Chapter 11 ~ Alpha?

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Tia ^^

"It's okay, Delilah. I know you didn't plan any of this," I didn't realise I was holding my breath until he spoke those words and it came rushing out of me on a sigh. The ghost of a smile tugged at his lips before he looked over to Jasper and Darren. He jerked his head towards the other side of the room and they followed him to the corner. They whispered in undertones so low even I couldn't hear them, when they glanced at me every few sentences I strained my ears to catch even a single word.

What were they saying? Was he lying? Did he blame me and just not want to tell me?

"Listen," Tia murmured,and I turned my head back to her in time to watch as she held her open palm up to her lips and blew air across it. I watched, eyes wide as her emerald aura expanded a single tendril from her fingertips. It twisted and twirled through the empty space between us before connecting itself to silvery purple of mine. It snapped the connection to Tia and I was left with a tiny green speck swirling gently within the larger currents of my aura.

As soon as it touched me, my already enhanced hearing became a hundred times better. The whispered words from the other side of the room sounded as if they were being spoken directly into my ear.

"...thinks that we attacked and killed the Fae." I watched Kellan raise both eyebrows and run a hand through his black hair before he nodded and glanced at me again.

"I figured as much," he sighed, "I guess it's time."

"After what just happened in there, I think she needs to be with her own kind. Or at least as close as she can get." Jasper added, and I'm not sure whether I'm comforted by the fact that he seems to care or saddened that once again I'm one of a kind and don't fit in anywhere.

"I'll take her back to the pack with me." Fear skittered down my spine. Kellan was the only Wolf I'd interacted with since that night. Being in a room with him and his sister was more Wolf interaction than I'd had even before I was bitten. A whole pack? I wasn't sure I could handle that. My fingers found their way to raised skin on my left arm, tracing the marred flesh.

All three of them snapped their heads in my direction at the gasp that slipped from my lips. Kellan strode back towards us eyes dropping to the little girl at my side. She stepped closer to my side gripping the loose fabric of my shirt as if somehow that would block him from seeing her.

"You were talking about her while she was in the room. That's not very nice." She stared at his feet as she spoke but there was certainty in her words that left no room for argument. Kellan shook his head and the shadow of a smile touched his lips.

"I need to get Freya back to the pack so our doctor can take a look at her. I guess you heard that I want you to come with us?" I nodded, breathing deeply to try and calm the rapid pulsing in my chest. I had nowhere else to go. I couldn't hide in the bar forever. But what if they wanted me dead as well? I was still half Fae after all.

"We won't hurt you, Delilah. I promise," He said it with such conviction it was hard not to believe him. But the memory of being chased, hunted by Mythics in the forest is impossible to forget. And what if they wanted me to shift? The idea of letting myself become a Wolf again, become the very thing that I hated, made me sick to the stomach even now.

"I'll come with you," the small voice brought me back from the precipice of panic I was drifting over. I looked down at her tear stained face, her curly, chocolate brown locks framing her determined hazel eyes. I brushed her wild hair back from her face, she was so brave. So much braver than I could ever be. I shook my head.

"Thank you for the offer, but we have to get you home to your family, Tia," She shrugged her shoulders and held my gaze.

"They know I'm okay now that we're away from the silver. They would want me to help. Without you we would all still be trapped in there." She whispered the last words, as if the simple act of speaking them out loud could turn it into reality. I looked back up at Kellan. Would it be okay if she came? For some reason the idea of having someone else with me, someone who wasn't a Wolf, made me feel more confident about heading into the heart of the beast.

"If it's going to make you more comfortable," He lifted one shoulder and turned back to the Vampire and Daemon behind him.

"Head back to your people, let them know what happened. I need leaders to the Hall as soon as possible. These human scientists need to be stopped," He glanced at me and I couldn't meet his gaze, I could only imagine what stopping them entailed and none of the options were good. Bile rose from my stomach at the thought of Kat, I hated what she'd become, but the memories of who she had been to me were still too fresh in my mind.

"Spread the word. I'll meet them there as soon as Freya is safe with the doctor." "Yes, sir," Darren dips his head and strides for the door. Jasper dips his head and eyes Tia and eye for a brief moment before following the Daemon out. For the first time, I started to realise that Kellan might not be just a regular Wolf. From his words, and the power that radiated from him as he spoke, I was afraid he might actually be in charge. At least an Alpha and from the way he was issuing commands, maybe even the True Alpha. Leader and commander of all Wolves. The strongest and most powerful of all.

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