Why Do You Want Me

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Why do you want me
I can't even take care of myself
I could never take care of you

Why do you want me
I don't love myself
How can you love me

Why do you want me
If I don't love myself
Can I even love someone else

Why do you want me
I'm broken
And scarred

Why do you want me
You could have someone so much better
Anyone you want

Why do you want me
I'm not the prettiest
I'm not the smartest

Why do you want me
I'm not the funniest
I'm not the most athletic

Why do you want me
Because I'm nothing
And that's all I deserve

Why do you want me


Why do I want you

Why do I want you
Because you know me better
Than I could ever know myself

Why do I want you
Because I love you
Even when you don't

Why do I want you
Because I know you love
Even if you can't admit yourself

Why do I want you
Because you're perfect
To me

Why do I want you
Because you're the best
To me

Why do I want you
Because you're unique
You're yourself

Why do I want you
Because you don't buy in
To what those other girls say

Why do I want you
Because what we have
Is all I ever need

And I love you

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