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I was frozen in my tracks, all I could hear was my heartbeat in my ears. The sight of Theresa sitting tied to the bed, tape over her mouth with her eyes bulging out of her head made it feel like my soul left my body. Somehow I finally got the ability to run to her, trying to untie her I saw her shaking her head. I removed the tape from her mouth "Freddie behind you!" *darkness*

I awoke with a stabbing pain in the back of my head, vision a bit blurry. I tried moving my arms only to find that I was now tied to the bed next to Theresa. "Freddie...Freddie are you okay? Please answer me". I looked over at my poor Theresa, her eyes were swollen with fear she had been crying. "Yes my dear...I am ok how are you feeling are you hurt?!" Theresa muttered out "I...I'm fine..." Suddenly I heard a loud noise come from downstairs, "Phoebe! Phoebe!" I yelled. Just as I went to call out again a familiar face turned the corner into the room. "Nope...not Phoebe sorry" I shut my eyes together trying to focus my vision. It was the guy from New York who said him and Theresa shagged. "You fucking rat bastard what the fuck do you think you are doing!? untie us now!" I screamed as I pulled and yanked at the ropes that were binding me to the bed. "Sorry can do". He walked over to the side of the bed Theresa was on he began to stroke the side of her face. "Don't you fucking touch her! i'll kill you if you lay another hand on her!". The man looked at me smirking "Oh relax Fred, I am as gay as you are...I'd rather have my way with you first before her." Theresa began to cry out "What do you want?!" I looked over at her noticing she was beginning to hyperventilate "Theresa my love...look at me...look into my eyes" she turned her head slowly staring at me. "Breathe out..." I was motioning my mouth to match with hers so she could catch her breath, the stress could not be good for the baby. "Just worry about the baby darling, stay calm for her...i'll get us out of this...Phoebe should be back any moment". Listening to our conversation the coward spoke again "Wrong again...he won't be back for a long time...I imagine he must be busy at the moment..." I felt my body heat up with rage. "I swear to God I will ring your fucking neck when I am free!" he started to laugh and exited the room again. Trying to focus on freeing myself I heard Theresa begin to whimper "Ow....ooohhhh" I turned to look at her "What?! what is it?" Theresa lifted her head looking at me, "I think I am having contractions!" I felt like I was going to hyperventilate now this was just fucking great...could anything else go wrong?! "Okay dear just try to relax keep breathing..." Just then I heard another voice, this one sounded familiar as well. The chump walked back in and behind him came in...Paul.

"What the fuck is this?!" I yelled out, "Paul I should of known you were in on this are you fucking mad?!". Paul walked over and sat on my side of the bed, "Look Fred, I am sorry...I did not want it to come to this...but you left me no other option." I spit into his face "Fuck you! you will not get away with dare you break into MY home and tie up MY pregnant fiance' do you realize you are putting our daughter at risk?!" Suddenly Theresa yelled out again in pain "Oh God! it hurts!" she screamed out. "She's faking babe..." the man said to Paul. "How can we be so sure Adam?" Paul asked. "All these bitches are the same that's how its just a plot!" Paul looked a bit worried, knowing Paul I knew I could talk him out of this I wasn't too sure about this Adam fellow though he seemed to be a bit more dangerous. "She is not faking you twit! she is due any moment! you 2 fucks probably put her into labor...Paul surely you are not going to carry on with...whatever this is...just exactly what is this?!" I asked him. "Fred...I just wanted to knock some sense into and I we were such good friends...and then you let this...girl...walk in and destroy our lives I know you Fred and this is not who you belong with!" I looked at Adam then at Paul, I got this crazy idea in my head. "Well well well...Adam is it?! funny...your boyfriend or whatever you 2 are...he is clearly madly in love with me he just can't seem to let me go..." Adam turned to Paul who was silent and still staring at me. "Is this true babe? you 2 were lovers? you said he was just an old friend..." I answered for Paul "Oh God darling we were never lovers, he wanted to be but I rejected him...decided we could be just friends and ever since then he had this...attachment to me." Adam took a knife out of his pocket, "Not another word..." he said holding it up to my face. Theresa cried out "Leave him alone!" All of a sudden I felt the bed become warm and wet I looked down and there was a huge puddle coming from Theresa's side of the bed. " water broke!" I realized that I was running out of time. My girls needed me, "Hold on my love" I whispered to her. "Well say something!" I heard Adam yell to Paul "What do you want me to say?!" Paul said looking back at Adam. "Tell him you aren't in love with him!" Paul rolled his eyes and stood up face to face with Adam. " know you are the only one for me" Paul put a hand on Adam's face, he pulled it away and pushed Paul. "Tell HIM that!!!" he screamed. Paul pushed Adam back "Don't you dare put your hands on me!" Just then Adam and Paul were in a fight rolling around the floor. I noticed the knife bounced out of Adam's pocket onto the floor. I moved my leg off the bed stretching my body as far as it could and using my foot to pull the knife closer. Good thing I had such beautiful long legs! I was successful and pulled the knife close enough to the bed but with my hands being tied I could not reach down and pick it up. I realized if I could get it on the bed skirt I could use it to pull it up. Watching Paul and Adam still wrestling on the floor they knocked into my armoire and tipped it over onto both of them. Theresa was screaming in pain "Freddie!!! please hurry!!!" I positioned the knife just right on the hanging bed skirt and then used to my leg to pull it up to the bed. I bent down trying to pick the knife up with my mouth. I got it! and used my hands to grip it, I began to cut the hand free...both hands free! I stood up on my knees and began to untie Theresa freeing her I realized Paul was unconscious on the floor and Adam was just returning to his feet he charged at me, I managed to block him holding off of me "Run!" I yelled to Theresa. Grabbing her belly in pain she stumbled out of the room. "Back the fuck off!" I told him, "Paul and that slut may not be able to resist your charm but I see right through are don't deserve this luxurious lifestyle and you most certainly should not be apart of one of the greatest bands ever!" I had just enough of this tart, I broke free from his grip and pushed him with all my strength and fury. He tripped over Paul's unconscious body and ended up falling backwards down the stairs. I ran to the top and saw his lifeless body at the bottom. I quickly hurried down and felt for a pulse. The dumb fuck still had one...shame. "Freddie!" called out Theresa from the kitchen. She was sitting on the floor behind my mini bar. I ran over to her and crouched down "Are you okay darling?!" clutching her belly "y...yes...ow..I called the police they are on their way!" with a sigh of relief I cupped Theresa's face and kissed her, I kissed her so hard and began to cry into her mouth she cried with me. We were both so frightened yet so relieved the 2...well 3 of us were okay. We both stopped and looked at each other and  heard sirens from a near distance we both bursted out into laughter. "Ohh oww!" Theresa crouched over in pain, "leave it to your child to decide to enter the world now...stubborn already like you!" she said with a smile. "Theresa....we are going to be parents very soon.." I held her hand, "Yes...we are..." I brought her hand up to my face and kissed it. "I love you.." she stared back into my soul "I love you too" A loud knock interrupted us and I got up to answer it, it was 2 cops and a paramedic. "Where is the pregnant woman?" the paramedic asked. "Yes yes over here! please help her! take care of my girls..." the paramedic had the look of a crazed fan but said kindly "I promise Mr. Mercury i'll take good care of them." The cops asked me questions about the horrible incident I answered as they put Theresa onto a stretcher and put her in the back of the ambulance. "Freddie...I need you!" Theresa cried out "Look i'll be more then happy to answer these dreadful questions later right now I need to be by the love of my life's side." The cop nodded his head and stepped out of my way, I got into the back of the ambulance holding Theresa's hand once again. "She's coming.." Theresa said looking up at me. I kissed her forehead, "Ready Freddie?" she asked with a smile, "Ready as ever darling!" The paramedic stuck his nose in and said " that a coincidence or did she just use a line from Crazy Little Thing Called Love? huge huge fan by the are a genius!" as much as I thought this was inappropriate timing I couldn't help but smile and thank the fellow.

We pulled up to the hospital, Theresa was closer to giving birth I could tell because she no longer was smiling or even talking for that matter she was just screaming in pain. " might wanna throw these on now...looks like your child will be here as we get her into the delivery room!" said a nurse as she threw a pair of scrubs to me. This was daughter will be here any moment. Never did I see this day coming, as of an hour ago I thought for a second I would not see it at all due to Paul and Adam's crazy stunt, but now here I was awaiting the birth of my baby girl.

Ready Freddie 🖤 (Unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now