Chapter 7: The Great War of Solar Might

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When I woke up the next morning after the party. I got a text message on my phone from a random number saying

"Good job, you did good. Your lucky it worked out but I enjoy making your omega suffer and by the way make sure your on time for monday -Jason." Ugh how did he even get my number. I also had another message this one was from Avery

"Hey, can you help me study, Xavier won't answer back to me and I really need to study. If you want to study ill be at the park at 12:35" I look at the time it was 12:03. Crap I only have half an hour to get ready. I rush to get ready and by the time I get done it's 12:24. I start to walk to the park, it wasn't too far from my house. When I got there it was 12:37, I looked around for Avery. A few minutes later I find her on the ground looking at a book.

"Avery" I called out.

"You're finally here, I didn't think you would show for a minute there," she said as she turned around. I walk over and sit down.

"what do you need help with then" I say to her.

"The history of wolves and great war of th-" she says and then I finish it.

"-the solar might it called. It was a war that killed my great grandfather and left my great grandmother to raise my grandmother alone. At least that's what my mom says. The humans always wanted all the power. To use us as there toys but we would never stand down. They started traveling using boats to find more land to control and once they control that they wanted more. They wanted to take over the Misty forest, the most but valuable place to us wolves. One day a wolf found out there plans to raid the forest. Using magic we put a border that only wolves and other mystical beings with a bloodline of the misty forest can enter. In hope a human would never step foot in the forest. As far as I know no human had been able to walk in. When the humans come to the border, there King walked right up to the border and tried to walk in. With the border he was burnt to ashes leaving only his armor on the ground, then the humans retreated back to there land. With there lost from their king, the humans put money for any mythical creature caught. The people from our forest grew angry at this and in the end both sides went to war. The war lasted 2 years, with lives being taken. We were losing and we had little hope left and then He, the Great Protector came out from his den that was deep in the forest. He came to the cave where the wolves lived and him and his wife decided to fight in the final battle that ended the war. The final battle of Solar Mights. On that day, his wife was killed by one of the humans, seeing his wife die he went into a deep grief and anger, unable to control it he turned himself into a monster. He went on a rampage killing everything in his path he wiped out every human there but one person. He was the only part human part wolf, he was the one who killed his wife. The werewolves in battle watched as he walked face to face with the rampaged monster.

"You sick freak. You don't deserve to live, with all that power. Killing your wife was easy and I had no regret killing her. You and your family deserve to DIE!" he yelled at him. He took out his sword and pointed it at the monster and throw it right in the heart. He fell to the ground and all the other werewolves charged at him. Ending the war, if any human came into the land of where the war took place they would be killed. Any humans to fall in love with a werewolf and make a half breed would be killed. A curse was put on everyone. Werewolves will never be able to mate with a human. Werewolves were not aloud to change into a wolf form outside of the barrier. After the war winter showed and the child of the great protector disappeared. Everyone thought he was killed off in the winter. It was a cold and helpless winter with lots of sadness everywhere. The child of the Alpha was born during war her name Lilith became the only one in the pack with hope for the future, she kept the pack safe. One day she was wandering around and found herself at the border of the forest and she wasn't the only one there the prince of a kingdom not to far was there looking at the trees the touched the clouds. As he was about the touch the border, Lilith ran out

"DON'T TOUCH THAT, it will turn you to ash" she called out, the prince stood still he ever seen something so magical in his life, he has never seen a werewolf before. He stepped back away from the forest. His lost your words he stood there and look at her ears.

"What are you looking at" she says to him

"I've never seen something so magical, there so lovely" he says back. Lilith looked at him and then a howl from the woods came.

"Oh no, you must run, go" she says as she runs into the forest

As time went on there friendship grew. They would meet at the border and would talk about each other's lives and how there both wanted peace. A year past and the visiting stopped. The Prince's father went ill and passed away, making him the new king. Lilith became alpha female, she was a strong leader, she would visit the place they would meet in hope he was to come. on one of her visits she was sitting on the ground King of Lertha walk to the border.

"Lilith I have something important I need to tell you, it is about the future of this world. I want to make a peace treaty with the creatures of the misty forests and let them roam free in the world of the human. I'm asking you because I heard you were the leader of the werewolves and I want to do something that no other king can. Will you make this treaty with me" she looked at him and she ran into the woods, she called for a meeting with the other leaders of the forest

A few days later, Lilith went back to the border and met up with the king. When they met up and they chatted for a few minutes and then Lilith called out the other members of the forest, they all came to an agreement and decided to bring the two worlds together. After years later the Magic border still stands."

"I've never thought that the werewolves had such a history" Avery says in amazement.

"I could take you to the border and see it if you want. Actually the park we are at is the solar might park now that I think about it we are really close to the border" I say to her

"Wait really, I really want to see it" she says I get and and start to walk to the border of misty forest. As I walk I start to think about how after 200 years humans still are not aloud still. When we get there, I tell her to stay where she is. I walk right to the border and step inside. I stand still for a few seconds and then sparks fly around me until Avery cant see me then they goes away and when she looks back at me she steps back.

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