Part 2

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I walk out of the elevator into the office and as soon as I step out of the elevators my jaw drops. Photos of indecent women litter the walls. I look at the secretary she looks no older than I but she is wearing a short skirt and a blouse that reveals her rather large boobs. I walk over to her feeling eyes fall on me from around the room. She walks over to me. "Hi welcome to lubri-nation adventure what can I do for you," she says in a cheery tone. "I'm here for an interview," I say shyly. "Oh right your the girl from the phone ! " she says happily. 

She quickly stands up and motions for me to follow. The objects that hang and cover the walls make me a little uncomfortable. "Who's the prude," says a girl with long red curly hair and emerald green eyes. "Be nice astryd" says the receptionist. On the way there I learn her name is Alayna. We stop in front of two glass doors. my heart starts to pound. as  Alayna knocks on the doors. 

From the inside I hear a deep voice say come in. a tall man with dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes stands up from his desk he Is all about 6'3" and he has a husky voice. he smiles s Alayna walks out the door leaving us alone in a room. I hadn't noticed y surroundings . I look around the room in awe. sex toys liter the walls on shelves. " what kind of company is this?" I ask .  with a chuckle he answers  " this is a sex toy company" my mouth forms an O shape and it hits me. I feel a blush rose to my face. he notices because a smile forms on his face. 

my name is Colby Dean CEO of lubri-nation adventure. he holds out his hand. I extend my arm out shaking his hand. so many questions fill my mind. he can see the confusion by my puzzled expression. "come sit " he gestures to the chair in front of his desk. I walk over to it sitting down crossing my ankles. he gives me a puzzled look. and I feel the blush rise to my cheeks. my heart pounds faster. he can tell I'm a bit flustered and he is liking it. 

"avalena,  what made you apply here," he asked. " I take a deep inhale before beginning to talk." well I saw an ad on television and I thought it was an office job," I say shyly.  " this s no ordinary office job.  he says his husky voice deeper than it was earlier. I look at him his once blue eyes are no a deep blue-grey. I feel the blush rise to my cheeks. He is so handsome.  I am lost in my thought when I am pulled back out. " you have the job. " he says sharply. " I am confused for a second.  he notices the look of confusion on my fade. " is something Wrong Avalena.

 I shake my head now as he buzzes for his secretary to come in and collect me. " Astrid will you show her around. he says dismissing us both from his office. Astryd motions for me to follow her as we walk down corridors passing rooms. she opens the door to one of them and the contents behind the door shock me. I see a bed in the middle of the room it is made neatly.  she says this is what we call the playrooms it's where testers test out the newest toys.  we continue walking not a big open room with a stage n the middle and charts and tables fill the room. on the other side of the room, I see girls lined up to walk the catwalk.  they notice me and all come sprinting over this way. " girls the is avalena, she is our newest tester." she says with a smile. shock crosses my face. I thought I was going to be a secretary or an assistant or something of that sort. 

the girls all look at each other before laughing and walking away again to go practice. " sorry about them they are a little rude and air-headed sometimes. " Astrid apologizes. I nodded following her to the lobby. " Mr. Dean said he wants you here tomorrow to start" be here bright and early. and bring spare clothes."  she winks at me walking away.

 I take the elevator going down to the first floor. I go to my car and head back to my apartment. my heart still pounding from the time I spent in Mr. Deans's office.  a tester I was a tester. what kind of things was he talking about. all I know is I was tired but I hadn't yet eaten dinner. I made my way to my small kitchen in my toy run-down apartment threw together a quick dinner before washing my dishes and changing into my pajamas and flopping down on my bed.

I sigh before closing my eyes letting sleep overcome me. I sleep well but I dream of what will happen tomorrow. I wake up the next morning to the sound of my alarm going off. I roll over and he clocked reads 8:00 I get up making my way to the kitchen grabbing a Palle I go into the bathroom and I turn on the shower. I quickly shower and get dressed before throwing on minimal makeup. I grab my keys and make my way outage the door heading downstairs to my car. I drive to the office pressing the button to the tenth floor. I walk out of the elevator Astrid greets me. Mr. Dean walks out from around the corner. avalena follow me they way. he walks me down the corridor that we previously walked down yesterday and opens the door to a room. It's like the one I saw yesterday. he turns to me shutting the door leaving only us in the room.........

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