Thunder bolts and Lightening

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The next morning Theresa and I awoke, Gwen's flight should just be landing. We made sure the guest room was prepared. "Freddie thank you so much for letting her stay here." she said hugging me. "Of course darling, Gwen is a friend of yours so she shall have the best treatment." I kissed the tip of her nose. Our eyes met and we gazed into each others for a bit. "I love you Freddie, I really do...I am sorry I haven't been myself lately." I pulled her even closer and pushed a piece of hair out of her face stroking the side of her soft cheek, "It's okay darling really...let's just try to focus on the good." I said as we held each other. "Agreed" she said kissing me. "Gwen has arrived." said Phoebe with a knock on the door. "Yay!" said Theresa jumping up and down like a school girl. She looked so cute, I couldn't help but lean back and admire her. Gwen walked in, Theresa flew to her and jumped into her hugging her making Gwen drop all of her things. "It feels so good to see you" she said said still holding on to Gwen. I noticed Gwen was staring at me practically burning a hole in my face, poor dear was still star struck. "Hello Gwen" I said bowing my head. "Hey can't believe I am here and actually staying in Freddie Mercury's house you are so kind." she said hardly containing herself. "Oh don't mention it dear, its my pleasure." I noticed the time, I had made brunch reservations. "Well i'll give you ladies a few moments to catch up and then shall we head out for brunch?" Theresa looked thrilled, she looked so happy for the first time since we came back to London. "Aren't I just so lucky?" she asked Gwen while looking at me still, I winked at her. "You sure are" Gwen replied. I walked off, heading to the kitchen to have a cup of tea.

After Brunch the girls and I returned to Garden Lodge. Theresa wanted to show Gwen around. I had asked Phoebe to set up a little table and a few chairs out on the terrace and had him put a bottle of champagne on ice. I surprised the girls, "How sweet of you my love." said Theresa grabbing onto my hand reaching in for a kiss. "Wow you owe him a lot of sex" said Gwen not realizing she said this out loud. "You are so right." Theresa said winking at me. I pictured her perfect naked body in my head. I could hardly wait. 2 bottles of champagne later, we mingled and talked about a lot of different things. "Hey Theresa did you hear Beth Wallace from nursing class is knocked up?" Gwen said laughing to herself. "No way who the fuck would plant a seed inside of her?" asked Theresa. "My my my who is this Beth person?" I asked with curiosity. "Only the biggest slut ever, she slept with every male instructor and doctor we had during our internship." I laughed, "Wow talk about doing whatever it takes...had she no standards?" Gwen shrugged her shoulders "beats me" she said. I looked at Theresa she had a sad look on her face. "You okay dear?" I said reaching out to her touch her hand. "What?....oh yes I am okay" she said snapping out of it. Gwen stood up "Well I don't know about you guys...but I am drrrrunkkkk" said Gwen toppling over. "Freddie we need to get her to bed" said Theresa gesturing me to help her hold Gwen up. We tucked Gwen in and returned to the room. Theresa changed into a silk pajama set, it complimented her very well. I walked up to her from behind and started kissing her neck. "Freddie...I think I am too drunk to make love right now." she said rubbing her head. "Darling...with all due respect being drunk is the best time to fuck." Theresa turned to look at me this time with angry eyes, "My God Freddie can you stop thinking with your cock for a minute?" I was confused, we had such a good night why was she so worked up? "Theresa...I don't know what I am doing wrong why are you so short with me?" suddenly Theresa broke down, "Freddie I...i'm sorry I just...the whole pregnancy thing and ending it is really messing with my head." I never thought I'd miss something I never really had." I sat down on the bed not knowing what to say. This topic was really starting to annoy me. She sensed the tension and sat next to me. "Look I know having a child this early in a relationship would have been hard and I never thought about having any...but when I found out I was pregnant...and I knew it was yours...I started feeling differently about it. I love you so much Freddie and knowing apart of you was inside of felt really nice." she said twirling her hair nervously. "Oh darling, that is very very sweet of you to think..but Theresa I assure you a child right now would have done us more harm then good...someday yes maybe we can explore that opportunity again but right and I are enough." I pulled her into my chest and kissed her on top of her head. "You really do love me don't you?" she said looking up with those deep dark eyes I could lose myself in. "Yes darling...I do" Theresa closed her eyes and took a deep breath as if she had a huge weight lifted off her chest. She walked back out to the terrace and came back in with a 3rd champagne bottle...she popped it open and took a sip from it, some of it dripped out of her mouth down her chest. "Shall we?" she said seductively...There was my naughty little kitty...she has returned.

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