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The next morning I woke up to Theresa hurling in the bathroom. I shook my head in disbelief, on top of all that has happened her being pregnant again...I could not bare it. I sent Terry to go pick up a home pregnancy test, we wanted to know right away. "Have you not kept track of your last period?" I asked Theresa scratching my head, "No...I mean not sense I came to Munich...trying to remember my life was mind consuming enough, having a menstrual cycle was the last thing on my mind." she said while sipping some water, "Well...I guess we will find out soon." Theresa stood up and walked over to me, "Freddie...if I am...I don't want to do what I did last time...I want to keep it, this may be our only chance to have a child." I rolled my eyes "Yeah what a perfect scenario to bring a child into". Theresa backed away, "What's that supposed to mean?". "Nothing...sorry....I just feel a lot of pressure, between touring the last year and releasing my solo album, you losing your memory, and now you possibly being pregnant again...it's just too much even for me dear." Theresa walked back closer to me again, she rubbed her hands through my hair and gazed into my eyes "I am so sorry baby, you have been there for me every step of the way but who has been there for you?" I looked down at her cute little feet, and looked back up into her deep brown eyes. I suddenly felt a bit better, and smiled and kissed her. She always knew how to make me feel better, even just with her touch and her words. "I love you...we will get through anything...look how far we come so far." I pulled her closer into my chest and hugged her tightly, "You are right darling". To tell you the truth I still had my doubts but having Theresa in my arms made it all worth it. Just then we heard a door close it was Terry, "Sir...I am back" he held out a brown paper bag I took it and handed it to Theresa. "Here goes nothing..." she said as she went into the bathroom.

The test results would take 5 minutes. It was the longest 5 minutes of my life, "Time's up" Theresa said looking at the clock on the wall. "Ready Freddie?" she asked grabbing my hand. "Ready as I'll ever be" she walked into the bathroom, she did not come back out for a moment. "Theresa?" I called out. She walked out crying "Its....positive" she handed me the test to see myself. I felt my stomach flip, "Oh....goody" I squeezed out past the lump in my throat. "Goody? that's all you have to say...?" I looked at Theresa's expression. She was not crying because she was upset she wad crying because she was happy and while I still was not ready for a child, I knew Theresa was happy and so I did not want to ruin the moment for her. "It's fantastic darling...we are going to have a baby!" I said throwing my hands in the air, Theresa jumped in my arms "Oh Freddie I love you so much, I can't believe there is a part of you growing inside of me!". I was happy because she was happy, she deserved it...she has been through a lot. "I love you" I said as I kissed her and put her down. "Let's not tell anyone until I see a doctor and make sure everything is okay this time" she said holding her stomach. "Okay fine by me" I rubbed her little gut, "Your mum was right...you did put on a few pounds apparently". Theresa took my hand off, "Hey! that's mean!" she said. "Oh darling hush you are still sexy as ever and I can't wait to go through this journey with you!" she lit up, "Oh Freddie do you mean it?". "But of course!" I reached over for a cigarette and lit it, deep down I was still doubting but I guess any man who is told he is going to be a father has felt the same way at one point. "...wow, I never saw this coming..." I mumbled to myself as I took a drag from my cigarette. "What was that?" Theresa asked. "Oh nothing love!" I yelled back to her.

I had to get dressed for the day, Roger would be arriving shortly. He took the first flight out. "Theresa dear, I will be heading out with Terry to go pick up Roger...". "Okay...I'll be here waiting I love you!" I put on my glasses and headed out "I love you too!" I said as I shut the door behind me. I leaned back against the door, collecting my thoughts. I am now an engaged man with a child on the way.....me! Freddie Mercury gay lead singer of Queen. "Why couldn't my soul mate of been a man, at least I wouldn't knock one up..." I said dramatically covering my hands with my face. Forgetting Terry was standing waiting for me I peeked through my fingers "Oh right...off we go dear" I said as we exited the hotel. There was a newspaper stand next to the entrance, I picked one up sneakily and read it on the car ride. "Freddie Mercury seen with lover Theresa clubbing in Munich the 2 still going strong". I rolled my eyes, if only they know how strong we were now. At least nobody knew we were here in New York...for now. We pulled up to the airport, there stood Roger looking like a devilish fox. "Wow look at this little tart, tell me dear what's the going price for a blow job?" I called out through the window. "Even you couldn't even afford it Fred" Roger said laughing as he got in the car. "So...who would of thought you would be married before the rest of us...". I lit another cigarette, "Are you forgetting John and Victoria?" Roger looked confused "Oh that's right...yes well they are boring...you and Theresa are more fun..." Roger said winking. "Yes well do not be too sure....our days of fun may be ending soon..." I said as I looked down at my feet. "Oh don't get all theatrical on me now...save that for the stage...marriage is not that bad..." he said reaching for a smoke. "I'm not talking about the marriage...." I said out loud. Roger looked confused again, "Then...what is it you are talking about...". I couldn't help myself, I knew Theresa and I agreed not to tell anyone but I had to let it out to someone. "She's pregnant..." I said still looking down at me feet. Roger began to choke, "WHAT?" he yelled out. He began to laugh holding his sides, "Ohhh that's rich....you are in for it now old chap". I looked up at him over my glasses a bit annoyed. "Oh cheer up its not the end of the world, hire a nanny you'll be fine....hey at least you don't have to wonder if its really yours right mate?" he said nudging me with his elbow. Suddenly my heart sank into my stomach. I thought back to the chum Theresa shagged, my hands began to shake. How do I know its mine? I began to wonder to myself. Roger caught on to me trembling "Whoa...hey Fred you okay?" he said shaking my knee. I snapped out of my trance, "Huh? what? Oh...yes fine" I said reaching for another cigarette. Truth be told I was not fine, my mind was racing again. "....Theresa what have you done...." I mumbled to myself.

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