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I stood leaning against the wall, waiting for Theresa's doctor to come back out and tell me that I am dreaming. I was hoping he would tell me that this was some sick kind of joke. Dr.Karev emerged out of the room, slowly closing the door behind him, he turned and looked at me "She is sedated, she was very upset and experiencing anxiety...sleep is best for her right now." Phoebe began to speak "I thought sleeping after a concussion was bad?" Dr.Karev had a smug look on his face "True it is not recommended, but in Theresa's case it could help her due to the memory loss." I suddenly found myself able to speak after working past the lump in my throat. "So...its true, she lost her memory?" my palms were sweaty and I felt like vomiting. "Unfortunately this is one of the side effects a person can have after a head injury...again we did not see any permanent damage to her brain on the CT which as I said before is a good sign...its possible this is only temporary." I suddenly felt some relief, "temporary? so that's good right? she will remember everything again?" Dr. Karev put his hand on my shoulder "Mr. Mercury I will be honest with you, in my professional opinion I do see this as temporary...but...there is no telling when her memory will return...it can return tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year." That gut wrenching pain returned, "Oh...my...God...so what do you suppose I do just forget about her? she is my girlfriend, my everything...how do you continue with life?" I asked waiting for a response. "Well we will keep her here for a week just to make sure she does not show any other serious symptoms." I was a bit frustrated now, "Okay that's all fine and well for her, but what about ME? What am I supposed to do? forget her like she has forgotten me? how do I help her remember ME?!". My raised voice had people looking at us. "What the fuck are you looking at?" I snapped at them, they continued doing whatever it was they were doing before rudely staring over at us. "Freddie...calm down mate, this is not helping you...or Theresa" Phoebe said patting my back. I took a deep breath, "Sorry...happy?" I said looking at the floor. "Mr. Mercury I suggest you carry on with your life, Theresa will come around...if you really want to help Theresa the best thing you can do for her is give her time and space...forcing her to remember you or anything else for that matter will just make things worse." Dr. Karev was called for to see another patient on the intercom, "I'll keep you updated on her condition...good luck" he said shaking my hand as he walked off. "Get me the fuck out of here" I said to Phoebe, I wanted to go back in Theresa's room and get one last look at her, touch her one last time, but for what? she didn't even know who I was. She didn't even know my band, or her own name...I was completely heartbroken. My poor dear Theresa, lost in the shadows.

Phoebe and I arrived back at the hotel, I lit a cigarette and had him fix me a vodka tonic. I felt a bit better, drinking my sorrows away. That only lasted a few moments, a sudden knock was at my door. Phoebe was out fetching us some dinner so I opened it. It was Gwen she had a angry look on her face "How could you?" she yelled. "What the hell are you talking about?" I replied back, "What did you do to Theresa? and why didn't you tell me about her being hurt? I was working in the same hospital you fucking put her in" I was shocked, the fan girl in Gwen was gone...now she was a super friend for Theresa. "I did not mean to hurt her you little tart! She fell and hit her head against the sink...and I did  not tell you a fucking word because you are the last thought that comes to mind after being told my girlfriend does not remember me! now get the fuck out" I slammed the door in her face. Thinking back to it yes I was a bit harsh, but her ignorance rubbed me the wrong way. I would never hurt anyone intentionally and especially not my Theresa. I made another drink and swallowed it right down. Just then the phone rang, I felt drunk now and answered it stumbling against the table, "Hellooo?" I answered. "Hey Fred it's John, how are things going?" I laughed into the phone, "Oh they are just fucking terrific darling, I made Theresa fall into the bathroom sink causing her to bash her head in and now she has no clue who I am...how are things over there?" I asked still laughing, the vodka has taken over. "Wait..what?! Fred are you messing around..you are drunk aren't you? do not play around like that mate!" I stopped laughing..."yes I am drunk...but I am not joking, John....I...I must go". "No wait...Freddie!" I hung up, my head was spinning. I sat down waiting for Phoebe to return. "Hey hey Fred wake up" I awoke to being shaken, "Geez Fred I leave and you manage to get yourself shit faced you old chap". I stood up the room was spinning, "Phoebe....I want Theresa" I collapsed in his arms, not from alcohol but from grief. "I know you do Freddie, come on lets get you to bed." last thing I remember was Phoebe taking my shoes off for me and putting me to bed. I dreamt of Theresa, her beautiful flawless face that gorgeous smile and her sexy voice. I wish I had stayed asleep just to be with her...at least she remembered me in my dreams.

at least she remembered me in my dreams

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