Tell me something

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I had to get myself together I'm not going to lie I feel a little emotional I never thought about Wayne in that way until last night. And sex was everything, but I'm marrying this asshole maybe I should run away and ask Wayne to come with me. But who am I kidding no one is to be trusted, I want to get down to the bottom of Ash conversation I wonder who she was talking to. My door came open and it was Ash I was surprised to see her standing in my doorway, may I help you I asked her Ash walked over and sat down crossing her legs. I know you and Wayne have something going on she said, I rolled my eyes and before I was about to speak she cut me off. Listen I don't care what you and Wayne have going on cause he's a hoe like the rest. But he is my sisters boyfriend but I'm sure you knew that already, I was a little shocked but I did not let it show on my face. She stood up smiling at me but we are all hoes right? she then walked out of my room, I heard loud talking nothing but men voices  I decided to peep when I notice some guys standing around laughing then I saw Wayne. We both locked eyes I was giving him the death stare, he was about to walk over to me then we both heard Montez  greeting the men. So he stayed I sighed with relief I wasn't ready to face him yet about Ash conversation. Montez spotted me and signaled for me to come to him, hello gentlemen this is my soon to be wife Montez said. Anyone dare to lust over her will die I promise you that, I looked at Wayne who had his eyes set on Blue. I became jealous but why I thought to myself he's just like the rest. Wayne noticed me staring at him and quickly looked away, Montez grabbed my hand leading me to the room. He closed the door and turned back to look at me, so what have you been doing he asked? What do you mean I answered back to him, a small smile grew on his face which always made me nervous. I stood there watching him watch me I honestly was afraid to move, I wonder if Ash went back telling him anything she may have heard. Montez took his clothes off standing in front of me he was completely naked, take your clothes off and shower with me he said so I did. We both walked to the bathroom and entered the shower, he cut the water on and turned looking at me he stood over me looking into my eyes. Because he's much bigger than I am he made me feel so small, why are you so nervous you should be more relaxed he said calmly. Well you haven't been that nice to me so I don't know how to take you I said, and I backed up from him pressing my back to the wall of the shower. He stared at me and placed his hands above my head , are you keeping something from me he asked. I shook my head no so why are you acting like you are, all these crazy ass text messages that you send me I try to ignore them. I could barely finish my meeting so I cut it short to come and show you all of the attention you been asking for. I looked at him and rolled my eyes he then grabbed my neck and started to squeeze it then he smashed his lips into mines. I honestly was turned off from him especially with the whole Ash situation. He stopped and looked at me, is something wrong he asked me I shook my head no, he got on his knees letting the water fall all over his hair and face. Open your legs he said while looking up at me.No! Get up I told him Montez pushed me back into the shower wall forcing my legs around his shoulder. I felt his tongue on me and I started to moan fuck I'm not suppose to be enjoying this but I have to admit this is what I fell for. His head game was so addictive I continued to moan and grab his head, he deepened his tongue inside of me and I felt my leg shaking immediately about to reach my high. Ah ! Ah! Fuck! Montez kept going and my pussy  became sensitive. Stop! I said while laughing but he wouldn't, I tried to put my legs back down but he wouldn't let me. Then suddenly it started to feel good all over again, I started moaning again he put me down and picked me up putting his dick inside of me. I was falling for this man all over again I guess this is what I needed but he's just like the rest. But he will soon be my husband even though he's an asshole, I continued to moan in pleasure when suddenly the door open to the bathroom. Who the fuck could that be I thought to myself, yo Montez Wayne yelled out we have another meeting boss. Montez was a little irritated hey man next time wait until you see me I'm a little busy Montez replied. Then suddenly the door closed, damn that just turned me off Montez said staring at me. Yeah same here I whispered, so we showered and got dressed we both laid back on the bed and I had questions so I decided to ask Montez a few of them. Hey can I ask you something I said softly, yeah what's up he said do you love me or do you love Ash more?. Wow that's like two questions he said side eyeing me, listen I love and want to be with you Ash is just someone that I've known awhile but she always Ben sneaky. What do you mean I asked him, Well women like that you have to look out for. And the ones that are good you keep around, I'll never replace you I love you Montez said. I shook my head understanding his answer and I was able to relax a little, anymore questions he asked I shook my head no. He then jumped up scaring me FUCK! I forgot about this meeting, it better be important because I just want to relax now that I'm back. I watched him put on his rob heading out of the room, I'll be back soon he said as he closed the door. I laid down on the bed and looked out the window, not sure what that meeting will be about but I just hope it doesn't involve me.

(Montez POV)

I walked down the hallway and notice the bathroom door open with music coming out of it, I peeped in to find Ash in the tub she looked up watching me. She smiled and winked at me I know exactly what she was up to but I have to end it with her soon. You like what you see Ash said smiling at me I cleared my throat listen we need to talk I told her, she started licking her lips. What kind of talk she said sitting up enough for me to see her breast, we not fucking anymore we DONE! Ash looked at me like she damn near wanted to cry. And have some respect my wife is here keep the door closed I said and slammed the door shut. I walked to the kitchen and typed in a code near the fridge there's a door here but you can't tell, it looks like a wall. The door slid to the side and I walked in all my men were sitting in a circle, they had me a bit worried not knowing what this meeting was about. I sat on top of my desk and Wayne walked up to me and so did Tae which was another one of my homies. So what's up I spoke are y'all about to sing to me or what I asked laughing a little. Boss we have proof that she knows who killed your mom, I began to get sad and angry at the same time who the FUCK IS SHE! I yelled out DOES SHE HAVE A NAME!? It's Ash Tae said. And I froze like a dear in the head lights, I'm going to kill this hoe I thought to myself. But there's more boss your wife knew about the information and never told you, I was in disbelief I relived that whole situation with loosing both parents I'm more than angry. I left the room looking for my powder it helps me to relax, but also numb and I'll need it for what I'm about to do to these BITCHES!

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