Perfect night gone wrong

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I woke up and noticed we had touched Jamaica, I looked out the window admiring the beautiful scenery. I notice I didn't here anyone on the plane I decided to get up and shower before I got off, 30 minutes later I was feeling fresh and relaxed. I walked off the plane and everyone was waiting around, Montez was nowhere to be found and neither was Blue's sister. What's her name anyway I thought to myself she never even mentioned her name. I walked over to the rest of the crew and Blue walked over to me, how was the flight she asked it was fine I replied. There was a small boat approaching us and I was so confused where are we even going I asked Blue, well this boat is taking us to our new home for a couple of weeks oh ok I replied finally the boat came  and we got on. We started getting close to a beautiful mansion and it was right by the beach, we reached and everyone got off  right this way Blue said so we all followed her. I finally reached my room and it was so nice so perfect, I closed the door and ran and jumped in my bed. I had a nice ass balcony and view that showed the ocean, I walked out on the balcony and I notice a second balcony. Then Wayne walked out and we both locked eyes, I smiled a little so I see we're neighbors he said. Yeah it seems that way I replied so where are we exactly I asked Wayne. Nassau my love he replied smiling you ever been here before he asked, no my first time I told him well then he said you must go on a tour it's nice here you will fall in love. When are we going I asked him Wayne looked shocked from my question, oh um I'll ask Montez about it I instantly rolled my eyes what's that for he said. I'll just go alone I told him and I walked back in my room, I put on a cute loose shirt with some shorts and laid on the bed turning on the tv. There was a knock at my door I ignored it the door came open anyway, hey Montez wants to see you Blue said peeking inside my room, wow you have a beautiful room to this is nice we're going to have so much fun. "We" I replied walking past her yes we girl listen my sister will be stuck under Montez, I want to get out and have fun you know and you should come with me. I could use some fun in my life so that's a yes Blue said looking at me, I rolled my eyes yeah I'll go YAAAY!!! Blue shouted I walked in the room without knocking. Big mistake I said to myself Blue's sister was on the bed naked and I could see Montez standing in the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. I cleared my throat and he and I locked eyes, he looked over at Blue's sister baby do you mind. Baby? I thought to myself she smiled and kissed him like she was trying to make me jealous I turned my back walking out to the balcony. Finally Montez walked out as well, are you jealous he asked me, not even a little bit what do you want I asked him. I wanted to see how you was doing I'm great is that all I said walking past him, Montez grabbed me by my wrist don't walk away from me he said I tried to get out of his grip but couldn't. I put distance between us, he pulled me into his chest god he smelled so good but I'm not going to get tricked by him anymore. He started rubbing his manhood on my inner thigh, could you stop I told him but he wouldn't. Listen I need to leave I have a date when I said that Montez stopped and looked at me. A date with who he asked me but I ignored him and pushed him off and left the room. Later that night I got dressed and there was a knock at the door, come in I yelled Wayne walked in and was staring at me wow your beautiful he said. Thanks Wayne I try I replied so where you girls going he asked oh we going to some night club. Oh yeah which one I looked at Wayne with a I don't know look, right I forgot your new here well we all are going out he said. What do you mean we all I asked him he started laughing the whole crew. This is going to be a long night I thought to myself but I'll try to drink as much as I can. We walked downstairs and Shane and Montez both had their eyes locked in on me. I walked next to Blue we all went in the same limo I sat close to the door away from everyone. Blue's sister was giving me nasty looks and I just smiled cause yeah I'm that bitch. Why you sitting so far Montez asked me WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE Blue's sister yelled out. Montez looked at Blue and said you better control your sister cause once I'm done with her you will be more than angry, no she's grown Blue said looking out the window. Fuck both of you she yelled she was now looking in my direction, your enjoying this aren't you she asked me but I kept it cute by ignoring her. We finally arrived and I was the first to get out we all got out well not all of us Blue's sister was about to step out until she was pulled back in. We will be awhile go in without us Montez said sounding angry, he slammed the door shut and you heard screaming and then the limo drove off. Yikes! I said and Blue walked past me walking into the club the music was so loud and all I smelled was weed and alcohol. We walked over to the bar and took shots we finally started dancing and having a good time. I felt someone grab me and it was a handsome guy tall dark with dreads we started dancing then kissing. I took him to the bathroom and locked the door we were kissing and touching all over each other. I love you the guy said in his accent, I ignored him and kept kissing him. I took off his shirt and he picked me up sitting me on the counter, we kept kissing suddenly he stopped kissing me and I opened my eyes. He fell to the floor behind him stood a mad man that man was Montez. Hi I said smiling at him but he didn't show any emotion I guess it's safe to say he still have feelings for me.

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