Chapter 10: Jason's undoing

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It was about three days since Jason tried making me make a ruby potion. While I was walking to school I meet up with Avery midway.

"Hey Rieka, how is your arms from the other day" she asked as we walk to school. "It fine I cleaned it up and put a bandage on it" I say showing her my bandaged arm.

"Oh good, just making sure you ok from what happened," she says with a slight smile of relief that I was ok from that fall.

"Hey Avery, what really happened at the party when you went to go check the werewolves" I ask her with my head down.

"Oh yeah, when I went to check on the werewolves I ran into Jason and his pack and I told him I didn't want to hangout but him and his pack kept asking me to stay but they wouldn't let me out so I just say fine. After a bit Jason took me to the side of the house and he tried to kiss me but I know better than that so I went inside and then I saw you," she says looking at me.

"Oh Xavier doesn't know that part of the story" I said in a low tone.

"Wait, what do you mean he doesn't know that part of the story!" Avery said in surprise.

"Me and Xavier may have found you with Jason outside. Xavier left the party that night because he thought you kissed him" I said to her looking a little guilty of snooping on her.

"Oh, that's why he hasn't responded to me," she said in a sad voice. When we get to school we split up. I had to leave again to go "work". When I got there the wolf from yesterday that I landed on was there, Jason was holding him down.

"Let go of him right now Jason!" I yelled.

"We are using him as a test dummy" he says. I run up to Jason and when I strike at him, he drops the guy and grabbed me by the neck. Raising me up above the ground making it hard for me to breath. I try to make him loosen his grip but it doesn't work.

"Who the hell do you think you are. Your a stupid wolf that has no respect for me. I am the leader here and you will listen to me. When your told you do something you do it, when I hold someone in the lab don't tell me what to do with them, don't ever tell me what to do, I will not hesitate to hurt you Rieka, you know that right. So do your job and listen like a good mutt that you are" he holds me tighter where it makes it even harder to breath.

"Jason...stop..." I try to say.

"Stop this" say the wolf from yesterday being held by two other werewolves.

"Make me" he yells grabbing me even tighter. My eyesight goes back, my hearing goes dull. 

"Jason!" Xavier growls, "what did I say to you about if you ever touch her again" Xavier growls breaking the door down. Standing behind him was Avery along with the police behind them. 

"You are under arrest for harassment" yells one of the officers. He drops me and leaving me fainted on the ground. Jason pack members werewolves let go of the werewolf and everyone comes towards me. Even the werewolves from Jason pack. 

"Rieka!" Avery yells in tears. She runs to me, while Xavier picks me up and holds me in his arms still on the floor, it was about 5 minutes that I was out. 

"Rie, please wake up!" Xavier says in a scared voice starting to form tears in his eyes.

"I should have been there for you...I was to late, I shouldn't have came sooner" Xavier cries into my chest. A few more minutes and I slowly opened my eyes.

"Rieka!" everyone says, Xavier sets down on the nurse's bed.

"Ughh my head" I try to say but could only make out "m-h-d.."

"Shh lay down and rest, your mother and the ambulance is coming" the nurse says. I lay down and pass out again. I open my eyes and look around to find that I'm not at the school anymore but i'm at the hospital. I look around and see Avery, Xavier, my mother, and the werewolf that was with me in the lab. They were all sleeping beside Xavier, so I look at the time and see that it 2:43 AM.

"Try not to move, your body can't handle it at your state. You could have died from lack of oxygen and when you hit the ground and hit your head. You might have a hard time talking and might have a headache for a few days, but otherwise rest until the morning" he whispers to me. I nod to him and lay back down. The next morning I woke up and sit up slowly. Avery runs to me and hugged me.

"Oh my god, your ok" she said in a voice that sounded like she was going to cry. Then my mom walks up and hugs and she starts crying

"My baby, i'm glad your safe" she says. Looking around and see Xavier and the werewolf talk in the background. I raise my hand out at them and they both walk up. Xavier walks over and hugs me. He doesn't say anything because he knows it wasn't the right time to speak.

"Thanks for standing up for me. Your the bravest wolf I ever met" the wolf says to me.I didn't have the strength to talk so all I did was nod and smile. Looking behind him there was a figure in the center of the room.

"You're finally awake I see" the man starts to speak. I tilt my head to the side, confused on who that was.

"W- w- wh- o- o- a-" I start to say back but I start to hurt myself. Looking over to Xavier, he could tell that I was in pain.

"What do you think, Rie" Xavier says to me as he stands by my bed. Who is he I say in my mind. Xavier nods and walks over to him whisper something in the guys ear. Everyone looking at me confused on what happened.

"I see then" the guys says as he nods and Xavier walks back to my side.

"I'm Ruin, It's been a while since I've seen you sister" he starts as my eyes widen, "But don't think i'm going to be here for long, I gotta head back home after this. I had gotten a call from our parents that you were hurt. I came and checked on you. Knowing that your fine i'll be leaving here in the next 10 minutes." he says as I start to cry a little. Brother... patents... check on me... THEY ABANDONED ME... why couldn't they check on me themselves! With all those thoughts running through my head Xavier places his hand over mine. I look at him with tears forming in my eyes.

"It's ok, claim down your going to hurt yourself like that" Xavier says as my brother start to walk towards the door. I raise my hand hoping he would turn around but he just keeps walking.

"We will meet again, so stop crying" he says before walking out. I stare at the ground for a long time. My mom, Avery, sit back down but Xavier and the wolf stay at my side, I crawl up into a ball and go back to sleep. I was later discharged from the hospital to go home. Xavier and the wolf help me into the house and upstairs to my room. I lay down on my bed and hear Xavier and the wolf leave my house. The door shuts and I start to get sad again. I look at my phone, the screen was cracked. I set it back down on my table. I sit up on my bed and slowly make my way to the window and sitting against the window sill. Staring outside for a long time before going back to my bed and sleep the rest of the day The next day I go back to school, I could only talk in a whisper. On our way to class I try to tell Xavier the story that Avery told me but I was having a hard time trying.

"Sh- nev- ss- ja- on-," was all that came out, he turns to me smiling.

"Shh, hold your energy," He says to me and I frown a little When class starts Avery sit next to Xavier and I sit right next to the werewolf.

"Im Lewis by the way, I never got to tell you that" he says smile.

"L- Lew- is, Lewis" I say struggling. "I- I- li- li- like- it" I say in a whisper going very slowly. He smiles at me as class starts and the teacher starts to talk. After school Lewis, Avery, and Xavier were outside waiting for me. I had more strength and was able to speak better.

"He- hey ho- w a- bo- ut- you guys co- come ov- er- to my hou- se-. I have noth- ing- p- lann- ed-, I say in a whisper.

"Sure" said Avery and Xavier.

"Umm sure why not" Lewis says afterwards. They all walk with me to my house. While at my house Lewis listens to me I try and talk a bit but we both watch Avery and Xavier laughing together.

"It was sw- eet- that they lau- gh- to- gether- a- again" I say to Lewis. Xavier and Avery look at me there faces filled with joy. In that moment it felt like the whole thing with Jason never happened.

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