"That could of been us"

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My album Mr. Bad Guy has been released, its been a great success so far. I had an interview set up to talk about it. I hated interviews, but this one was interesting and fun. It was finally my chance to talk about my solo work, what I can do without Queen. Theresa waited off set, I sat down with David Wigg. He asked me questions about living in Munich, I told him I learned all their swear words. He asked me why did I pick the title for my album "Titles are immaterial but this one had a little meaning behind it" I responded, "A girlfriend of mine called me that once over breakfast and it just stuck...its me...I am Mr. Bad guy" I said theatrically, "Girlfriend? so there have been photos of you with an ex lover Theresa recently...is this the girlfriend you speak of?" I lit a ciggarette, "But of course darling...we have not made it official due to unfortunate circumstances but yes in my eyes she will always be my girlfriend" I winked into the camera.

I looked over and saw Theresa standing with her arms folded, she was intrigued as if she did not know the answers to these questions

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I looked over and saw Theresa standing with her arms folded, she was intrigued as if she did not know the answers to these questions. "So Freddie, do you see children in you future?". "I can buy them" I replied, David laughed "Yes but...is this something you would want?" I became serious thinking back to the almost love child Theresa and I could have had "Yes..of course I would like children one day...with the right woman...and I believe I have found her." I looked up to see Theresa's expression but she was gone. "Alright dear, ask me something else...this is too heavy." I said waving my arms around. "Okay moving on...so our viewers would like to know, do large crowds intimidate you?". "No darling, the bigger the better...in everything" I smirked. "Freddie, how do you feel about the rumors regarding your sexuality over the years?"

 "Freddie, how do you feel about the rumors regarding your sexuality over the years?"

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"Right...so you have a track on your album called I Was Born To Love You can you tell us what that track is about? "Well that's simple dear...it's about my darling Theresa" David Wigg smiled, "That's nice, is Theresa here with us now? she must be thrilled!" I looked around "She was standing there a moment ago...not sure where she ran off too" I blew out some smoke, "Freddie before we end the interview is there anything you'd like to say to the viewers"

not sure where she ran off too" I blew out some smoke, "Freddie before we end the interview is there anything you'd like to say to the viewers"

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How did you lovies enjoy my response? everyone needs hot sex in their lives I hope you all are getting it.
After the interview I went to go look for Theresa, "Phoebe have you seen where Theresa ran off to?" Phoebe looked up at me "No actually I have not..." I walked to the back where they kept the cameras and lights. "Theresa?!" I called out cupping my hands. Suddenly I heard a soft sob, as I got closer I heard even louder cries. "Theresa?!!" when I turned the corner I found Theresa crouching down behind a huge light. "What's wrong dear?" I asked her bending down beside her. "Nothing...it's just when the interviewer asked if you wanted children...I thought back to when I found out I was pregnant...we could have a child right now...and it just got a bit emotional for me." I wiped her eyes, "Yes dear I know that question made me a bit emotional as well....wait a minute...how did you know you were pregnant?" my eyes widened "Theresa....you YOU REMEMBER!!!" I screamed, I lifted her up and twirled her in the air "What are you talking about baby?" she asked "Theresa...you have had amnesia for almost 8 months now....you could not remember a thing...you forgot everything...even me!" I yelled out, "Are you serious?! wait...yes I remember, wait you are right I do remember!!!!!" she jumped back into my arms. We kissed and held each other for what felt like an eternity. Everything was complete again, my dear Theresa had her memory restored. "Gwen....my parents....where are they?" she asked me. "They are back in New York darling, you decided on your own to come stay with me" she looked down onto the floor. "I did? oh they must all be so worried" she touched her neck and started panicking "Oh no...where...where is it?". I laughed, "Looking for your tacky necklace?" I asked, "Freddie how dare you, my parents got me that necklace..." I stopped laughing, "Darling I know....those were your words." Theresa gasped, "Oh boy...I sounded like a real bitch..." I kissed her forehead "Never...you were perfect" she looked deep into my eyes, "Freddie I can't...I can't believe you stood by me throughout this whole thing...I love you so much" suddenly I had this idea, I stepped back and got on one knee. "Freddie...not here..." Theresa said covering her private area, "What?! no darling that's not what I am doing...." I took her hand, "Theresa...you are my soul mate, and I love you more then I have ever loved anyone else...we have been through so much in such little time...with your memory loss I never thought we would make it but...you have had me under your spell from day one". Theresa began to cry again, this time it was tears of joy. "Oh Freddie..." she managed to get out behind the tears. I continued on, "All this time I have felt like something was missing and now I know what it is...." Theresa wiped her eyes "What is it?"

"Will you marry me?" Theresa dropped to her knees on the floor with me, "Oh Freddie, do you really mean it?" I kissed her all over, "Yes darling of course...I know what I want and its you my love" Theresa continued to cry out I helped her stand up, we walked back out to the set Phoebe walked over to us "There you are...I been looking all over for you." Theresa interrupted, "Hey Phoebe did you ever write that recipe down for me?" Phoebe looked confused "You mean the one you asked me for in London?". "Yes silly..." she replied back, "Wait...you got your memory back?!" Phoebe yelled out, "Yes she does....she sure does" I answered. "That's wonderful!" he hugged Theresa and then me.

"She is going to be my wife, I will make her mine forever...I am not going to lose her again." I said to Phoebe but looking at Theresa. "Whoa...big step, well that's terrific I am happy for you both!" I had Phoebe call my driver to come bring us back home. Theresa and I had a lot of celebrating to do....if you know what I mean lovies 😉.

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