Chapter 1 ~ The Lone Wolf

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Hey guys!! So this is what I'm working on for July 2019 Camp Nanowrimo. Please vote/comment and let me know what you think! Any feedback is welcome & the more the better as it keeps me motivated to keep writing! Hope you enjoy :)

Dedicated to Nelson_Rodrigues for brainstorming Titles for me and coming up with Last Fae!! Thank you for your help!! 

Chapter 1 ~ The Lone Wolf

The silver aura was hard to miss as it weaved its way between the scattered crowd of hardened alcoholics. I knew without further inspection that it was him. The same wolf, back again, just as he had been every night since I'd opened the place almost two years earlier. He had introduced himself as Kellan that first night, as if he'd expected my name in return. I hadn't given it to him of course; I had no intention of interacting with other Mythics ever again. Especially not a Wolf. 

As he moved ever closer, my eyes drifted down to my left forearm and I allowed my fingers to trace the lumps and bumps of the scar that marred the pale skin. The bite itself was nothing compared to the loss I had woken up to the next day. My friends. My family. My species. All gone. And it was all because of them. The other six species of Mythics. They had attacked us, led by the wolves and now I was the only one left. The last of the Fae. And because of the bite on my arm, I had also become the very thing I hated the most. 

 "Delilah," His deep voice intruded on my inner thoughts and reminded me where I was. He'd picked up my name a few days after our first meeting from a drunk who had a thing for red-heads and wouldn't take a hint. It was the only word he spoke each night, as he'd learned early on that he wouldn't get a conversation out of me. 

"Kellan," My mismatched eyes, one green, one grey met the dark grey, verging on black of his. I placed his beer on the bar and he took it with a soft smile. We had an understanding, Kellan and I. I let him drink in my bar and he left me alone. Admittedly, I hadn't had much of a choice. I had tried chasing him out for almost a year before I finally gave up and let him stay. He was the only Mythic that even tried to get into The Lone Wolf at this point, everyone else knew it was a no go zone. 

I felt his dark eyes on me as I worked. The clamor of the pub seemed to dull with his presence and my skin itched. My wolf was closer to the surface whenever Kellan was around, something that made me hate his presence more than I think I would have otherwise. I shoved it back down, deep into the depths of my soul. Wishing it would suffocate down there and leave me to my human life. The desire to destroy that side of myself grew stronger and stronger every day. And so did it's will to escape. I hadn't let it out even once since that first day when I'd woken up a Wolf. But I feel it clawing at my insides almost as desperate to escape me as I am to escape it. 

"Ahem," my head snapped back up to his tall frame, the apology in his eyes did nothing to appease my growing apprehension, "Something has happened." I dropped my gaze back to the rough cut timber of the counter and picked up a glass.

"Time for a refill, Barry?" I shifted my attention to one of my regulars down the bar. He lifted his distant gaze from the bottom of his cup to stare bleary eyed at my figure behind the bar. The shadow of a smile tugged at his lips before his attention snapped to the figure beside me. Barry shook his head and returned his attention to the bottom of his glass. 

"Are you serious?" I growled turning back toward the wolf. Kellan held up both hands and took a seat at the bar stool directly in front of me. 

"I know you don't want anything to do with us, but I..."

"But nothing. I let you drink at my pub. You leave me alone. That's it. No buts." I took a deep breath and loosened my clenched fists. The glass I'd been holding was nothing but dust when I released it, but better that than someones face. At least for now. 

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