They tell me to be golden
I'm just silver
I'm not good enough to be goldenI try to be golden
But I can't seem to push through
No matter how hard I try to be goldenI want to be golden
It just seems that I can't be
Why can't I be goldenI just want to be golden
The one that everyone loves
The one that's smart she is goldenI want to be golden
They are always pretty
The perfect ones are goldenI want to be golden
They always know what to say
They are quick on their feet, goldenWhy can't I be golden
I try so hard to be
It doesn't look hard to be goldenI want to be golden
So why is it so hard for me
It's so hard for me to be goldenLet me be golden
The world doesn't let me be
The world won't let me be goldenI push to be golden
But the world pushes harder
It's hard to push to be goldenI want to be golden
The ones that are perfect
I want to be perfectly goldenGolden
Silver isn't good enough
I need to be goldenGolden is where I need to be
The darkness will never overcome me
When I am goldenWhen your golden
You never suffer defeat
When your goldenWhy do you think I want to be golden
They are better than me
I want to be goldenI would love to be golden
Not just because my mom tells me to be
To be goldenGolden
I want to be chosen
To be goldenI want to be golden
I would do anything
To be golden