Chapter 18 ~ Truth

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I laid outside for the rest of the night. Kellan had thrown me some loose fitting clothes and a while later when I still hadn't come inside he'd brought a blanket out too. He seemed to know I needed to be left alone and hadn't spoken a word.

Now as the sun peaked its way over the horizon I got to my feet. I'd slept in fits and bursts through the few remaining hours of the night my mind occupied by the thoughts of what to do now. I wanted that cure and Kellan had it. I could leave but then I'd never get it. If I stayed I knew he would make me shift again try to convince me that being a Wolf wasn't so bad. But I knew that it was. I knew what they had done even if they didn't want to admit it.

What I didn't understand was why he wanted me to learn to be a Wolf anyway. What did it matter to him either way? We barely knew each other. He'd said he would answer any questions I had and as I strode toward the cabin and up the steps I was determined to get those answers. I pushed the door open with more force than necessary and stormed in.

It was a small cabin, just one room with a queen bed in one corner a small desk near the door and a few cupboards and shelves along the remaining walls. Kellan lay passed out on the mattress, his soft snoring the only sound in the otherwise quiet room. My loud entrance hadn't disturbed him at all and looking as his tired features, the heavy bags under his eyes and knowledge that he hadn't slept in days now I made no move to disturb him further.

He laid on his stomach like he'd fallen that way and hadn't had the energy to get up again. I headed back outside and grabbed the blanket he'd given me, treading lightly as I moved back closer to him and spread it over his tall frame. My questions would have to a wait a little while longer. I sighed and glanced around the room again.

The desk caught my attention, strewn with books and papers as if he'd been sitting there working most of the night. Perhaps it would hold some of the answers. I searched through the piles of paper, most were hand written letters between the Mythic leaders. Why they were hand writing things in this day and age I had no idea but at the same time the concept made me smile. My hand came to rest on a small leather bound book with no title or any other indication of what might be inside. I picked it up drawn to the smooth feel of leather beneath my fingers and the smell of old book that drifted through the air as I pulled it closer.

I opened it to the middle and inhaled. A familiar scent sent shock waves through my body. The book landed on the floor at my feet and I scrambled to pick it up again. How could it be? I opened it to the first page and my eyes went wide taking in the familiar scrawl of the Fae language.

It was hand written and hadn't been touched by a Fae in many years but it still held their scent. The familiar flowery flavour like spring itself drifting from the pages. A drop of moisture landed on the open page and I swiped my eyes before another could make the fall.

Why did he have this? I turned to the next page and started to read.

"The collection of the seven amulets could be the key to unlocking the power of the races. If harnessed correctly we would be as Gods to not only the humans but Mythics as well. I believe that once the transfer is complete the other races would remain but would lose the majority of their power which we would gain to become the supreme race. We have lived as the smallest Mythic population for too long. With this power we would control everything and everyone would bow down before us..." I trailed off unable to comprehend what I was reading.

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