Chapter 3 ~ Taken

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Dedicated to @LaniNKS2018 --> if you are looking for a new story to read definitely head over and have a look at her story The Queen of the Prey. One of the best Werewolf stories I have read :D

The pungent odour of chemicals heavy in the air brought me back to consciousness. I opened my bleary eyes, blinked against the blinding white lights and tried to bring a hand up to shield my face. The deafening clatter of chain on chain pierced my brain and set it throbbing in time with the rapid beat of my heart. A glance down left me with more questions than answers.

Polished silver manacles cinched tight around each wrist, a matching heavy, silver chain snaked its way from my each manacle down to a hook drilled deep into the bare concrete slab that was the floor. I tugged once on the heavy chain, it held fast. Pins and needles sparked in my skin everywhere I came in contact with the metal.

I closed my eyes trying to remember exactly how I'd gotten here, but the more I tried to concentrate the worse the throbbing in my brain became. I sighed deeply, wishing I'd just helped Kellan the first time he asked. It was clearly too late now. Not that I would have been able to find the missing anyway. Silver blocked Mythic power. Whoever was behind this knew what they were doing.

A cough from beside me snapped my eyes back open and for the first time I glanced around the room. A Vampire was slouched a few metres to my right his amber eyes, tired and gaunt, seemed to stare straight through me. The usually vivid scarlet aura had lost its luster; he likely hadn't fed for days.

On the back wall, a middle age woman sat staring at the metal bars of the gate directly across from her. Her golden aura identified her as a Dragon. Beside her the forest green aura of the Witches pulsed around a young curly haired child as she stifled sobs with her hands. On the wall directly opposite me a Siren steeped in the deepest blue and beside her the burnt orange of a Daemon.

Including myself as both a Wolf and a Fae, there was one of each of the seven Mythics in this one cell. I tugged on my chains again. Something was very wrong. There was nothing random about this. Whoever was doing the kidnapping could tell what we were, knew our weakness, and could identify our species. My heart pounded in my chest as my gaze flitted around the room again and again. Red, gold, green, blue, orange, and down to twisting swirl of silver and violet that shadowed my skin.

"What is going on?" I murmured to myself, wondering how many cells full of Mythics lay beyond this one. Hoping there were more, because I knew there were at least eighteen Mythics missing and one of them was Kellans sister, Freya.

"That's the question, isn't it," the deep rasping voice bounced off the walls, too loud in the small space. I twisted back towards the Vampire, his eyes more focused now actually seeing me, rather than the wall behind me. A tendril of fear curled its way down my spine as he watched me. Those amber eyes catching every movement. It had been so long since I interacted with other Mythics, I'd forgotten how intense they could be. How much more aware they were than humans. But the thought also reminded me why I hadn't interacted with them for so long and for the first time since I woke, I realised I was in a room surrounded my other Mythics and I had no way out.

"I guess it is. Do you know the answer?" I mumbled back fingers fidgeting with the chains around my wrists.

"No more than you do, I imagine," he replied with a sigh.

"She's probably in on it," the Dragon beside him accused with fire in her eyes, "That's what they do." My hands clenched tighter on the chains, the tingling sensation spreading further with the increased pressure. I wasn't certain why she was accusing me, it seemed like it might be because I was a Fae. But what had the Fae ever done to her? We'd been a peaceful people. They were the ones who had attacked us and slaughtered us without cause. Maybe she meant Hybrids, but as far as I was aware I was the only one.

"Ignore Jasmine, she's been here the longest. I think she's starting to lose her patience." He chuckled, as Jasmine grumbled under her breath, "I'm Jasper."

"Delilah," I acknowledged, still unsure, "Are there others?"

"Believe so, we've seen them drag a few passed every now and then. Still have no idea what they're doing with us though. Or how many of the others are still alive." My thoughts drifted to Freya, Kellan's sister. I hoped she was still alive.

"You haven't seen a blonde female Wolf around?" I'm not sure what I was hoping hear, but either way my heart sank when he shook his head.

"Sorry, my senses have gone downhill a bit since they cut off my food supply. I could barely tell you if they were male or female." He shrugged, and glanced around the cell at each of our fellow captives.

"I haven't seen them take any female wolves since I got here," the words came out interrupted by occasional hiccupping sobs, "But I've only been here a couple of days." She couldn't be more than ten, her hazel eyes were red rimmed and overflowing with fear. I gave her a soft smile wishing I could do more.

"What's your name?"

"Tia," she sobbed harder at the word, as if reminded once again where she is and I wish I hadn't asked. I shifted my gaze back to Jasper, but he just shook his head and lifted one shoulder. The echo of footsteps resounded from down the hall, bouncing off the walls until it reached us. The tension in the small space rose as the steps moved ever closer. My heart pounded in my chest. Little Tia's sobs gained strength even as she tried so hard to stifle them. Step by step we waited. They slowed as they closed in. I heard the murmur of voices but couldn't make out the words.

A familiar scent filled the air and all the air left my lungs. Who had they taken now? I struggled to put a face to the scent my mind whirling a million miles a minute. The pungent odour of chemicals was over powering. The footsteps moved closer. Two sets. When they finally stepped into view my mind reeled.

I didn't get a chance to even try editing this chapter as I wrote. I apologise but I ran out of time today. Hope is not too bad :)

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