When you feel pain
Write it awayWrite about what you feel
Write about what you wantWrite about romance
Or tragedyCreate a perfect utopia
Or the ultimate sci-fi universe
Write until your fingers can't take it anymore
Write until your hands are cramping
Write until your arms go numb
Write until your brain is out of words
Write until your heart stops beating
Write until your lungs are out of airSo write it away
Take the pain
And write it all awayWhen you are crying an ocean of tears
When you are laughing up a hurricane
When you flash that fake smile
When you've been in deep thought for a while
Write it all awayTake what you feel
Let's make a deal
Grab a pen
And maybe a napkin
Write it all awayThere will come a day
When you look at the sky
And you want to fly
So just stop and think
Write away the painWrite until your fingers can't take it anymore
Write until your hands are cramping
Write until your arms go numb
Write until your brain is out of words
Write until your heart stops beating
Write until your lungs are out of airWrite all the the words in your brain
And write away
Write away
Write away the pain