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Loving someone is hard
Loving someone who doesn't love you back is even harder
And loving your opponent is the hardest
Even luckier for me I did all three
I gave my heart away
Not only to someone who would never love me back
But to someone who pretty much hated me
It was cruel of the world to do such a thing
To have my heart be given to a man who would never give me his
I wish I could control my heart
So I wouldn't have to go through this pain
But I can't so now I'm stuck loving
Loving someone who doesn't love me back
And someone who never will because they verse me
Now I know he'll never reach out
I know if I do he won't reply
I'm stuck loving
It's a vicious cycle for me
Full of pain and misery
So thank you world
For always making me want to cry
Because my heart belongs to a man
Who will never love me back
And will always be on the opposite side of me

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