New Year

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If you are wondering if Theresa remembered me before I had to return to London...well she didn't. I left New York before she even came back home from the hospital, I had other commitments. If Theresa was in her right mind she would understand, I had to finish the tour. I had 3 dozen roses delivered to her room and a card that read

When i'm not with you, I think of you always...I miss you, when i'm not with you think of me always, I love you x Freddie.

True, I wrote that song for David way back then but I figured it was perfect for how I was feeling and Theresa did not even know who I or Queen was never mind a song I had written for an ex lover a long time ago. I left my number written in the card as well, hoping she would call me.

I had been back home for a month now, no call from Theresa...I had debated calling her for a long time now, but being so busy with the tour and trying to keep myself in good spirits so I could give my fans the show they deserved I never got to it. We had 3 more shows left before completing The Works tour. I was thrilled to be finished, I had plans of going back to New York but I was unsure of what to do. "Hey mate, want to get a drink?" said Roger as he walked into my dressing room, "Not really up for it Rog." I said lighting a cigarette he looked over at me "Fred...we know you love her, but we never seen you like this...not even over got to move on." Annoyed I stood up and shoved him out of my way "Oh shut up Roger what do you know?" I walked out and called on my driver to bring me back to Garden Lodge.

I arrived home, to my surprise Mary was there

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I arrived home, to my surprise Mary was there. "Oh hello darling" I said as I walked in throwing my jacket onto the sofa. "Hello yourself..." she said as she stood up to greet me. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and as I was about to continue walking away she held on to me. "Freddie...I am so sorry" she kept hugging me, I returned the gesture back by putting my arms around her waist rubbing my hands up and down her back. "You know I am here for you right?" she said looking up breaking our embrace "Yes dear I know and I appreciate it very much." I walked over to my mini bar and made myself a drink, "What are you having?" I asked Mary, "I'll have a scotch". I looked up smirking "Oh feeling frisky are we?" she laughed and took her drink from my hand "Now there's the Freddie I know." This made me realize why I have been so down again, my poor Theresa. I looked down onto the floor and then my eyes caught sight of a newspaper lying on my kitchen counter. I picked it up and it showed a picture of me "Mercury single man again" it read. I opened it to the piece with the rest of the article "Lead singer from Queen Freddie Mercury is no longer a taken man, ex lover Theresa has been MIA for a month now...Freddie is finishing touring with the band...who shall be the next lucky lady he picks up....or even lucky man?" I slammed it back on the counter,"Who the fuck brought this rubbish into my home?" Mary walked over "Um actually Freddie it was me...I wanted you to see that for image sake, you must move on or else these tabloids won't let you alone until they see you with someone else." I took the last sip of my drink, "Mmm yes you are right I suppose..." I went back to my mini bar to make another drink. "Another?" I looked over at Mary "Sure...why not" she said handing me her glass. We went to sit on the sofa, we talked about old times and joked about some of our exes and even about our own failed relationship. It was nice to be around her, I did not realize how much I missed her being so wrapped up in all this shit with Theresa and the band. Suddenly Mary put her hand on my knee, and slowly moved her way up "You know...I meant it when I said I am here for need" she said with her hand resting on my cock. I looked down at her hand, and when I went to go look up at her she had leaned in and kissed me I could feel her tongue making its way down my throat. If it was a bit more drunk I may have let her continue but I was not ready to move on that fast. I reluctantly pulled back and removed her hand from my mid section, "Mary...dear...I am so happy you came and you did bring smile and laughter upon me tonight...but I don't think we know..." she awkwardly folded her hands into her lap, "I...I am sorry Freddie I don't know what came over me...maybe too much to drink." I smiled and patted her knee "Quite alright dear, I am feeling a bit tipsy myself." I yawned, as Mary collected her things and stood up "Well I should get going..." I walked her over to the door her blue eyes staring back at me "Please...take care of yourself Freddie". I leaned in and kiss her cheek, "I'll be fine darling, don't you worry." I shut the door as she turned to walk to her car. My head was aching, I forced myself up the stairs when the phone rang this hour? I thought to myself. I answered it "Hello?".

"Mr. Mercury this is Dr. Karev, Theresa's doctor.." my chest tightened "yes...I remember what is it? something wrong with Theresa?". "Oh no she is fine, but she has been asking for you." Suddenly my heart began to race, "wait are you saying she remembers me?" I asked with excitement. He cleared his throat " she still does not remember anything...but her friend Gwen has been helping her with certain memory exercises we have been practicing with her and we have been playing your music, and showing her video clips of you and your band and she...well she wants to get to know you." I was confused "get to know me? what the bloody hell are you talking about? she does know me..." Dr. Karev sighed into the phone "yes WE know she does but SHE does not...she is actually quite fond of you and your music, she actually can't believe she was lucky enough to be your girlfriend...she wants to try and get to know you.... again in her own words....and I think it will be good for her, she can take her mind off of the stress and occupy it...hopefully even giving her brain a jolt and she remembers you or anything." I was so mind fucked at this point, drunk and sleepy this was all very overwhelming "yes well this is too heavy for me to process right now...I'll call you tomorrow" I hung up. My head was spinning trying to get all my thoughts my girlfriend who I have fallen in love with, left my promiscuous lifestyle behind for her, I have fucked her rotten multiple times, and now she does not remember me...but wants to get to know me all over again? I tell you dears, this was the most hardest thing I ever had to get through. This time last year I was getting fucked every night with a new partner with not a care in the world. Now I am entering a New Year with a girlfriend who has amnesia, our problems in the beginning seem much more simple compared to now.

My solo album shall write itself and be a great one don't you think lovies?

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