John's revelation

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Arriving back in Munich was like a breath of fresh air, I loved the smell and feel of the atmosphere. Roger flew back to London to join Brian and John. They will be flying over here next week so we can get in some studio time, we were long over due.
Theresa told Gwen about the pregnancy and engagement before we left, she was over the moon. She did not tell her parents though, they were very traditional and she did not want to go through the whole pre-marital speech with them. My parents are also traditional, my God I wonder what they will think when they hear...oh well I shall cross that bridge when the time comes. I still had to get Theresa a ring, the jeweler I wanted to see in New York had friends here in Munich conveniently. I'd set up a meeting with him later on.

A week later and the boys and I found ourselves in the studio. We fooled around rather then being productive, we had not been together since the tour. So much has happened in all our lives. "So are you and Theresa? we heard her memory has been restored that is terrific!" said Brian holding his guitar in his lap. "We are great...yes we were very thrilled, it has been a gloomy road indeed.." I said lighting a cigarette, "In fact...we are engaged..." I revealed with a smirk on my face. "Really? well that's wonderful!" I heard John squeal, forgetting he was even standing behind me. "Fred...I am truly happy for you" said Brian placing a hand on my shoulder. Brian and John looked at Roger waiting for him to react, "What? oh...he told me already" said Roger playing with his drumsticks. "You know Fred, they say first comes marriage...then comes baby in a baby carriage..." said John. I raised my eyebrows and put out my cigarette. "Well....about that" I said rubbing my eyes, I realized Brian and John's eyes were as big as saucers waiting for me to continue. "She's pregnant..." Suddenly they both tackled me, the 3 of us fell to the floor while Roger laughed out at us. "Terrific Fred, really this is are going to love fatherhood" said John patting my back, "Yes its truly a wonderful journey" Brian replied, I had forgotten they had children of their own. "Yes...well haven't really got much of a choice now do I?" I said waving my hands around. John pulled me aside, "Hey I am curious, who is Theresa's doctor? Victoria had a wonderful doctor who dealt with us and kept it confidential. I can recommend him to you if you'd like." I looked up with a scrunched face "Oh darling I haven't the slightest idea, she saw some fellow in New York just to confirm things were okay....I can't recall his name....Dr. Evans...I believe". John squinted his eyes and began to rub his head in deep thought, "Hmm where have I heard that name before?" asking himself. "Ahhh yes I night Paul had him make a quick housecall, when we were in New York a few years back after some heavy drunken night...he deals with celebrities right?" I was curious now, "Paul? Paul Prenter?" I asked John. "Yes...yes older fellow right?" I remembered back to his face, "Yes I suppose he was...". John shrugged his shoulders. "Small world ay mate?" he said walking away. I suddenly lost myself in thoughts. "Small world? yes but how conincedental was it for us to see a doctor who was associated with Paul...?" I began to bore myself trying to connect the dots "Ah well....we won't be seeing that doctor again anyways...we shall find a new one here..." I said assuring myself not to give it another thought.

I made it home to find Theresa sitting at the table having a cup of tea. "Hi baby" she said as I walked up to her puckering her lips out, "Hello Dear" I gave her a kiss. "How did it go at the studio?". I made myself a drink, "Oh you know...working hard hardly working." I said winking at her. "Come over here...." she said waving a finger. "oooh I like the sound of this" I rubbed my hands together as I walked over to her. "Look..." she held up a sonogram of the twins, "Baby A and Baby B?" I read out loud, "Yes...Baby A is over here...and Baby B is right there...Dr. Evans mailed it out to us." I looked at the picture and then back up at her "Which one is mine?" I asked. Suddenly Theresa's face went dark, "Are you fucking serious? did you really just ask me that Freddie? they are both yours!!!" she cried out. "Darling don't get upset I did not mean it to sound cruel but the truth of the matter is one of these children have a different father." Theresa looked at me blankly "It's still my child...apart of said you love everything about you won't love my child? this other person will have no part of its life..." she said waiting for my response. I simply nodded and took a sip of my drink, Theresa went upstairs slamming the door behind her. "...perfect just perfect...." I mumbled to myself.

The phone rang "Hello?" I answered. " this Mr. Mercury" the voice asked, "It is..." I said rolling my eyes, "This Dr. Evans". "Oh hello doctor" he continued to speak "I just wanted to call and make sure Theresa is feeling alright...did you guys get the sonogram I sent..." I rolled my eyes even harder this time "Yes...we did actually and she is feeling fine to my knowledge." I told him, "Yes well I am aware you have returned to Munich but I think it is best Theresa continues to be under my care for the remainder of her pregnancy....i'll fly myself out to check on her monthly until she gives birth." he sounded kind of odd, "Um no that won't be necessary...we are going to get a doctor here in offense to you..." I said lighting a cigarette, "Sir...with all due respect not a lot of doctors specialize in the kind of care Theresa will my medical opinion I highly suggest she continues to see me..." I was starting to get frustrated, "Look I don't give a shit about this kind of and Theresa can talk about it...I'll ask her to come to the phone." I put the phone down before he could respond. I walked up the stairs to the bedroom "Theresa my love, Dr. Evan's is on the phone he wants to talk to you." She opened the door walking past me as if I was invisible. "Hello?" I heard her speak. "Yes...yes...really? okay...thank you so much for calling...yes the 23rd is fine...okay see you then..." I heard Theresa hang up the phone. "What did he say?" I asked her, "Who wants to know?" she asked flipping her hair at me, "Me..." I replied back, "Oh now you care?" she said with her back towards me. "Oh Theresa don't be so fucking ridiculous, of course I care." she continued to walk away. "Well?!" I called out, "He wants me to remain his patient...he is going to be here the 23rd of next month to check up on me." I grabbed her arm, "Theresa....stop...I am sorry for what I said earlier...I will be here for you and both babies...every step of the way." I held her tight, she gave in and held me back. "I didn't ask for this either you know, if I could change it I would...." she looked up at me with her big brown eyes. I fall in love deeper every time....

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