Deja Vu

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Its been a week since Theresa arrived, we have been getting along well. She decided it was best to continue to sleep in the guest room. Even though we fucked the first day she came she did not want to get mix feelings. She was even unsure if her memory would return. I finally accepted it would not, but for some reason I still wanted her. I was so happy she was here with me, she may have forgotten our history but I never will. I fall deeper for her each time I look into her eyes. She would always be my kitty cat, I mean I had rooms for my other pussy cats back home (Tiffany, Oscar, Delilah) Why not have one for my dear Theresa? I was busy anyways working on my solo album. So although Theresa was staying with me we did not see much of each other.

I made a lot of friends in Munich, these lads sure know how to boogie I assure you. By the time I would come home Theresa would be asleep, the other night I crept in her room. She was sound asleep wearing a satin nightie. It took all my power for me not to rip it off of her and awake her with my cock in her mouth, but I respected her wishes. "Good morning Fred" she said to me the next morning as she walked into the kitchen. I had a mean hang over, I nodded my head and drank my tea. "Got a smoke?" she asked, I looked up at her "A what?" I said. "You know a cigarette?" I smiled confusingly at her "Since when do you smoke Theresa?" she stared back at me not amused, "Um I don't know...since I can't remember anything I used to do I just try new things now I guess." I handed her one as she asked, "Hmmm...what other new tricks have you learned?" I winked at her, "Stop it Mr. Bad Guy" I suddenly got an idea..."You know what...I like that name actually, yea it fits me well...darling you might have just named my new album" she laughed as she blew out some smoke "What are you talking about?". "Well you see I had a name picked out for my solo project already but I think that one is growing on me." She tossed her cigarette into the ash tray and stood up "Okay whatever you say...Mr. Bad Guy." I looked at her sternly "Keep saying that and I will ravage you." She looked at me over her shoulder, "Is that a challenge?". I jumped up from my seat running to her, she giggled and ran throughout the house trying to escape me. I caught her in my arms, I thought I would seduce her but something suddenly came over me. I began to feel sad, she could sense it. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Oh nothing dear, I just...well...I wish you could remember". She looked down at the ground "Yes well, so do I...but I don't see a point in dwelling over the past...I mean I am here right? and maybe we are not together like we used to be but we can start over right?". My head still hurt and I was not ready to have this conversation just yet, "Look Theresa, my feelings will never change about you...and I am so glad you are here but YOU are not here darling...does that make sense?" she looked a bit annoyed "Yeah I get it Fred". I snapped at her "And stop calling me never did before and I don't like the sound of it to be honest". She stomped back to her room "Well one thing has not changed...she still acts like a child at times". I whispered to myself.

That night I wad heading out to the club with some friends, "Phoebe I shall be back later, don't wait up" I called out to him. "Wait!" yelled out Theresa. I turned around and saw her standing...she had on a tight mini skirt, some heels and and top that showed her mid section. "Can I join? I don't really have any friends here you know..." My mouth was slightly open as I gazed upon her sexy body. "Um...hello Fred?" she waved her hand passed my face, I came back to reality "What did I say about calling me that?" I pointed at her. "Oh boy...too easy" she laughed out, "What is?" I asked curiously "Annoying you." she walked out the door, even though I never actually said she could come along. "Invite yourself why don't you?" I said closing the door behind us. "Ohh don't act like you are mad I am coming...we'll have fun". She reached for a cigarette and lit it. True she was sexy as ever, and her forwardness usually turned me on but this was a different kind of forwardness...she was cocky, and I did not like it. Not at all.

We pulled up to the club, my friends ran up to greet me Barbra Valentin came over and hugged me kissing me on the lips. She was drunk and speaking German, when she noticed Theresa following me she said in her thick accent "Vhoo are you?" Theresa looked over at me and then back at Barbra, "Freddie's girlfriend." To my shock I choked on my drink, "Theresa...we talked about this" I said as Barbra scanned the both of us. "Oooh Amercian gal funny" she said slapping me on the bottom. "Yeah...hilarious" I said taking another sip of my drink. A few more drinks in and I was shit faced, I needed some water I was feeling flushed. I walked to the bar "Water please?" I called out to the bartender who was on the other end of the counter. He finally came over and handed me a cold water bottle, I took a sip from it and noticed he was standing there still "Like what you see?" I asked him, "Mmm yes...I'd like to see more" he flirted back, just as I was about to answer I felt a smack on my back causing me to spill my drink all over my lap "Hey Fred why are you over here?" to my annoyance it was a drunk Theresa. I was furious, I stood up and yelled at her "STOP fucking calling me that!" she stood there with her face turning red. She ran to the bathrooms without saying anything. I felt a bit guilty, but serves her right. The cute bartender handed me some napkins I began to dab my mid section "Or you know...I can clean it up for you" he winked at me. I was just about to accept his offer when all of a sudden I felt this wave of heat come over me. Was it the alcohol? No. I was reminiscing to the night I met Theresa. Ironically it happened the same way, except being frustrated with her like I was now I fell in love with her.

I got up and walked to the bathrooms, I could hear someone sobbing. I knocked on the door of the stall. "Theresa?" I called out, "Go away!" she yelled out. "Theresa I am sorry for lashing out on you dear". "It does not matter anymore Fred...Freddie! I was wrong to think this would work...wrong to think I could fit in your lifestyle." I was confused now "What are you talking about darling?" She opened the door, she had make up running down her face. "I...I thought coming here and being with you would make me not care about who I was before...I mean when you come out of a coma being told you were dating Freddie snatch that opportunity right? but I guess I was wrong" She blew her nose, " came back to me because of who I am?" I asked her, "Well yea...I mean not exactly, I with you. You were the only one not forcing me to were so kind sending me flowers, and giving me you know how overwhelming it is to constantly be scolded for not if its something I could control...I just can't believe I lost am I supposed to continue with life when I can't remember the first 29 years?!" she began to sob into my chest, I felt so badly. "Its okay haven't lost everything you still have me." I kissed the top of her head "See, you are so wonder why I fell in love with you." she hugged me tight.

Our embrace was interrupted by loud club goers laughing and screaming, one vomited on to the floor. "Let's get out of here shall we?" I asked Theresa, she smiled taking my hand. When we walked out a swarm of paps came at us, flashing lights everywhere. I guided Theresa through the crowd hand in hand, I knew this club so well seeing as I was here almost every night. "Whoa...that was do you put up with it?" she asked fixing her skirt, "Oh you just learn how to get along.....funny you mention that, paps were a great cause of some of our problems in our relationship". Theresa looked up at me, "Really?" I lit a cigarette, "Yes..." I said losing myself in thoughts. Theresa walked over and touched my face, "I'm sorry I don't remember..." I took her hand off of my face and kissed it. "Its okay dear...after all its sort of my fault you know..." she suddenly looked confused, "How so?" I held my head I was beginning to get a headache, "Well...we had just made up from a fight and I was trying to be clever and startled you as you came out of the shower and slipped and hit your head on the sink." She turned white, "Oh...oh God...that's really...unfortunate" she suddenly then burst into laughter "What's so funny?" she could not stop her laughter "You have people all of the world...dy..dying to be with you and...I get to be with you and....I forget all about it....what...what are the odds in that?" she grabbed her stomach hardly able to contain her laughter, I began to laugh as well. We were both shit faced, it was not a laughing matter but here we were practically in pain from laughing.

We both stopped and caught out breath, "Sleep with me tonight...." I asked her...she paused for a minute and then replied "Okay...but no funny business" I pulled her close into me "I funny business" we went home that night, and no you dirty little boys and girls....we did not shag, but I was still in ecstasy to have Theresa back in my arms was pure bliss.

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