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I started getting scared not knowing what to do next I started crying. Sam walked over to me putting my hair behind my ear, then he whispered don't worry I'll go nice and slow I started crying even more then he signaled for the guard to take me upstairs. He put me in the room slamming and locking the door I ran and jumped on the bed. I continued to cry until I heard someone at the door and the door came open and Sam walked in shutting the door behind him. He then walked over to me and stood at the front of the bed, sit up and shut up before you make me more mad I told yo ass not to piss me off. I got up and did as I was told I did not want to make things more worse Sam put his hand on my face and lifted my head making me look into his eyes. Go take a shower baby and I'll wait for you out here and don't keep me waiting to long Sam said while giving me a mean look. I got up but Sam pushed me back down causing me to lay back on the bed, damn girl I want to take you right here right now but I'll wait. Sam got up and walked over to the closet and started taking off his jewelry he then looked back at me, he cleared his throat I thought I asked you to take a shower why are you still in my presence he asked. With no hesitation I got up and walked to the door that was halfway open, before I walked in I was grabbed by Sam he pushed me back slamming and licking the door NEVER GO IN THERE he shouted. I jumped from him raising his voice scaring me then I spoke up I thought that was the bathroom I never been here before so how was I suppose to know. Sam started walking up to me backing me into the wall, take off your clothes Sam whispered. I started taking my clothes off then I heard a bang at the same door he had locked, what's in there I asked him but he ignored me so I continued to take off my clothes when I finally heard a man like he was trying to yell it sounded a little like Shane's voice. I pushed Sam back and unlocked the door Shane stared me in my eyes than looked down at my body. Then I felt a towel go over my mouth ( end of flash back) I woke up in complete darkness Sam had left the room. I struggled trying to get myself free but there was no use, then a door came open I could hear  someone breathing then I heard a belt buckle. I closed my eyes because I knew where this was headed but I'm still unsure who this person was. Then I felt a touch on my leg go up to my thigh than between my legs, then a finger went inside of me I let out a soft moan but I fought to hold it all in. Please I said don't do that just let me go I promise not to run, then there were two fingers inside of me I started to tear up so confused and scared at the same time. Then the door open BOSS HE LEFT ! we can't find him, then I heard running and the door slammed and locked. Who can't they find I thought to myself could it be Shane has escaped I started to get happy. then suddenly I heard something under my bed and I heard breathing than he stood tall on the side of me. Shane I said he put his hand over my mouth than started freeing me from this bed I got up and hugged him so tight. Come on we have to go he said and he open the window I stood there and he looked back at me, let's go the fuck you doing really I said I'm naked dummy. He took off his shirt and gave it to me and he jumped out the window I jumped behind him, suddenly I heard gun shots and we ran out of nowhere there was a black Audi and it was headed in our direction. I stopped and Shane yelled get in the car so I started back running we both jumped in and drove off. We both were trying to catch our breath I jumped on top of Shane and started kissing him I missed him to much. Shane stopped me and stared in my eyes I could sense he was thinking about something what I asked him do he touch you he asked no Shane we did not have sex I tried to get off him but he wouldn't let me move than why the fuck was you naked when you opened the door. Shane are you serious right now after all I've been through your calling me a liar right now ANSWER ME he yelled NO we did not have sex ok he wanted me to take a shower he made me take my clothes off. I started tearing up Shane pushed me off him I was so confused why he didn't believe me. We made it to his private jet and got on soon we were in the air, where are we going I asked Shane he ignored me I got up and went in the room than you the bathroom to shower I felt so dirty. Thoughts went through my mind why is Shane so angry with me and don't trust me, I washed my hair and started washing my body Shane came in he was naked. He then started brushing his teeth looking at me through the mirror, I turned away and finished up I didn't have time for this not right now. Shane got in the shower and I got out I brushed my teeth and walked out, I dried my hair and put on a t shirt there was food on the table and I was starving. Shane finally came out but walked past me and went out the room shutting the door, I laid down and let sleep take over me.

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