Chapter 10 ~ Guilt

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I had no idea where to go as I stepped from the building, Freya in my arms. Most of the other Mythics disappeared into the steady stream of people moving down the street as soon as they stepped out. I needed to get her to Kellan. But I had no idea where to find him. The only place I had ever seen him was at The Lone Wolf, but the sun was high in the sky and even if I hadn't been kidnapped it wouldn't be open yet.

Jasper, Darren, and Tia remained with me. They waited beside me as I gazed blankly into the street. People stared at us as they walked passed, their heavy gazes flitting between the lifeless figure in my arms and the three gaunt Mythics around me. We probably looked like something out of their nightmares. Even if Kellan wasn't there, we needed to get off the street and since Kat was my roommate, I no longer had a house to go back to. The Lone Wolf it was.

We picked our way through the streets with care. We kept to the side streets, trying to avoid the suspicion of human eyes. We didn't need anymore attention on us than we already had and getting the human police involved did't seem like a good idea. It wasn't far, a few blocks but we walked in silence.

I'm not sure why the three of them stuck with me. I hadn't done anything to deserve their help, yet having them by my side as we walked through this human world I thought I'd known so well strengthened my resolve. We could do this. We could make it back to The Lone Wolf. We could find Kellan. We could save Freya.

His familiar scent hit me a block away and I sprang into a half jog under the weight of Freya's body. I spotted him moments later running towards us, his eyes locked on the limp figure in my arms and he sped up.

"Freya?" He reached for her, pulling her from my tired arms into his own as he hugged her to him, "Is she okay?" I dropped my gaze to the pavement beneath is feet.

"She's alive," I murmured, a weight settled in the pit of my stomach and my mouth went dry. How was I supposed to tell him that I was responsible for all of this? That his sister was no longer a Wolf and it was all my fault? "We need to get her inside though." I could feel his eyes on me waiting, but I couldn't meet his gaze, not yet.

"Okay," He conceded in the end and turned back the way he'd come. We followed in silence. When we reached the pub, the door was pushed wide and the lights were on. I raced the last few steps, searching the empty building for an assailant. Had someone broken in?

"It was me," Kellan spoke from the doorway, "I let myself in earlier. I was trying to figure out how to find you. I figured this would be the best place to start." I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded my understanding. He laid Freya on the bar before turning back to me with raised eyebrows.

Somehow, he looked even worse than the last time I'd seen him. As far as I could tell he was still wearing the same outfit as well and I wasn't even sure how many days had passed since I'd been taken. He had a 5 O-clock shadow that I'd never seen on him with before and his hair was tangled from too many fingers run through it. Even as I watched he raised his hand and ran it through the mess of hair before swiping it back down his face. The whites of his eyes were red, and he could barely keep them open.

"Kellan, have you even slept since she was taken?" I gasped. He shook his head and I'm not sure if it was in answer or just to keep himself awake, "How long have you been awake? You need to sleep." How many days had it been?

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