Chapter 2 ~ Sisters

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Dedicated to @Juhiwrites for the amazing covers she designed for my completed book The Devil's Daughter. Definitely check out her work if you need a cover designed!! :D

As I entered the bar that night I was caught somewhere between wishing Kellan would show up and hoping he wouldn't. I still wasn't sure if I could bring myself to help him, but I also didn't know if I could allow myself not to. Customers trickled in at their usual steady rate and it started to seem like he wouldn't come in at all. My eyes drifted to the door every few minutes hoping to see the familiar silver glow of his aura or the dark unkempt mess of his short black hair above his stormy grey eyes. 

The night wore on, with no Mythic presence whatsoever. I began to wonder if I'd finally won, maybe he had finally given up after all this time. I hoped that was the case. The thought that he might have become one of the missing Mythics he was trying was another option I had to consider. When that thought had crossed my mind a few hours after is usual arrival time my door checking became obsessive. 

It was ridiculous, he was a Mythic just like the rest of them. It was not my responsibility to look after any of them. They had committed genocide on my race. If a few of them went missing, they probably deserved it. And yet my eyes continued to scan the door and checked the room consistently for any sign of him. My hands cleaned the same glass on repeat until another drink was ordered. A brief distraction from the swirl of thoughts in my mind.

I breathed a sigh of relief when Kellan finally walked through the door half an hour before closing. He strode in, looking haggard, his dark eyes were strained and tired, with bags beneath them, his hair even more unkempt than usual as if he'd been runnings his hand through it all evening. His clothes were rumpled and I could smell the blood on him. 

He moved easily between the few remaining patrons, on a beeline to where I stood wiping down the bar. His knuckles were covered in dried blood, but there was no sign of the injury that caused it.

"Been hitting someone?" I asked, he drew his brows together in confusion before following my gaze to his hands. 

"A wall," he murmured taking the damp cloth I passed across the counter and wiping the red stains away. His voice was distant as if his mind was still somewhere else despite his body being in front of me.

 "Are you okay?" I was hesitant to ask, we didn't make small talk. Hell, the last time we spoke more than a word to each other, I'd been ready to strangle him. But he didn't look okay. He looked like shit. His eyes drifted around the room, like he'd never been here before. He shook his head.

 "No. No, I'm not." He whispered, "They took Freya," At my blank stare he continued, "My sister. They took my little sister." I pour him a whiskey and slide it across the bar. My heart racing. If he asks again it won't be for a bunch of faceless Mythics. It will be for him. I pray he doesn't say the words. I want to help him. But I haven't used my Fae abilities in years. I'd sworn that day that I never would again.

"Please, Delilah. If there's even the slightest chance that you might be able to find her, please," His hand shook as he pulled a photo from his pocket and sat it on the bar before me. My eyes dropped to the image of the young woman, probably a few years younger than me, laughing heartily at the camera. She looked nothing like the man claiming to be her brother. She had white blonde hair falling in waves down passed her shoulders, her frame was slight, and her features soft and delicate. But her eyes are the same dark stormy grey as Kellans. 

"I..." I hesitated, the urge to do what he asked was almost overwhelming.

"What if it was your sister?" He whispered, his dark eyes pierced mine. But his words forced another image to the front of my mind. A younger girl, barely five. Her hair red like all Fae, but darker, almost as dark as mine. Her pale green eyes staring up at me with a gap toothed smile. I felt moisture pooling in my eyes and swiped it away with more force than necessary. 

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