Chapter 9: Rubys

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The weekend came to an end bring Monday with it. I walked into my class and as soon as I looked around I noticed that Xavier wasn't there.

"Hey Avery wheres is Xavier" asking her looking a little confused. 

"I don't know, he never texted me back this weekend" She said. I sat down next to her and a few minutes later a werewolf walked into class. He walks up to me and Avery.

"Are you Rieku" he seemed nervous.

"It Rieka and I think i'm the one you're looking for, how can I help you?" I say to him.
"Alpha Jason is looking for you, miss" he says.

"Tell him I would be there soon," I say as he walks off in a hurry. I stand up sighing as I wave Avery bye. I walk into the lab room, looking down at the ground.
"You actually come on time and did what your told" Jason says walking towards me.

"Jason, Why won't you just leave me alone" I say back to him, my head still hanging low.

"Oh but our little contract, you wouldn't want to break that, right" he says smiling.

"Fuck you Jason, what do you want from me anyways. Can't you just find some other magic user" I said yelling. He sighs and hands me a list and I read it.

"This is why I need you" he says his tone was deeper and I could hear he was starting to get annoyed.

"I did you get this...this potion is forbidden by magic law. I can't just make this, plus you need a pure ru-" he sets a bag on the table.

" I won't do it" I say trying to run out the door but Jason's werewolves block it. I think in my head "Xavier where are you, I need help". I stand still hoping for him to show.
"You make that potion now" he demands. I look around and see a window.

"No" I run slamming myself into the window I fall out and landing on top of another werewolf.

"Ahh what the hell" he says looking at me.

"I'm sorry" I start running to the school office. Turning into a corner I run into more of Jason's pack. They grabbed me by my arms.

"Let me go now" I yelled.

"I can't do that" one of them say as they take me back to the lab room.

"Jason! I can't make a rudy potion it forbidden and you know that. I can only make simple potion and I can't make some fucken mind control potions" I yell, I hear him growl.

"The hell is wrong with you. If your not going to make that one then make this one" He says giving me a new piece of paper.

"what kind of potion is this.." I ask, the paper has no name.

"Just make it!!" he yells. With no other option I finish it and he lets me go. I run to class and sit down before class starts.

"I'm back" I say to Avery.
"You have blood on your arm" she said looking at me with worried eyes.

"I don't care, lets just pay attention to class" I say to her


When I got home I cleaned the wounds from my fall. I wonder what that werewolf was doing outside when I landed on him. I felt really bad for landing on him too. It was still pretty early to go to bed so I went outside to were the old garden that I never finished was. A little bit later I saw Xavier outside but it didn't want to bug him. I guess he saw me because he walked over to my house.

"Hey" he said leaning on the fence.

"Oh hey. where were you today" I asked still working on weeding the garden

"I was umm at the doctors" he said with a nervous tone.

"Where you really" I ask him.

"No I at the Sprite cave, my calling was acting up and I couldn't hold it in" He says rubbing his back.

"Oh, are you still upset about what happened at the party," I said as I stood up looking at him 

"Maybe" he said, I keep looking at him.

"Ok yes, i'm still upset at what happened at the party, you can't blame me" he said.

"I can, but I won't. You care about her and that's sweet. Oh It's getting late I should get going inside." I say looking at my phone

"Oh ok" He says to me waving goodbye as I walk inside. I went inside and as the night grew, I kept thinking why Xavier was gone today, was it really the calling. It couldn't just being scared of seeing Avery again. What was he hiding, whatever it is it not good I bet. I drift off thinking about what it could be.

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