Chapter 7 ~ Test Subject

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I apologise in advance for any random tense changes. I am struggling a bit to maintain past tense after writing TDD for the last few years in present. Please let me know if you do spot any :)

"I don't believe you. Either you're lying or someone has covered up the truth extremely well." Did they honestly think I would believe I'd imagined the whole thing? "Where did the rest of the Fae go then if the Mythics didn't kill them? Did they just vanish into thin air? I watched it happen! I saw the Mythics, I heard the screams, I smelled the blood. Are you trying to tell me I imagined all that? That I didn't get bitten by a Wolf? I may not have shifted since that day but I can tell you without a doubt I am part Wolf." I lifted my left arm as high as I could to display the mangled skin on my arm from the Wolf bite.

"That's not what..." the echo of approaching footsteps halted the conversation before I could get any real answers. The lies snaked their way around my mind desperate to poke holes in my story, but there were none to be found. The familiar scent of Kat's perfume drifted down the hall and through the cell door. He was on her way back already. It was too soon. Was she coming to tell me I was responsible for yet another death? My hands shook at the thought.

The rattle of wheels resounded alongside the slap of her sneakers on the floor. This couldn't be good. Was she coming to take another test subject? Was she coming for me?

My heart was pounding by the time she finally stepped into view. Her ever-ready assistant behind her pushing a trolley with a Mythic strapped to it. It was a female Wolf, her silver aura was dim but present and her hand hung limp from the side of the trolley. She was strapped down despite her state of unconsciousness. As I stared at the white blonde hair that fell over her face and down to scrape along the floor, a niggling unease started to creep over me. Her slight frame was small for a Wolf.

Kat stepped up to the bars with a grin.

"We've done it!" She exclaimed, bouncing with the excitement.

"Done what?" I was afraid to ask, and even more afraid to hear her answer.

"We found your cure, Del." She said with exasperation, as if wondering how I hadn't guessed immediately. "I brought another Wolf down to show you. I want you to see exactly what happens so you're fully prepared when I give it to you." She stepped back and turned to the Wolf on the trolley. Her assistant pulled out a needle and a vial, drawing up the liquid as Kat swiped the hair away from the girls neck revealing her face. As soon as I saw her face I knew without a doubt that I was staring at Kellan's sister and they were about to inject her with the cure.

"Kat, there's no need to do that," I called to her, waving my hands to rattle the chains and grab her attention, "If it works you can just give it to me. I don't need to see it in action. Really." She smiled at me and shook her head.

"We're already here,and you need to see so you're prepared. She's not going to die if that's what you're worried about. She'll just be human." I was starting to realise that for most Mythics that may not actually be any better. I struggled against my chains as Kat took the needle and placed the tip against Freya's neck. I pulled on all of the power I had in me, desperate to break free and stop her from hurting the helpless girl on the table.

The needle slipped easily beneath the skin. The plunger sank millimetre by millimetre as if in slow motion until there was nothing left in the syringe. Nothing happened. The seconds ticked by into minutes as we all held our breath waiting for the moment of truth.

An ear piercing scream sent a shock wave through everyone, including Kat and her assistant. Freya shook on the trolley, her entire body vibrating and moving the trolley with it. The rattle of her restraints jerking against the polished metal echoed down the hall and back. Her eyes snapped open and stared blankly through the bars into our cell as her head jerked back and forth. It felt like hours of sitting helpless, watching her suffer unimaginable pain until finally it stopped. With one final twitch she slumped back on the table, unconscious.

I held my breath and focused on her chest, breathing I sigh of relief when it rose and fell with a breath of her own. I feel the Mythics around me start to breath again as well, relaxing against the walls once we know she is still alive.

"I know it looks scary, but it's only for a couple of minutes and then you'll have what you've always wanted. You'll finally be human. I'm sorry it took me so long to find you a cure. But it's here now. Are you ready? Do you need a minute." I latched onto those words as my way out.

"Yeah, I think I might. Sorry, Kat. That just looked a lot more painful than I was expecting. I might need a bit of time to mentally prepare after all." She nods, as if she'd expected this response.

"I thought you might. We'll give you some time. I'll send Talani back in a bit to see how you're feeling. You don't need to do anything until you're absolutely ready." Had Freya had the opportunity to prepare? I'd thought wishing I could shake the ignorant woman for her cold demeanour towards the innocent Mythic on her table.

"Okay," I forced a smile and somehow managed to maintain it until the two disappeared down the hall. The rattle of the trolley fading away.

"What will they do with her now that she's served her purpose?" Lauren asks, eyes wide with the horror of what we just witnessed.

"I don't know. She's human now, let's hope that's enough to keep her alive until we can get out of here."

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