Spoke too soon

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Theresa wanted to return to New York to see all her loved ones now that her memory was finally back, she also wanted to share the wonderful news of our engagement. I had not seen this coming, I did not even have a ring yet for my gorgeous fiance'. I decided to find her one while we were in New York. I just so happened to know this terrific jeweler there, we had an early flight so we could be there in time for lunch and we could tell everybody at once.

On the flight, Theresa quickly fell asleep. She was so tired, I kept her up the night before fucking her madly. I laughed thinking back to our fiasco and kissed her head. She was so beautiful and she would be all mine. Marriage was the last thing on my mind surprisingly, but I just wanted to make her mine before I lost her again. Phoebe stayed in Munich, I had a body guard named Terry come along. When we finally landed in New York the first thing I wanted to do was head to the jeweler, but Theresa wanted me to stay and meet her parents...I mean they would be my in law's after all. I agreed to stay for a bit before heading off.

We pulled up to Gwen and Theresa's apartment, Gwen came running out with wide open arms hugging Theresa. "Oh it is so good to see you, how do you feel? do you remember me?" she asked sobbing, "Yes Gwen of course I remember you, and I feel wonderful". Gwen and Theresa embraced each other "I thought we lost you forever..." Gwen looked over at me and smiled nervously "Hey um...Freddie...sorry about our last conversation I was just upset about what happened...forgive me?" I took Gwen into my arms, "Its alright, dear all is forgiven" The girls went upstairs ahead of me. Terry and I walked up behind them, there were a few people  noticing me. Next thing I knew I looked down from the window and saw a swarm of people calling out my name. "...I miss Munich already" I whispered to myself. I was a bit annoyed, looks like I won't be making it to the jeweler after all.

"Hey Freddie, come here baby...I want you to meet my parents." I walked into the kitchen, there sat a lovely elderly couple. Theresa's mother was gorgeous just as she was and her father had a stern look upon his face. I shook both their hands, "Hello Mr. & Mrs. Lopez so lovely to meet you". Theresa's father spoke, "So...what does a multimillionaire celebrity like you want with my middle class daughter?" his face changed, he looked as if he was relieved to get that out. "I fell in love with her good sir, she is a dream come true." Theresa's mother began to cry, all these emotions for me were a bit too much. "Wanna have a smoke with me dear?" I asked Theresa, "Freddie you know I don't smoke..." she said laughing, "You did though...." she looked at me confused "Really? wow who would of thought..." she said shrugging her shoulders. I walked to the window again to see if the swarm of people left. Nope, it just got bigger. I rolled my eyes and flicked my cigarette out. "Freddie!" called out my darling, "Coming dear!" I yelled back, "Let's take a photo" Theresa, her parents and I posed and then Gwen, Theresa and I took one.

"Theresa...you look like you put on a few pounds Munich must be treating you well..." said her mum "Gee thanks for noticing and pointing that out mom!" I giggled, it was nice to see Theresa with her family. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I got up to go answer it. "Freddie don't you think Terry should answer it?" said Theresa, "It's fine dear, it is Terry...I sent him to shoo away the crowd...politely of course..." I went over to the door and opened it. Terry was waiting, "So did they leave?" I asked "Yes all except one....there is a gentleman who claims he knows Miss Theresa and asked to see her." I was confused at first but then figured she had a cousin, or an uncle or maybe even a brother she forgot to tell me about. I walked back in and pulled Theresa to the side "So Terry says there is some chap outside asking to see you..." Theresa looked confused "Who would be asking for me? I don't know anybody...everybody I know is here in this room..." I was curious myself now "Send him up..." I told Terry. "Freddie is that a good idea? this guy could be some lunatic!" Theresa looked worried, "Its fine darling that is what Terry is here for...what worries me is this person asking for you...who would even know you were back?" Terry walked back in and behind him entered a tall dark haired fellow, "Who are you?" I asked him. "Whoa babe you didn't tell me you knew Freddie Mercury...he is like a legend, ohh its such an honor to meet you I was wondering why there were a crowd of people hanging around and why I was being escorted by big guy over here." The mystery boy was shaking my hand, I pulled back and realized something "I am sorry....but did...did you just call my fiance' babe?" I said as I looked at Theresa, she was just as shocked as I was. "Yeah I did...but wait fiance? you told me you were single Theresa...what is going on?" All eyes were on Theresa now including her parents. "I...I...oh no..." Theresa ran to the bathroom covering her mouth. "I'll go check on her...." said her mum. I was enraged at this point "Get rid of him!" I told Terry. "Hey wait no I want to talk to Theresa she said we would pick up where we left off..." I turned around and this time pointing my finger in his face "You no longer have any connection to her...she is mine...whatever went on between you two is over!" I shouted, "Shame....she had good pussy" he said as Terry pulled him away "What the fuck did you just say?" I ran after him Terry was holding me back with one arm and holding back that stupid little wanker with the other. Yes he was a big man, that is why I hired him. Finally able to get that cockroach out, Terry locked the door I walked over to the bathroom Theresa was still inside. I could hear her wretching, "Freddie...." Gwen put a hand on my shoulder, "Yes?" I turned and looked at her "Don't be angry with her...." I gave Gwen a curious look, "Angry with her? why would I be angry...clearly that was just some psycho trying to get a rise out of me...I know it never happened...." Gwen looked as if she was going to cry "Freddie...um...it did happen" I suddenly felt my blood boil, "What the fuck?!!!! tell me you are joking!!!" I yelled at Gwen "Shhhhh!" she put a finger to her lips "I completely forgot about it myself but yes I remember now...it was the night before she left to stay with you actually...I came home late from a shift at the hospital and he was here...with Theresa..." My anger turned into saddness, "Look you can't hold it against her....she was not in her right state of mind...I think you should just let it go...everything is perfect with you guys right now...why ruin it?" Gwen had good intentions and maybe she was right I could have let it go...but my anger got the best of me. "Tell her i'll be back later" I said to Gwen as I picked up my jacket and walked out with Terry following me. I made it half way down the hall, and stopped to punch a hole in the wall. My hand was bloody, "Fred...come on...take it easy" said Terry. All I could hear in my head was the voice of that wanker she had good pussy repeat over and over in my head, how dare he? how dare Theresa? nobody is supposed know that besides me...I was the only cock to be inside of her...how could she do this to me? and not even mention it? she just came to be with me after fucking someone else? my mind was racing I wanted to get on a plane and leave, but I knew that would do no good. Theresa and I were engaged now. Surely I should allow her to explain herself....then I started to wonder if she knew about this why wouldn't she tell me? I had so many questions. I walked back down the hall heading back to Theresa's apartment. I want my answers and I want them now!

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