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Authors note: for some reason I can't comment on my things-_- I guess it's because of my email or something-_- I'll fix that soon..

To the story

I sat on my bed for a while still thinking to myself.

-time skip-

It's been like 1 month since I been with the akatsuki. I don't see what they want with me.. But one day... I walked outside the base and i walked down the forest path leading myself to a big open feild. I sighed and looked up into the sky. It started to rain. "Hm..." I thought to myself. I then heard someone or something, I turned around to see tobi. I stood there and looked at him. He slowly walked a bit more closer but he kept a distance between us and stopped and he continued to look towards me. I looked back. "Mandaria." He said in his same stupid voice. "What is it?" I asked looking at him. "Ooh, leader said we should train. He wants me to tell him your abilities." Tobi said. "Hmph. He should fight me hisself.. " I said. "Leader is busy, besides leader says tobi needs more training, Tobi is still new." Tobi whined. "Fine.." I said and got ready. "I'm ready whenever you are!" Tobi said. I then ran towards him taking out a kunai and tried slicing him with it. Tobi backed up dodging it and I then swung my fist towards him trying to punch him. "Ooh, not bad Mandaria. Your good." Tobi said and grabbed my arm swinging me down towards the ground. I stumbled forwards trying to keep my balance and he then grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and threw me across the field. I rolled across the field once and jumped up to land on my feet as I skidded back a bit. "Not bad tobi." I smirked. "Fire style: fire ball justu!" I said and sent a huge fire ball towards him. "Wahhhh! Fire fire fire!" Tobi yelled running around in circles. "Hmph." I watch as he ran in circles. After the fire was gone, and the smoke cleared up.., tobi was gone. "Hm..? Where'd he go?" I thought to myself. "Ha!" Tobi popped out the ground in front of me. He was holding a kunai. Tobi then swung his kunai at me and dodged his hit and I jumped back from him throwing a kunai at him. Tobi smacked the kunai away with his kunai. Tobi sped towards me and tried to punch me, I grabbed his fist and attempted to drop kick him. But tobi jumped back to avoid it. "Man.. I'm getting bored." Tobi said kicking his feet." "Then I'll make it more entertaining for you.." I smirked. "Fire style: phenix fire dragon justu!" I said and a huge fire dragon went towards him. Just like before tobi appeared some where else from under ground. As soon as he was going above ground I ran towards him creating a chidori and tried hitting him with it. "W-what the?!" I gasped as I went through him. "Ooohh... This is not good.." Tobi said and sped towards me kicking me into the stomach and I flew back into a tree. I gasped as my back hit hard against the tree. Tobi then appeared right in front of me. I looked up at him. Tobi made a fist and punched down into my stomach. "Gahh!!!" I grabbed his arm trying to lessen the pain. Tobi pulled his fist away and jumped back. I got up and glared at him. It continued to rain. Yes, it was still raining.. I looked at tobi. "Let's finish this.." I said. "Fire style: hidden fire devastation!" Fire tornadoes, flames, and fire balls all went towards him coming from everywhere all around, all the fire collided looking as if they all hitted tobi. As they all collided a huge ball of fire exploded creating an explosion. I put my hand in front of my face watching and keeping the bright light from hurting my eyes. After the smoked cleared up, I seen tobi laying on the ground burned. "Heh, weak." I said and walked up to him. I looked down at his body and the rain continued to pour down. I then turned to walk away from this area. As I turned around... "Gahhhhh!!" I gasped in pain as a sword went right through my stomach from behind. Tobi was standing right behind me keeping his grip onto his sword. "" I asked. "....that was a shadow clone. Don't underestimate me." He said with his voice changing darkly. "....!?!?" My eyes widened in fear. "N-no... T-tobi." Tobi then took out the sword and kicked me far away from him. I flew and I fell onto my stomach. I slowly got up to my feet and coughed out blood. Tobi slowly walked up to me I backed away from him. He then was close to me. I stared at him. Tobi then grabbed me by my throat and lifted me into the air. "Gah!" I choked as he grabbed me and held me into the air. My hands gripped around his arm as he increased his grip around my neck. "Ugh.. T-tobi

... Why...?" I said. "Im not what you think I am. Now Mandaria.. I got some things to tell you." He said looking up towards me. "W-what do you want...?" I asked. "It's not what I want.. It's what you want. Mandaria.. I'm madara." My eyes widened. "N-no your not!" I choked out. "Heheh... How would you know if I wasn't?" He said. "My father died long long long ago! There's no way he would still be alive! Plus he would never do this to me!!" I managed to shout. "Hehe so you know.. I'm not Madara.. But.. Your father never loved you. He didn't want you. He didn't need you." He said. "No! T-that's not true!" "Oh... Trust me it is. I known Madara for years.. He only wanted you to use you. He didn't Want you for love, he only wanted you so he could use you and get the things that he wanted. Accept it. You know it's true. Why do you think he always left you? Why do you think he would always leave? Why did your mom always seem upset or depressed. Accept it Mandaria. It's the truth.. Accept the truth. Face it." A tear went down my cheek. "N-no... I-it's not true.. I.. I won't believe it!" I said and more tears went down my cheeks. "Oh yes.. You know, your name isn't even Mandaria. All this long you've been lied to. Madara changed your name and lied to you. Your name was actually Tsukiyomi. Yes.. Madara doesn't like your mother, which is why he changed your name to sounding more like his." I cried a bit more not sure what to believe anymore.. "Now.. Go to sleep. You'll see me again soon." He said and his sharingan showed. I stared into it and was put into a genjustu.. I then blacked out.

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