the train many years ago, along with the rest of golden girls.

Y/S/N was walking back from the changing room and was opened her door to her compartment just to have it shut. She looked at the Slytherins and was now regretting telling her siblings she'll be fine on her own. Her brothers were in the marauders compartment with the others. Bonnie Bulstrode and Sebastian Smythe led the group. They started taunting Y/S/N.  Y/S/N was scared and had tears in her eyes but she didn't let them fall. Meanwhile Y/N was talking to some of her best friends Alison Argent, Lydia Martin, Spirit Malfoy, Riley Matthews, and Maya Hart when she had a gut feeling that something was wrong. She decided to check on Y/S/N "Hey, I'm going to check something real quick.I'll be back in a few minutes." "Ok" her friends replied once she closed the compartment door she drew her wand out and passed the marauders compartment. Her brothers looked at her in confusion, then realized something was wrong because she had her wand out, so they decided to follow her.

Crystal Reed as Alison Argent
Holland Roden as Lydia Martin

Y/N found Slytherins taunting Y/S/N and quickly she yelled "Stupefy!" Sending Smythe back. "Get the heck away from my sister!" She yelled at them. The compartments quieted down and looked at the scene unfolding. Y/N's brothers were right behind her. And let's just say some slytherins had to be taken to St.Mungo's no, not to the hospital wing at Hogwarts, St. Mungo's and the moment they reached Hogwarts everybody was staring at them due to everyone already knowing the news. News bolted at Hogwarts so when it was sorting time, everyone settled down and tried to look for Y/N's sister. Y/N was seated at the Hufflepuff table (even though she was in the Headmaster's house since she has all the traits) sitting next her Hufflepuff best friends Chloe Grace-Moretz, Maisie Parkinson and Nicole "Nikki" Solace when she spotted her sister. The sorting hat had sung it's song and begun sorting first years. Everyone looked intensely to find Y/S/N Y/L/N. Professor Longbottom finally shouted the name everyone was dying to hear. "Y/L/N, Y/S/N!" ALL the teachers paled realizing what this meant another Black-Y/L/N which meant more pranks. Y/S/N walked up to the sorting hat and it took 3 minutes for the sorting hat to make it's decision. "Ravenclaw!" The blue and bronze table jumped up and cheered for her. Y/N and her brothers were cheering the loudest. The teachers turned more pale if that was possible, all four Black-Y/L/N children were now an unstoppable quartet. Y/O/B/N in Gryffindor, Y/N in Hufflepuff, Y/Y/B/N in Slytherin, and now to complete the puzzle Y/S/N in Ravenclaw.

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