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I found myself pounding on Theresa's door, Gwen answered "Freddie I thought..." before she could finish I stormed pass her and walked into the living room. Theresa was sitting on the couch with her mum, she was crying and her mum was trying to comfort her. "Theresa...can I have a word with you?" I noticed Theresa's dad was giving me daggers, "...in private please..." I asked her. She slowly stood up and made her way over we walked into her room. I closed the door behind us, she looked frightened as if I would strike her..."first of all...when the fuck did you shag this person?" I said to her walking closer to her "I...I don't remember, it must of been before I went to stay with you..." I looked her over, I could tell by her body language she was telling the truth I knew her like a book by now. "Why didn't you tell me?" Theresa sat down on the bed she almost looked as if she would faint, "Um...I really do not know Freddie my mind is such a fog....I forgot all about it until now...please believe me baby I would never intentionally betray you..." I watched Theresa as she grabbed her stomach "I think I am going to be sick again..." she nervously covered her mouth "Oh relax, I am the one who should be sick...I mean you had a whole other cock inside you for fucks sake, how do you think that makes me feel?!" Theresa forced herself to swallow and slowly stood up "Freddie....please...you have no idea how much I love you, I was not thinking straight...I would never do this knowing it would jeopardize our relationship...you got to believe me baby.." she slowly walked over and kissed me, I stood frozen not returning her kiss. "Really? now you aren't going to kiss me?" she said pouting "Well who knows where your lips have been..." those words just shot out of me I know it was awful to say but I was so angry "How...how dare you..." she ran into the bathroom slamming the door behind her.

I left for real this time, I could not bare to look her in the face anymore...Terry and I went to eat dinner, I phoned Roger who was back in London. "Hey Fred how is everything we miss you, you old tart!" I was so happy to hear Rogers voice, he sure did crack me up. "Well if you miss me so much come join me in New York...we are here visiting Theresa's family..." Roger paused for a minute "Ohh how is that going by the way? any progress?" I completely forgot to tell the boys her memory came back. "Yes actually...she remembers everything..." Roger suddenly sounded like a school girl "Oh wonderful! you must be happy! good news indeed!!" I smiled into the phone and then realized what just happened in the past few hours "Yes so fucking happy that I proposed to her..." I heard what sounded like Roger choking on whatever he was drinking "....Fred are you serious?! wow did not see that coming mate" I laughed "Yes well...you know me a man of spontaneity...plus you can say I was caught up in the moment...". "So what are you saying...you don't want to marry her?" asked Roger, I thought about it for a moment before I replied...of course I wanted to marry her but with these turn of events I was not sure about anything anymore. "I do..." I managed to cough out, "Well alright then...its settled I shall be the best man...don't tell John or Brian..in fact lets not invite them at all!" I laughed hard, ahh Roger was a funny lad for sure he and I were always close. "So are you bringing your blonde ass out here or what?" Roger giggled "Sure why not!".

I had Terry bring me back to Theresa's after dinner to go pick her up so we could return to our hotel. "I didn't think you would come back..." she said as she got in the car. "Oh don't be ridiculous..." I replied waving my hands. "Drink?" I asked her pouring a glass of champagne "No...my stomach is still uneasy..." she said pushing the bottle away. "Suit yourself..." I said, "Oh by the way I invited Roger over here..." Theresa looked up rolling her eyes "What?" I asked her "Oh nothing i'll just never hear the end of it from Gwen...she is still mad he never called her after their one night stand..." I smiled "Good old Roger".

We arrived back at the hotel, I held the door open for my fiance'. "Thank you baby..." she said putting her hand to my face. She was trying to butter me up, as she should. "So...." she said as we entered our bedroom "So?..." I asked looking back at her, "You were quiet the whole car ride....Freddie please tell me what's on your mind" she looked a bit teary eyed, maybe she had enough of the cold shoulder I was giving her. "Theresa I have one question...how would you feel if you knew I stuck my cock inside someone else?" she shivered at just the sound of those words "I'd...I would go mad!" she said, "Point...proven..." I mumbled. "But Freddie this is different, I had amnesia...you can't hold this against me...please baby...we just got engaged...I am going to be your wife....please lets not turn back now, I love YOU and want to be with YOU and I want only YOUR cock". I smiled at her confession, she knew what I wanted to hear "I know darling...its just not something I can take lightly..." she slowly walked over to me "I understand baby, maybe I can make it up to you..." she slowly moved her hand down into my trousers, feeling around she gripped my cock stroking it until it grew 10x its size. "let me suck up to you...I promise it will be worth it..." she winked at me pushing me back into the bed. I opened my legs slightly so she could have better access. I watched as she opened her mouth wide and took all my length into her mouth, I felt my cock touch the back of her throat. She started off slowly sucking it up and down moaning as she smacked her lips each time she reached back up to my tip. She used one of her hands to juggle my balls and the other to stroke my shaft as she was now using her mouth strictly on my tip, swirling her tongue around licking it and sucking the life out of it. "Mmmm....fuck" I growled out. "You like that baby?" she said with my cock still in her mouth "Mmm yes....suck it harder" I pushed her onto it more without warning she gagged, I started to thrust into her mouth "I am going to cum, swallow every bit of it" I told her, she nodded still slurping. I released a massive load deep into her throat she swallowed every bit as I told her. "Wow that was perfect darling" I leaned in to kiss her and just as I my lips were about to touch hers she smacked her hand against her mouth managed to get off her knees and ran into the bathroom vomiting profusely. "Surely I don't taste that bad..." I called out a bit embarrassed, "You okay dear?" I asked knocking on the door "Yes...fine" she said clearing her throat. I got in bed waiting for her to join me, she finally emerged and was clutching her stomach still. "I don't know what's come over me..." I lifted my arm so she could lay back on my chest "you'll be fine dear..." I said with closed eyes. "Freddie.....I can't remember the last time I had a period". I just was drifting off until I heard her words. I opened my eyes staring up at the ceiling...Uh oh.

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