Wedding bells and gunshots! (Part 3)

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I stopped by a coffee shop and sat outside thinking of everything so many why's. I looked across the street and seen a car that looks like my dad and there were a girl in the front seat. I grabbed a newspaper to cover my face but I continued looking at the car. I then looked to see my dad walking out of the office and the girl stepped out of the car I couldn't believe my eyes I put the paper down and started walking across the street. My dad looked up at me and had a scared look on his face, than she turned around it was Jenna. WTF!!! Are you doing I thought you was dead and dad how could you what about mom does she knows about this. Jenna got back in the car and drove off I ran to get in my car and drove off right behind her. The phone starting ringing it read Shane but I ignored him, and I kept going I had to catch up to her finally she pulled over near a condo and got out the car. I jumped out running after her I pulled her arm and slapped the shit out of her Smack! How fucking dare you and you faked your DEATH! Your mom thinks your dead I blamed myself for a year thinking you was Smack! Smack! Kylie listen I had to it was a set up please listen I would be dead and you as well I had to do this in order to save my family but I had to fake this I'm sorry . Why Jenna why because Kylie my family owe your dad money Shane also so I promised to fake my death and be submissive to your dad. Trust me I hate it and I'm not happy about this my mom knows I'm alive she knows exactly what's going on. But at the club what happen... Kylie ! It was all a set up now go please, Jenna went inside looking back and disappeared in the crowd. I got in the car and drove back to "Our" mansion I can't believe this the hurt the lies and I just can't take anymore. Shane kept calling the phone and I ignored it I looked at the clock and realized it's been 4 hours that has gone by, I'm sure Shane is furious but I don't care I have questions. I pulled into the driveway and there were other cars there as well I got out and walked up to the door. I pushed the door open and walked in I heard men talking in the kitchen so I decided to walk the other way. Where the FUCK! Have you been I jumped and turned around meeting the face of the devil himself. Shane started walking towards me and I became afraid, I forgot what he can do to me I started running up the stairs and Shane ran behind me. I ran in a room shutting and locking the door also shutting and locking the bathroom door. I looked to see if there was something I can use to knock him out I've had enough of this shit. I heard him bust the room door open yelling my name. I open the closet door and closed it softly and I found a lil space between the clothes at the bottom I hide behind the black pants. Please don't let this man get me, he bust through the bathroom door I started shaking I was so afraid this man is evil and fights me like we're in a boxing ring. He opened the closet door and I seen him looking around, I locked the bedroom and the bathroom door I know yo ass in here now come out before shit get out of control. I wasn't going out there nope I rather him find me, he started knocking down shoe boxes and clothes on the other side I had to make a run for it he was getting closer and closer. Finally I made a run for it POW! POW! I fell to the floor with my hands covering my head Shane fired two shots above my head I just knew he shot me. Bitch you think I enjoy chasing you huh SMACK! He slapped me I tried to stop him Shane please, PLEASE WHAT you got me wondering where you were and Sam told me ya ass met up with Lisa I picked her stupid ass up from the airport trying to run away. What's up with y'all women I can't go on business for a week without getting a call. Shane threw me on the bed I want you to get naked NOW, wha-what why I asked Shane took out his gun and started moving closer. I started taking my clothes off and Shane started getting undressed he placed his gun down and climbed on top of me. Listen you know I care for you right these women are liars they mad cause they can see that I'm digging you. He started kissing me and biting my neck I was to afraid to kiss him back and when he notice he stopped. What's wrong with you Kylie? A tear fell from my eyes, I seen Jenna with my dad Shane looked shocked and he climbed off me and sat on the other side of me. Ok so what do you want to know he asked well why can't we just pay for our family debts, you know verses going through all this. Shane looked at me and stood up wrapping a towel around him, Kylie someone has to suffer and it's not about the money as you see I have billions it's about the loyalty. And the fact we were like family and they allowed the enemy to come in and steal money right under there Fucking nose. All because your dad likes to get High on drugs and so does Jenna's dad and fell asleep to long and woke up all the drugs and money gone. But the war isn't over this is why I keep you with me or locked up there are men that want me dead and everyone on my team. So anything else you would like to know Shane said looking at me, yes I thought you said you would stop you know hurting me. Well I'm trying this how I been before meeting you I was way worse, you do things that trigger that side running all the time or doing things I ask you not to do. AYE BOSS! Some guy yelled from the other side of the door, I started putting my clothes on Shane opened the door yeah what's up hell you yelling for my nigga. Some hoe was having sex with two niggas in ya crib you seen the video camera, nah probably the maids they some hoes and be fucking the mail man and shit Shane said shaking his head. But I also knew I did the same thing I started sweating in fear he'd find out, if Shane knew I had sex with not one but two guys I'm dead for sure. Nah man come see this it was only one girl, I started walking towards the door where you going Shane said grabbing my arm. To the store to get some things for my personal needs Shane continued holding my arm and glaring at me, ok but you better be back in 5 minutes... 5 minutes really it takes that long just to get in the car. Well in that case you might as well stay home come on Kylie we just had that talk, I know relax I'll be back in 5 Shane turned me loose and I headed downstairs and out to the car. I'm so afraid what if he notice it's me and he kills me, so many thoughts are running through my head right now Ring! The phone scared me and I jumped. I looked and it was Shane calling me at this point I just wanted to die last time he beat me it was horrible. I still get flash backs on that night and I often have dreams I took a deep breath and answered the phone. Hello! Yeah umm can you pick up two loafs of bread and two paper towels and also two jugs of water. I thought to myself what's up with the two items omg ! He knows and that's his way of letting me know. Hello Kylie did you get that! Don't make me re- NO ! I got it I heard you and ok I'll bring that back for you. We hung up and I parked and walked in the store I got some things for myself and the things Shane asked for. Finally checking out and grabbing my bags heading to the car I couldn't help but think about Jenna and my dad. This is unbelievable but this the life we have to live unfortunately, I got in the car and headed home Ring! I checked the caller i.d it read unknown I answered anyway. Hello! Hey this Lisa and I have Kesh on the phone as well, oh ok what's this about I asked tell her Kesh. I started hearing crying I-I lost the baby, ok and why are you calling and telling me because it was because of you! and I'm not at all blaming you but Shane he beat me that night he beat you. What! Idk what your talking about now I'm about to hang up NO! Listen we all know about the personal doctors taking care of you. I'm not here to tell you what to do but you need to get out of there before he kills you. And why should I listen to you aren't you the one that's been here before me and your never leaving him right. Yes I know what I said ok and honestly I waited around thinking he would change, and even though you see the worst of him I can tell he really likes you. Just don't loose his trust or it's a nightmare on elms street for you and don't get pregnant by him or don't let him know. The phone was then disconnected Hello! Hello! I finally pulled back up to the mansion the cars were gone I took out the bags and walked up the stairs and unlocked the door. I put the bags down in the kitchen and started walking up the stairs when I felt someone behind me, I jumped when I saw it was Shane standing there with black sweat pants on with no shirt. Come on let's go upstairs he took my hand and guided me upstairs, go take a shower I'll wait for you out here. I walked in the bathroom and turned on the shower I was cautious of him cause I never saw this side of him. Maybe he's up to something he's to calm I'll watch him more something about him is off. I washed my hair and put on perfume and lotion just to feel more fresh, Shane had the lights on low and there was a huge tv screen pulled down in front of the bed. Shane looked at me and signaled me to come lay beside him, press play we going to watch a movie than later make our own. (Rewind: after Kylie left the house)
I watched as she left to go to the store Shane! Mane come on this lil shawty this ain't no damn maids man she fucked two niggas not one but two! Nigga play the tape I said getting real tight with this nigga. Cause I know Kylie ain't this stupid to pull some shit like this with a nigga. My homie Max press play and I watched the men enter my home and up the elevator they headed in a room, you see them undressing and she's taking both their dicks. Man I can't even tell you how I'm feeling I'm stuck between how angry I am she brought strangers in my home. And the loyalty and she lets them enter her sweet pussy man this some bullshit CUT IT OFF!! I snapped at Max y'all get the fuck out my house GO!! I yelled I was raging I wanted to call this lying as BITCH and curse her out. I tried calling but it was busy Fuck imma kill her a long slow death. How could she do this to me and in my own house while I was here. Damn I actually care about this girl that's not good for her though I'll play it cool for now but she will pay. I finally seen her arrive so I had to get it together before she catch on to my awkwardness. Shane where is the play button on here I don't see it. Shane took the remote from me and looked at me, hey he said can I ask you some sure what's up. Besides me who else you had sex with or sucked off other than me or Sam. Omg ! He knows it's me I started sitting up in the bed, where you going Shane asked uh I have to pee be back I went to the bathroom and I don't know what to do I mean I can't run. Where would I go I took deep breaths and I flushed the unused toilet. I walked out and Shane was still laying in the same place Shane had already pressed play and there I was all over the screen. Shane I was coming out to tell you the truth, Shane kept his eyes on the video playing on the screen. I only did it cause I caught you having sex with the maids the same night of our fake wedding. Shane closed his eyes and I seen him make a fist and he opened his eyes and started looking at me, he stood up from the bed and made his way towards me I started backing up waiting to take what ever he was ready to throw at me. Shane pushed me up against the wall staring me in my face he put his hand behind his back. I'm so afraid of this man right now, he pulled out his phone hey y'all come on up. I was confused about who he was talking to than there was a knock at the door, come in Shane said my eyes grew big it was the guys from that night. Well guys since I'm trying to change and I paid y'all to do a job for me just remember what I said not to do. Shane what is this before Shane walked out he said oh baby I'm giving you what you want, I want put my hands on you cause I'll kill you and I'm not having sex with you so they will do all this for me. He left and I turned around watching both men from the same night walk up to me that night was a horror film. I was beat and raped seem like for hours, and I screamed for Shane to help me of course he didn't when they were finish with me. One kissed me and the other wrote his number down and both men walked out the door. I ran and took a shower and I cried myself to sleep that night, Shane will never forgive me and I'm sure he still wants to kill me .

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