Chapter 8 ~ Fae Tricks

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Random pick of my puppies above ^^ 

"Do you have some kind of plan? Or are you just going to wait until she injects you with that poison as well?" Jasmine snaps at me, though it's with less venom than earlier.

"I'm not sure yet. I think I might. It just depends if its going to work with all this silver around." I rattle my chains as I speak feeling the tingling sensation skitter across my skin.

"What are you thinking?" Jasper queries, "Using your power will be almost impossible in here." I am all too aware of that, but I have the strength of a Wolf and the power of a Fae, if anyone could do it, it would be me.

"I'm going to trick them into letting me go." The last time I'd used a glamour had been that night when I'd tried to hide from the Mythics. I tried not to think about how long it had been as I reached for the ability and concentrated on Kat's features. The tingling in my hands turned to raging fire as soon as I released the glamour. The room stilled as I stifled a cry. The burning spread throughout my entire body, it felt like I was being burnt alive.

"How did you do that?" Tia's disbelief let me know it had worked, even if only for a moment. "It's a Fae trick," I told her with a grin and her face lit up with excitement.

"You'll have to hold it for longer than that if it's going to be at all believable." Jasper came in with his constructive criticism.

"I know," I sighed, "I haven't done it in so long. And the silver burns."

"Try again. Concentrate on your breathing. You'll have to focus. That first try lasted barely three seconds. We're talking minutes if this is going to work." I lent my head back against the wall behind me and forced my breathing back to it's regular pace. Concentrating once again on Kat's features I pulled on my power and released the glamour. The searing burn spread through me again, I could feel my skin bubbling, my blood boiling.

"Breathe," Jasper's rough voice reminded me to gasp for breath. I released it and took another. Tears spilled from my eyes and my teeth ground against one another as I fought to hold the image despite the pain. I dropped it with a gasp.


"Is it believable?" I gulped down more oxygen rubbing my fingers over my skin to reassure myself that it wasn't burnt to a crisp.

"It will be close enough from the door. Do they know Fae can do that though?" I shook my head.

"I don't think so. I never told Kat, anyway. And even if they do, they wouldn't know I could do it in silver chains."

"Either way it's worth a try." The Daemon added, "Worst case they don't fall for it and we're stuck here. Still no worse off than we are now." I rest of them nodded in approval.

"What's your name?" I asked, realising he was the only one whose name I didn't know.

"Darren," He dipped his head, "Nice to meet you." He chuckled deeply and his coal black eyes lit with excitement. I couldn't help but smile back, Incubi had a magnetic pull even on other Mythics.

"Try again." Jasper once again dragged me back to the reality of our situation. "We don't know how much time they're going to give you. You need to get it right before then." I closed my eyes and tried again. Over and over I let the fire burn me and tried not to scream. Until, we heard the footsteps echoing down the hall towards us again.

I was managing a minute and half, and some basic words through the pain. We had to hope it would be enough. At least my tortured voice would sound distressed as I imagine Kat would be if I had shackled her to a wall and escaped. The footsteps moved ever closer, I shifted my attention to Jasper who had his eyes closed as he tried to judge the distance. When he snapped his eyes open and gave me a nod I reached for the power one last time.

I let the fire burn me, I pushed the pain into a box in my mind and tried to concentrate my entire being on what I needed to do. I struggled in the chains the loud rattle resounding through the bare room.

"Talani?" I called, forcing the glamour to make the words sound like Kat was speaking them, "Talani, help me. Quickly!" I shout down the hall, voice strangled over the searing heat in my limbs. The footsteps raced towards us and I released the glamour of Kat's figure just as her assistant reached our cell. She stalled in horror as she stared at her colleague chained in a cell surrounded by Mythics.

"Katalina?" She shrieked, "What happened? I thought you were going to meet us in the lab?" She fumbled a set of keys from her pocket, and hurried to the gate. The keys clattered against the metal gate as she rushed to to get it unlocked. Her eyes flickered from Kat's figure to the lock barring her from entering.

My breathing came in ragged gasps as I tried to forced myself to breathe through the pain. My blood boil and every breath felt like I was inhaling fire into the depths of my lungs. I couldn't hold it much longer.

"Get me out of here." I rattled my chains at here, desperate to be free before I lost my grip on our only chance of escape. Finally, the lock clicked free and she pulled the door wide with a slight creak before racing over to me. I closed my eyes as she knelt in front of me and searched for the key to my shackles. She must have noticed my ragged gasps and the moisture beading on my skin where she held my wrists, but she said nothing.

"Hurry up," I growled out, feeling the glamour slipping from my grasp. The searing flames were overwhelming. The key slipped in and she turned. I dropped the glamour. Talani screamed and jumped back but it was too late. I tugged on the shackles and my wrists came free, deep red welts marring the skin in their place.

She ran for the door but I was faster, I grabbed her from behind and held a hand over her mouth as I dragged her back to my chains. She struggled, head shaking in denial as I pushed her to the ground and shackled her to the wall. She screamed at the top of her lungs as soon as I released her to unlock Jasper's shackles. We wouldn't have long.

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