Chapter 3: The Lab

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Rieka Pov

I was walking down the hallway to my next class when a girl runs into me. Her face turns red from embarrassment. 

"I'm sorry, I really should have been more careful" she says avoiding eye contact with me.  I could hear from the tone of her voice that she was shy talking with me.

"Oh it's ok, is everything alright" I say to her she looks up at see my ears poking out of my head.

"I'm looking for one of my classes. I'm new here and I really don't know my way around since this school is so large. The room is 2W that i'm looking for" she says. Her voice was more opening towards me

"Hey I can take you there. I was heading that way anyways" I say smiling.

"Thank you so much" she says following me to her class. There's a werewolf class that werewolves take. Humans can also take it too, I guess she one of them.

"So tell me about yourself besides being new here" I say to her trying to break the silence between us.

"Oh, my name is Avery, i'm really big art and history fan. How about you" she says smiling at me making me smile back.

"Well my name is Rieka, I'm the alpha of the Arctic wolves" I say feeling proud about myself.

"Wait, your an alpha" she says looking at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah there's five of us but my pack is the second best here, if it wasn't for the bloodhounds" I look at her, she was so astonished from telling her about being an alpha. It made me feel even more proud of myself. We walk into the classroom and before I could say anything a wolf walks up to me. From his scent I could tell that he was apart of the bloodhounds.

"Miss Rieka, Alpha Jason needs you. He is in the same spot that he is always at. Best if you hurry he is not in the best mood today" he says before rushing off.

"Oh no it Monday... I forgot. I have to go I will be back before class starts, oh and don't follow me please" I say to Avery but I think saying "don't follow me" was a bad choice of words to say. I hurried off towards the same spot where Jason always is...the lab room. I open the door just enough to hear what Jason was saying.

"Where is she" I hear Jason yell towards his pack.

"I...I don't know, one of our werewolves are out to find her as we speak Alpha" one of the werewolves say. Jason growls at the wolf's words. He walks up to the werewolf grabbing his uniform

"Find her now or your d-" I open the door before he finishes.

"Stop it, I'm right here" I call out as he shoves the werewolf to the ground.

"your late Rieka...again" he growls looking me was a stare that give me chills.

"I was talking to a girl, I really didn't mean to be late" I try to reason with him but I make it worse.

"Just get to work Rieka" he yells towards me pointing towards the counter. I rush over and pull out a glass bottle adding ingredient by ingredient. Slowly working on a potion Jason asked me to prepare for him. I used to love making potions, but now I hate it. I still make them just not as much as before. The way he makes me make them and the way he uses them makes me sick. The only reason I make potions for Jason is because of the wolf contract we made. I made it so that I wouldn't have to be Jason's mate. Using magic I broke the bond between us but now I have to keep his share of the deal, Which is me being his personal assistant till we graduate. It sounded so simple, such a small request. Sadly Jason took it too far and made me feel like a slave to him. To keep the contract from ending and returning to being his mate, I just put up with it. Once I graduate the contract will activate freeing me from Jason. it would be like we were never mates. Giving me another chance. I still have another one out there. Someone better than Jason, someone that might actually care about me. Knowing that gives me something to look forward too. I was lost in thought while making the potion finishing it without realizing. I wave for his attention as he walks over.

"Drink it" He says examining it.

"No Alpha, you know what will happen to her" one of Jason's werewolves says.

"I know what's going to happen, I want to see if it will work, so drink it. Now!" he yells. Luckily Avery had followed me. sneaking into the lab room and heard the whole conversation. I start to lift the bottle to my mouth.

"Stop" Avery yells running out from where she was hiding.

"and you are..." He looks at Avery.

"Doesn't matter who I am, what does is what your doing isn't right" she yells towards Jason.

"Wait Rieka, this is the girl you were talking to that made you late. She like your only human friend right, well we can change that" Jason says smirking

"No, whatever your going to make me do. I won't do it" I said trying not to freak out.

"Oh Rieka dear would you make that potion and reverse the effects on it" he says still smirking.

"Jason please don't make me do this" I say now freaking out

"Make it now" he demands

"What kind of potion is it..." Avery says as she moved towards me but Jason walks in front of her. He starts talking to her about something but I'm unable to hear him. I hesitate for a moment, I don't want to do this but I have no choice but to make it. If I disobey him the contract will end. So I start to make the potion along with two other ones in the process, after finishing all of them I hide the other ones in my backpack and hands him the last potion.

"You may leave now" he says satisfied.

"Let's get out of here Aver-" I start to say.

"without the girl" he interrupts. I stand still for a moment. 

"No" I say as I run towards Avery and throw a potion down onto the floor. It was a smoke potion I tell her as I grabbed her and ran out.

"Run" I yelled. As we run out Jason started to follow us he then starts to throw his potion on the ground towards Avery, I grabbed her and pushed her forward so that the potion hit me, I fell to the floor from the impact. I stop and a few of my werewolves jump in front of me and block him from us. I look back and see him with a smile.

"You asshole, what the hell is wrong with you" I stand up to see Avery scared of what just happened. then she hurry off as I sigh in relief that nothing happened to her.

"Move" I commend my wolves. They move off to the side and I walk forwards, now face to face with Jason. He gets away with everything, makes me feel like shit all the time. Now he tries and harass a girl. That was it, I had enough of it.

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