Chapter 13 ~ The Hall

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As it turned out, the Hall was not a hall at all. It was a large clearing in the forest, in it were seven of the largest trees I had ever seen. Larger than I had ever even imagined trees could grow. They each must have been over one hundred metres tall and it would take ten people to reach around one trunk. Their branches towered so high above, blocking out the sky everywhere but for one small circle right in the middle of the ring of trees.

The sun high over head shone down through the gap created a spotlight over the small wooden dais that stood under the gap in the branches. When we reached the edge of the clearing, Kellan glanced at Tia.

"You'll have to wait here," He told her, the young girl made no argument, she released my hand from her grip and lowered herself to sit on the forest floor. His eyes drifted to me and he grabbed my arm and pulled me further into the clearing. Once we reached the ring of trees he released me.

"Like I said," He finally broke the heavy silence between us, "Only members of the Council can enter the Hall. If they let you in, they accept you as the leader of your kind. If not you'll have to wait out here with Tia and I cannot guarantee your safety as I could with the pack." I stared at him for a moment, shocked by his words. I'd heard of the Hall of course, the Fae leaders had been a part of it before as well but I had no idea it chose who could enter.

"Will Tia be okay out here?" I asked, unsure now that he'd said it wasn't safe. He grunted and tilted his head back to where she sat. An older man sat beside her and she was laughing, her whole body shaking, at something he'd said. I started back towards them worried. But Kellan held me back.

"Her father," He said and directed my gaze to a woman making her way into the Hall, her eyes locked on the little girl, "Her mother is the clan leader for the Witches." I breathed a sigh of relief and turned my attention back to the trees.

"What happens if they don't want me in there?" I asked resting a hand against the massive trunk of the tree closest to us.

"I've never seen anyone rejected before. Usually only the Council attempt to enter." I nodded and motioned him to move through, he hesitated for a moment before releasing me and stepping between the trees. He turned back to me once he was through. I took a deep breath and stepped forward.

I felt a tingle rush over my entire body. The hair on my arms stood on end and a buzz filled my ears. I took another step. The tingle turned to a burn, like I'd rolled my entire body in silver. I took another step. It felt liked I'd pushed my way through a thin filament, a slight stretching and the smallest pop and I was through. The burning sensation disappeared instantly, as if it had never been there at all.

Kellan watched, eyes wide and eyebrows raised as I stepped through. The five other people inside the Hall had similar expressions on their faces. When I met their heavy gazes they flicked their eyes over to Kellan.

"How did she get in?" Tia's mother called striding to the centre of the Hall.

"As the only Wolf Fae, I guess she qualifies as their leader," Kellan answered with a disbelieving chuckle.

"Nice to see you again, Delilah." Jasper's rasping voice snatched my attention from the curly haired woman. He was a leader as well? How had they managed to capture a Mythic leader?

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